[-=The Regulars of #marilyn_manson_freaks=-]


Name: Cassondra
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Location: BFE (Bum Fuck Egypt)
Likes: da glass dick, nipples, My favourite customer: BoB_ThE_Tw0_HeAdEd_OyStER, my coochie cooch, speed, large penises, choklit covered "cherries", monkey diapers, bubblegum, toenail clippings, and girls named Ester
Dislikes: hairy nipples, small penises, vanilla covered "cherries", old people diapers, owl pellets, bowel movements in my sandbox, fingernail clippings, and guys named Ester
spit or swallow?: yes
Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/tx/lollipopkid
Picture: Cassondra'z Pic


Name: Terri Mooney
Age: merely 14
Gender: Female
Location: Illinois, USA
Likes: heavy metal music, getting fucked up, killing people
Dislikes: close-minded assholes, skinheads, my family, rap
Spit or swallow: Swallow of course, it's only polite


Name: steph
Age: 806
Gender: Female
Location: The South Pole
Likes: drugs, heights, alcohol, sex, and anything fun
Dislikes: uhm... I'm pretty laid back, but I don't like to make it a habit of being to happy
Spit or Swallow: Who in the God Damn Hell wants to know¿


Name: saad
Age: 23
Gender: male
Location: islamabad, pakistan
Likes: everybody. innocent until proven guilty
Hates: stubborn, power hungry, losers who have nothing better to do than to make other people's lives miserable
Spit or Swallow: n/a


Name: Chad Aarseth
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Location: The Nicest parts of Hell
Likes: programming, being dead, playing bass, listening to music
Dislikes: assholes, people who think theyre better than anyone else, depression, music, computers..........etc
Spit or Swallow: neither, im hetero
Picture: NecroMncer'z Pic


Name: Chaos
Age: 16 (even though he acts like hes 8)
Location: South Carolina
Likes: Bwahahaaa.... erm. Girls. Computers. Games. WoD. Anything else RP. Food.
Dislikes: Being bored, dead, sick, hungry, in pain, anything that makes me whine.
Comments: He's a big pain in the ass but he's interesting and entertaining, so I dont kick him too often ;)


Name: cathy hodge
Age: 04 (i wish)15.(i wish i was a kiddie!)
Gender: little baby girl!
Location: texas, yes, the land of kickers and white trash (or both)
Likes: JACK DANEILS!!!(or jim beam if im out)sleep, acting like a little girl, being very hyper,carmal sunday crunch ice cream( the shit only comes out 3 months a year!)and, um...SEX,SEX,SEX, and starting riots.
Dislikes:MIKE STEWART!(little fuckin queer!)being told what to do, stupid ass preps, and..um...ill think of more later.
How long have you been coming here: fuck, i dont know.i have a twisted sence of time
spit or swallow: i can do both, but it really depends on how drunk i am Other Shit: ill probobly change my mind on all of this shit, so, dont take it seriously


Real Name: Adina Cameo (no middle name damnit)
Birfday: September 17, 1982 (the cursed day)
Sex: Female
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Likes: I LOVE Chad (Ncromancr). I love my Veronica (Skylia). Hells I Love my kuala bear. I Love my white horse (they're stuffed animals btw). I Love my Sesame street sheets. I Love kissing. I Love crows. I Love the sky. I Love the moon and stars. I Love night. I Love rain. I Love foggy clouds. Hellz I Love everything but myself!
Dislikes: I Dislove myself the most.I Dislove the sun. I Dislove mean people. I Dislove people who disrespect what other people beleive in. I don't Dislove alot but I Love alot.
How long have you been here: I've been on this thingy for about 2 years or something, mabye 3. I've been an Op on and off, depending on how much people Love me which isn't much :(
Spit or Swallow: I Spit and Swallow, Spit when I hava cigg, swallow when I kiss
Picture: Silvergirl-3'z Pic


Name: Melissa
Age: halfway to 30
Gender: female
Location: California
Likes: music, designing her room, writing, going to clubs, going on the net, and hanging with friends..
Dislikes: snoby goths, close-minded people, and people who are suicidal or dependant upon drugs that just screw up their lives.
Homepage: http://members.wbs.net/homepages/b/i/l/bile14/index.html
Picture: Len0re'z Pic