The Talljet Quartet

afra - a way station in the Sargasso space;

AmChiera - Save us;

Ashagedra - planet of city of Gvz and Pholtana shipyard;

Athos - Lieutenant, Betazoid, assigned to Starfleet Diplomatic Corps;

Azbury, Adela - busy matron on DS9, one of Garak's better customers;

Bchians - Hobie's pirate allies;

Bhomgharrid, Ramon - galactic patent and intellectual property attorney;

Brina - EO's homeworld;

Byrizya - Communications Mate on Neria-Tza's ship;

Cbira - Zbricacolvir's flagship;

Cheq- half (adjective, suffix);

Csirra II - country home of the Rell of Vron and his consort, SaRijaDeVulCheq;

Cvomi or Cvomian - Long-lived empath species;

Cyratata Shipyards - one of Hobie's, Talljet Ltd's, shipyards;

Czlyovia - Center of Zbricacolvir's Autonomous Zone and his base of operations;

Djerian - Hobie's personal empath Pholana physician;

Doxoru, Olivier - Starfleet Captain of the USS Jane Boies, assigned to support combat operations in the S System, genetically engineered Terran, Rubicion's cousin;

Drisa - (Dance) like a Wario except sexier: the passive partner's hands are crossed behind their back and the lead's right hand is in his partner's right hand and left in my left (not unlike a Shakaar, which is like an Imman [see dances from _After the Rescue_];

Dysecdysis - Difficulty in shedding of reptile skin;

Ecdysis - Shedding of reptile skin;

EO - Edgar Osborne nee Eykra Oxyahara; a negotiator and marriage broker ;

Fara - beautiful one (noun);

Fara - the beautiful, the beautiful one (suffix);

Gnarsa - Romulan quadrupeds ridden in Rom hound hunts;

Gvz, city of - location of the Pholtana shipyard;

Gyharine - boy for sale;

Hemzjit - let's go;

Hochofedra - oh well, ah well, as god wills it, it shall it be done, whatever, life goes on, what can you do?, we'll see, let's see, why not?, let's try it, whyever?, let's not try it, etc. (always accompanied by a shrug, often used as part of a farewell);

Idrizians - Hobie's pirate allies;

Issoleanian Pirates - A threat to the peace and prosperity of the Vron system until the Vron's alliance with the Tossarian Pirates and SaRija's marriage;

Izera 5 - disputed planet, taken by Zbricacolvir at the cost of 10K+ lives;

JetCheq - lit. half Talljet, used to refer to the Talljet offspring;

Krinat - the dancer;

Laninin - Yrit and Gvo's son, adopted (purchased) by Hobie, raised by Ling and Qhoshi;

Memphis, Johnny - Commander, one of Garak's better customers and friends;

Micrian rugs - the very best rugs hand woven by the people of Micria and very difficult to acquire unless you have a lot of money and know someone in the Gozshedrefreingin Commune, which set up the cooperatives and manages the distribution. It was Farro's idea as a solution to the poverty he saw on Micrian and it's working: everyone is employed and the suppliers are paid on time;

Mr. Yrit and Mr. Gvo (Mr. Death and Mr. Suffering) - empath/telepath MageCheq bounty hunters;

Mraht -Oh, Lord;

Neria-Tza - Hobie's comrade and business partner;

Noli - younger brother;

Nolo - elder brother;

Norleu, Henry (Harley) - former Admiral for DS9's sector;

Nyra - cruel telepathic pirates;

Obeck - the Talljets' Kardasi teacher and one of Garak's victims from his Obsidian Order days;

Oblata - (dance) Relatively (only a few hundred Standard years old) Cardassian dance. In many ways a reflection of the society it sprang from: one leader and his subordinate lead the dance and the rest followed in rigid and precise imitation. All the subordinate dancers devoted themselves to perfectly replicating the leader's steps, which created a complex pattern of repetition and variation;

Obsta Fira - Thief, scoundrel, negotiator and marriage broker depending on the deal and the money (note: his one honest, from the heart mission - to restore Maja to Sarek - began a chain of events that brought the galaxy to the brink of all out war);

Olio - (suffix) darling;

Otoz - First Mate on Neria-Tza's ship;

Ouyulia - Zbricacolvir's First Mate;

Phol or Pholana - Long-lived empath species;

Pholtana shipyard - where Hobie apprenticed as a shipbuilder;

Phrenacine - Commander, Terran, chief engineer of Wiskott-Aldrich's flagship ;

Qhoshi - madam of Ling's joyhouse, lead empath whore, managing director of Talljet Inc., former novice in the Yzerianian Oracle priestesshood;

Qwoobas - small Romulan game hunted on Gnarsa-back;

Rell of Vron, The - leader of the Vron system, SaRijaDeVulCheq's spouse;

Rubicion, Darcy - Federation Marine Colonel, S System frontier Special Forces, genetically engineered Terran, Captain Olivier Doxoru's cousin;

Seniz, Ph.D. - aeronautical engineer, Federation Institute of Technology (FedTech);

Shiiiiow - Nonsensical noise the Talljets and other Patois speakers make to communicate telepathically when they're not using actual words;

Sivarg, Professor Sivarg, Vulcan physicist from the Vulcan Institute;

Smig, HRH - often called Mig - Jir's secretary and sometimes understudy in Jir's theatrical company, also a Vulcan attorney;

Syjat - Vulcan attorney;

Tarians - Hobie's pirate allies;

ThiaZole - Cvomi masseur, former empath;

Tsra - Formal meeting between prospective spouses;

Tymat - Garak's Romulan groom lover;

Tziviian Autonomous Zone - part of the Sargasso Space, a space highly conductive to the powerful telepathic energy of it's inhabitants, difficult for non native telepaths to be unshielded in for any length of time;

Tziviians - very scary telepathic pirates;

Wiskott-Aldrich, Cyril - new Admiral for DS9's sector;

Xriet Gul Tirn Xriet - Head of troop training and deployment for Cardassian Occupation of Bajor;

Yhonians - Hobie's pirate allies;

Zbricacolvir - a pirate


Hobie Talljet, Hobie Tossara (of Tossar), Hobie the Pirate, Harold Easton Castairs - eldest Talljet, shipbuilder, entrepreneur;

Jir Talljet, Jira Krinat (Jir the Dancer), Yuri Gregorovich Romsky - Hobie's younger brother, dancer, attorney licensed to appear before the Vulcan bar;

Stonet - Jir's life partner and father of Hobeia;

Maja Talljet, Master Gozine Gozshedrefreingin Ghet, Gozine the Confessor, Michael James MacQuarrie - Jir's younger brother, Klingon Master Sculptor, head of the Gozshedrefreingin Commune;

Ling Talljet, Ling Gyharine (Ling the Whore), Louis Phillipe Duvallier - Maja's younger brother, developmental economist, chartered accountant, prostitute, tycoon, and author;

Stez - lover and business partner of Ling Talljet;

Tien Gozshedrefreingin baMajaKhat, Master Khat - Maja Talljet's eldest son, Master Painter of the Klingon Empire, Member of the Gozshedrefreingin Commune of the most Holy Klingon Church;

Hraja baMajaKhat - Maja Talljet's middle son. Sculptor residing in the Federation, former member of the Gozshedrefreingin Commune of the most Holy Klingon Church;

Farro Gozshedrefreingin baMajaKhat, Master Khat - Maja Talljet's youngest son, Master Sculptor of the Klingon Empire, prominent member of the Gozshedrefreingin Commune of the most Holy Klingon Church.

Polmira, Lyra and Bot Tossaria (children of Tossar) - Hobie Talljet's children with Tossar the Pirate, frequently residing with their cousins in the Gozshedrefreingin Commune;

Prince Strig - A Vulcan and Polmira's spouse;

HobeiaDeVulCheq, Rezdi (the Gambler) and Catanya Krinatia (of the Dancer), Jir's children;

SaKoszt, SaDobra, SaRija - Ling's children with Stez;

~*~ End of Notes ~*~

Talljet Quartet © Karmen Ghia 2001 original content only or

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