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Updated: May 21/22 2005 (Humphreys Peak, Arizona)
Went with Christi to camp on ridge of Humphreys Peak (12,633'). Weather was awesome!

Here is Chrisit hiking up to camp on the ridge. Below is Snow Bowl.

Here is camp with Agaziz in background.


Sunday morning: Me at camp relaxing, ...posing for Chippendales.

Sunday morning: Christi (top) and me (bottom).

Updated: May 28/30 2005 (Mt. Whitney, California)
Another trip with Christi to climb Mt. Whitney, the highest point in the lower 48's at 14,494'. Weather was perfect!

Day 1: Started at trailhead (~8400') in the warmth and thrashed through the gully and up to Lower Boy Scout Lake. (Left: Christi. Right: Me.)

Day 1: Continued up past Upper Boy Scout Lake and camped at base of headwall to Iceberg Lake (~12,200'). (Left: Christi moving up above Upper Boy Scout Lake. Right: Christi finally in view of Keeler Needle and Mt. Whitney.)

Day 2: Moved up headwall to Iceberg Lake. Decided to climb up the iced-up waterfall to get to the headwall. Here, Christi checks out the icicles and hard packed snow.

Day 2: Climbed the gully of the Mountaineer's Route and then above the notch to get to the summit. Here, Christi is taking a breather -- air is THIN!

Day 2: Left: Christi pushes up the last couple hundred feet with the vast expanse in the background. Right: A bit of rock... just 25 more feet to the summit! Mt. Russell is in the background.

Day 2: Finally, we made it to the summit. Christi lead the last pitch and literally crawled to the summit. I was embarassed (he, he, he...), "Christi, dammit, you're a 'climber' ...NOT a 'crawler!" Nevertheless... it was awesome! We then descended down to Trail Camp on the Whitney main trail. Day 3 was spent hiking back down and out.

This was a special trip for us -- Christi is legally blind and I am visually impaired (going blind due to Retinitis Pigmentosa). We were the "blind leading the blind." :-)

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