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Update: July 15, 2005 (Post-poning retirement)
I decided to stay till end-July since I was in Phoenix anyway, and that Intel asked me to stay to help out. Well, it's no problem. Money is always welcomed. But I told them my conditions for staying: (1) no deliverables, (2) no expectations of coming into office, and (3) I have the option to quit anytime. Intel agreed. Friends say I remind them of that movie, Office Space . I laugh! I have purchased tickets to Asia, onward to Nepal to be in the Himalayas; therefore, I am leaving for sure... soon!

Update: July 27, 2005 (2 days left before I quit work!)
Well, it's 2 days left -- by this Friday evening, I'll be an unemployed man free to do as I please. Isn't that everyone's dream? He, he, He... I'm looking forward to it. For next week, I'll just be cleaning house and getting ready to head out to Sierra Nevedas (California). I bought a camper shell for my truck today since I'll be living out of it. Well, I hope to fill August's website with exciting things.


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