Welcome to my newly-redesigned homepage!

I'm Charles Pavlack, systems analyst, husband, father, roto-geek, writer, and television zombie.
Photo Pages!

Check out the Unblinking Eye Bookstore (in association with Amazon.com)!

As stated above, this page has been redesigned, in part because I wanted to take advantage of the latest in web technology (well, okay, the latest that I understand), and just generally felt that I should do something to celebrate the new tv season. Since I've grown tired of maintaining two seperate sites, I'll probably be mirroring the same stuff on both of my homepages. But you never can tell.

Click on something on the menu to the left (no. your other left.), and let's get started!

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Note: Because of requirements on the part of Geocities (my kind website host...sign up for your free website today), each frame will have a GeoGuide on it, usually at the bottom. I've tried to make them as unobtrusive as possible. Take a look at them, they're actually kind of cool.