Welcome to my Poll Section!

This is my Poll Page. I will be posting a new poll every week, or, whenever I can! Some of them might not be related to Powr Rangers, but they're just for asking. Here is this week's poll!

If you could ask Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver) any question, what question would that be? Feel free to give as many questions as you can think!Write me with your questions! I'll put up the results from this poll the next time I put up a poll section!

Your Name:

Your E-mail Address:

Your Answer:


Last time's Question:

If someone where to make a new show having animals, preditors to be specific, as like Zords or something, which two animals(preditors) would you want? As in Panther, White Tiger, Black Tiger, anthing like that!

Coming up soon, your answers to the last poll question. Sorry, I haven't had time to tally up the results. I'm also sorry I haven't put up a new poll question for quite a while. I'll try to do better.


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