From the Bridge

by Becky Norris

Boy, is time flying by or what! Here it is September already and I can't think where the time went. However, September brings good news and better news.

First the good news--I heard from Mary Ruth of the Quanah Parker in Lubbock and the con there (with Shatner as the guest) is November 5. Apparently, Bill doesn't care for working on Sunday, so the hours for this are 10AM-4PM. We have time to work out some carpooling arrangements. Everyone who has the chance should really go--our previous road trips have been loads of fun.

Now, the better news--we are about that far from being officially launched. Clayton Melansen called me the other night and we were only missing one little piece of paper, so I sent it to him. We will hopefully get the word any day now. Everybody should feel very proud of what we've done--it's taken a LONG LONG time, but we did it, and everyone who told us we would never make it was wrong. I will give all of you a big round of applause at the next meeting.

I guess it's about time to plan our Halloween party, along with any holiday fundraisers and/or charity work we plan to do. I almost hesitate to talk about charities since that hasn't worked too well in the past, but it's my belief that if we decide now what we want to do, nothing is impossible.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Labor Day weekend. I took the opportunity to get out of town for a long weekend and plan to take my daughter to El Paso to visit my mother-in-law. In the works are a trip to the zoo, horseback riding, the park, and of course, shopping. Who knows, we may even venture into Mexico (depending on the degree of political unrest at the time). This time of year is really busy at the station, with all the new shows premiering, so a chance at a couple of days away from work was too good to pass up. Hopefully everyone else will be able to do something fun as well.

I just recently read a pretty good Trek book--Shadows on the Sun. It is a TOS story centering around Dr. McCoy and his ex-wife. I would recommend it to anyone who misses the TOS crew. It was written by Michael Jan Friedman, and is a good read. I picked it up at SAMS, which often has a number of Trek books, and way cheaper than the book store.

I guess everyone heard that William Shatner has confirmed that Kirk bites the big one in Star Trek: Generations, which opens on November 18. Anybody else bought their ticket yet? Hey man, I'm there! I saw a trailer for the movie when I took Brianna to see Andre (another pretty good movie). Awesome effects!

See you at the meeting. Beaming out now!

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