by Captain Becky Norris

Greetings crew! Well, I survived yet another TAX DAY--and believe me, I am not happy that one more year has gone by and I have still not won the lottery. You would think that the odds would have turned in my favor by this time. But anyway...

I hope everyone is saving all their old junk for the garage sale that will take place on Saturday, May 3 at Joni's NEW house, 2214 Northrup in Midland. Also, everyone needs to plan to be there to sell, sell, sell. The ship could certainly use the money for all the wild and crazy we love to do! Plus, think how much more stuff you can buy once you've emptied all your closets! In fact, you could buy a whole lot more Star Trek stuff, like books and toys and action figures, oh my!

Hopefully, all of you are not suffering from allergies like I have been--I even had to have Rodney bring me my glasses today because my eyes were burning like little hot holes in my head, and I couldn't get my contacts out fast enough! It has been an incredible drag--it makes me wonder if it's worth it even having nature around. I think I would do better if everything was just holographic. It probably couldn't make me allergic then.

Also coming up pretty soon is the 2nd ANNUAL FEARLESS CAR WASH. This is an event not to be missed--as long as you watch out for big holes in the parking lot (right, Sandy?) Please, no casualties this year. Everyone needs to arrange for all the people they know to bring their cars by on the day of the big doin's, so we can make them shiny clean and sparkly!

It's time as well to plan our picnic--this is always a lot of fun, and a good excuse to eat! (When was the last time any of us needed an excuse to eat?!?!?!?) Last year we journeyed to Big Spring. Be at the next meeting to cast your vote on this year's location--or deal with the consequences!

Well, I feel sure that I have passed on all the information that's fit to pass on--I'm sure none of you want to hear about all the unmitigated insanity that goes on here at the station, although if you do, it's really better live and in person than in cold black and white!

Live long and prosper, all you mighty taxpayers...

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