Game 2
[Announcer] Last time on Super Password Plus:

[Chico] OH! TOKEN!
[Brett] You sound pretty confident... wanna make that your final answer?
[Chico] DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE! =) [Audience Laughs]
[Brett] I take that as a yes. Did they win?

[Brett] Forget the suspense, you got it!

[Announcer] Now, join us for Game 2 of Super Password Plus! And here's your host, Brett Tatsuno!

[Brett] Thanks and welcome to our game! Let's get right to it and meet our players:

Miles Sasser
Chico Alexander
Doug Morris
Brian Moore

[Brett] Our returning champions are Miles Sasser and Chico Alexander. They have won $56,000 so far and come for more. Welcome back guys. Now let's meet our challengers: From Net Bumper Stumpers and The Big Ri$k, Doug Morris. And a great netgames player, Brian Moore. We'll see what happens in this game for $50,000 with the first puzzle. The clues will go to Miles and Doug and Doug will start.

[Doug] Japanese

[Brett] Japanese is the clue... Brian, I need a guess.

[Brian] People

[Brett] Nope. Control to Miles and Chico. Miles, I need your clue.

[Miles] Island

[Brett] Island is the clue, Chico...

[Chico] Thousand?

[Brett] No. Doug, I need your clue.

[Doug] Uhhh... videotape.

[Brett] Videotape is the clue... your guess, Brian?

[Brian] Sony.

[Brett] No, its not sony. I need the last clue from you, Miles.

[BUZZ] Looks like Miles missed the deadline that will net him a strike.

[Paranoia X cue]
Miles Sasser X

[Brett] Well, that was 4 turns meaning the end of the word. The clue goes on the board but no one gets a guess. The clue was "Fuji". It was pretty hard.

Super Password Plus

[Brett] The next clue is coming to Doug and Miles. Doug will start.

[Doug] Grandfather...

[Brett] Okay, Brian, I need your guess.

[Brian] Clock.

[Brett] No, sorry. Miles, I need your clue.

[Miles] Lady

[Brett] Lady is the clue, Chico. What's your guess?

[Chico] Woman

[Brett] No. I need to point out that you should try to remember the other clues that are given too... not just the one your partner gives you. So we're going to the third clue from Doug.

[Doug] ...Smith

[Brett] Okay, Brian, I need your guess.

[Brian] I don't know.

[Brett] Okay, Miles I need the final clue to this word.

[Miles] Elderly.

[Brett] Elderly the clue, Chico?

[Chico] Senior?

[Brett] No, we were looking for "Granny". That goes on the board:

Super Password Plus

[Brett] Third clue coming for Doug and Miles. Doug, start us off.

[Doug] Jones...

[Brett] Jones is the clue... Brian?

[Brian] Pass.

[Brett] Okay, Miles, I need your clue now.

[Miles] Surname

[Brett] Surname the clue... Chico?

[Chico] Smith?

[Brett] Yes! So that goes on the board and I need your guess again, Chico to the clues: Fuji, Granny and Smith.

Super Password Plus

[Chico] An apple?

[Brett] Is it an apple?

[Flip; sustained DINGs]


[Brett] You got it for $1000! The champs strike first in this race to $5000. The $2000 puzzle up for grabs right after this.

Miles Sasser
Chico Alexander
Doug Morris
Brian Moore

Game 2 Continues