GH News

Welcome to GH News, part of the Maurice Benard Homepage. On this page you will find scoops, casting news and ratings for the show that (as most of you know) the incredible Maurice Benard portrayed Sonny Corinthos on for four years.


Monday: Nikolas and Lucky have a heated (and violent) discussion. Tony interrupts the Nurses Ball. A body is found hanging from the rafters.

Tuesday: Sonny gets an ultimatum from Jax. Bobbie confides in Jerry about a piece of her past. Luke tells Laura they should end their marriage.

Wednesday: Alan's addiction is brought up in front of the Quartermaines. Mike and Sonny come to blows. Jerry gets an order from Carlos to put an end to Jason and Sonny.

Thursday: Thursday's show is pre-empted.

Friday: Robin sees a scary side of Jason. Stefan welcomes Laura and LuLu. Jax finds out about Jerry's betrayal.


For the week of June 8-12.

1. Y&R 6.9 household, 25 share, 8.6 mil total viewers
2. DAYS 5.0 household, 17 share, 6.1 mil total viewers
3. B&B 4.8 household, 17 share, 5.9 mil total viewers
4. GH 4.3 household, 15 share, 4.9 mil total viewers
5. GL 4.2 household, 15 share, 5 mil total viewers
6. ATWT 4.0 household, 15 share, 4.9 mil total viewers
7. AMC 3.8 household, 13 share, 4.3 mil total viewers
8. OLTL 3.2 household, 12 share, 3.7 mil total viewers
9. AW 2.5 household, 9 share, 3.1 mil total viewers
10. PC 1.8 household, 7 share, 2.1 mil total viewers

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