J.T.'s General Hospital & Port Charles page...

Welcome to my...

and Port Charles page...

General Hospital began in April 1963, as a half hour-black and white tv show, and it was later increased to a 45 minute show, and then became an hour long show (I don't have the date(s) when this all happened yet, but will get it and list it here soon...)-the show is currently on weekdays at 3 pm, est-on ABC...

Well that's all of the Gh history-for now, I will add more little by little every few days or so...

Port Charles (a spin off of General Hospital) began in April 1997 as a two hour movie special and continues every weekday afternoon at 12:30 pm, est-on ABC... That's all of the Port Charles history-for now, I will add more little by little every few days or so...

Links to other sites on the Web

the official Port Charles website...

off to this website's HOMEPAGE...