the NILP part of J.T.'s website...

Northeast Independant Living Program, INC.(NILP)

MY-J.T.'s ACRONYMN FOR NILP--Neat Informative Lovely Place...

Hi welcome to the part of J.T.'s website that is all about... the Northeast Independant Living Program, INC.
(NILP) which is a non-profit organization that serves disabled individuals in the Merrimack Valley area of Massachusetts, USA. NILP provides disabled individuals with the following services... INFORMATION & REFERRAL, ADVOCACY, DAILY LIVING SKILLS, AND PEER SUPPORT to name a few...

For the NILP's HISTORY click on the link below... AND OFF TO nilp's HISTORY info...

and off to the page that explains NILP's services to the blind/visually impaired.

and off to info about NILP's services to the Deaf/Hard of hearing...

AND OFF TO nilp's HISTORY info...

Links to other sites on the Web

a spinoff of nilp-Lawrence Organizing Voices for Empowerment website...