Title: Scully: The Coffee Buzz Equivalent
By: Stephie~xfilenut32
Email: xfilesqueen@ibm.net
Disclaimer: Only in Mulder's fantasies would I own them
Rating: PG
Keywords: M/S UST, friendship
Summary: Mulder does some early morning contemplating about Scully

Thanks: to my two lovely beta readers: Squeak and Fro..thanks for saving my punctuation hating butt! Also to the SEFAMSRN for treating me like such a great list mummy, even though according to them, I am deranged. This one is dedicated to my beloved Riss for staying with me after her little scare..your my life girl...don’t you ever change, or for that matter do that again! And wear your helmet! Hugs and kisses...

Scully: The Coffee Buzz Equivalent

Oh, you stay with me,
you stay with me,
oh, in my heart,
And on my mind,
Oh, like a melody that keeps haunting me,
Oh, you stay
*Ricky Martin

Her perfume.

Her fitting, curve hugging business suits.

The way she walks.

The way she talks...like when she slurs her s's in that oh-so-sexy voice of hers.

God, I sound like a song that's been played too many times.

You'd think with all the global conspiracies to be dug out, all the threats to American life, and the oath I took to protect the public, I would have better things to think about.

But, Scully..she seems to stick on my brain like a really good coffee buzz.

It's like when you get up in the morning and stumble into your kitchen seeking refuge in an innocent little glass pot. Once you get a sip of it...your day can start.

My Scully is that equivalent.

I wake up in the morning, stumble in to get my life-giving coffee, get my buzz, and something will remind me of Scully...my day always starts with Scully.

Sometimes it's when I get ready for work, and I'm picking out a reasonable tie to go with my suit, and I see the neon green one she got me as a gag gift telling me it would "fit right in with all of my other ties".

Sometimes, it's a glance at the small framed picture I keep of her in my room. Well, of US actually.

Yes, I DO have pictures of people other than Samantha..but, um..Scully would be the extent of my picture collection.

It's a small picture in a polished gold picture frame, which it so happens was from Scully for Christmas last year. It had some sort of UFO spoof picture in it, I think that my humor has rubbed off a bit on her. Lo and behold, one day I came across this one picture, and I knew that I had to have it there on my dresser; it just seemed right.

It's of both of us, and it illustrates our partnership and our RELATIONSHIP with perfect clarity.

It was from one of the bureau picnics that you have to go to because of all those "interesting" speeches, and information that they give you to remember, think about, and store in your brain never to use again...somewhere within the dark corners of your brain where an elf lives. Plus, you get to socialize with other agents..what a joke. Like that ever accomplishes anything.

I've never been a big socializer, and I'm afraid that I've turned Scully into a social hermit as well...it must be contagious or something. If I ever go off on my own, she must feel sorry for me because she'll follow right after me, as it was on that day.

Scully was off by some tree chatting up another woman agent, and where was I? Alone in the grass, and I tell you, that trail was begging to me: "Walk me..it will give you something to do...you can throw rocks at little helpless animals..I don't care..just walk on me..you know you want to." Okay, so that's a little odd, but I'm a profiler, I know these things.

So I took off towards the trail leaving Scully to be normal for a while without "Spooky" to be the henchman to her efforts.

I hadn't set 10 feet onto the trail when Scully appeared from nowhere by my side.

"Mulder, you know, you should really be more social."

I gave her a smile, and put my arm around her shoulder.

"Aw, Scully, you’re all the social I need."

She scoffed in good humor, and politely shoved my arm off of her.

"So, Mulder," she began, "why exactly is that?"

"Why exactly is what?" I asked.

"Why exactly do you steer away from people like they contain some sort of fatal virus?" she wondered out loud.

"How do you know they don't?" I replied.

She just rolled her eyes and continued on as I helped her across a small creek which had bubbled over the trail due to recent rains.

"So, Mulder...are you a nature man?" she prodded.

"Not really, but I go for it every now and then, especially if it's to get away from people that I don't exactly get along with. Where did that come from?" I responded.

"Just curious. I've always liked the outdoors. I used to hate being cooped up inside with my family. I always wanted to be out on the town, or at least playing football." She said.

"You played football?" I asked her, amused.

"Of course. I had 2 brothers for goodness sakes, Mulder." She responded, exasperated.

By the time we had reached the end of the trail, we were more relaxed then we normally were..no pressures of work, no strict attire, no schedules. Then, without warning, someone appeared out of nowhere to take a picture us emerging from the trail, with the lush vegetation surrounding us. You'd think they'd know better then to "pop" out at an FBI agent. I might have an itchy trigger finger, or something. Us being surrounded by green makes it look like we're deep within the depths of jungle..maybe Africa.

Hmm...I suppose maybe I'll take Scully to Africa someday, on some romantic getaway where we can....

Getting off-topic...okay, back to the task at hand.

Anyway, there we are in the picture: her in her tight little blue jeans and a white pull-over T-shirt, and me in my black T-shirt and jeans.

I stand protectively close to her and slightly behind with my hand on the small of her back, in it's usual "home".

How I ever found it I'll never know...but when I did, I knew that I HAD to have that picture.

Well, I've been in bed for half an hour now, lost in my own little world. Life must start again today, whether I want it to or not. I look at myself one last time in the mirror on the ceiling of my bed, and get up to get my morning coffee buzz.


Please feedback me: it's a good coffee buzz equal! ;-)

Thanks to all of you who stuck with me through my initial "crappy-fic" period.


All MSR fic--all the time!