Title: Cross Promises
Distribution: Anywhere, and everywhere..just let me know
Feedback: PUH-LEASE give me something to think about other than finals this week
aol IM: xfilesromo

Summary: My explanation on how that cross made it to Mulder's neck in that final scene of his. A kind-of fill in from "Requiem"
Spoilers: Here be monsters for "Requiem"


Cross Promises
Stephie Johnson
Completed May 22nd, 2000

I'm still in a light slumber when two strong arms wrap themselves tightly around me.

Two strong, warm Mulder arms. He mirrors the earlier position they took in the hotel last night with one exception. A few of the fingers of his left hand effortlessly tangle themselves in my hair.

I've scared him. I've worried him. I've frightened him.

My dizzy spells are a multiple day occurrence now, and they terrify him. He's afraid the cancer is going to come back. Afraid that I'll be ripped from his grasp for yet another time. I've reassured him to no end, yet he still worries.

I try to pull myself to full wakefulness as he rains kisses on my hairline.

"I love you, you know." he murmurs into my ear in his rich morning voice.

"I know." I respond with conviction.

"Scully, I want you to promise me that if this keeps going on, you'll see a doctor." He states in a no nonsense, yet soothing voice.

"Mulder. I told you I'm going to be fine." I respond, turning so that I am face to face with him. His left arm rests on the small of my back, and his right caresses my hair.

"Scully...promise me." He says while looking deep into my eyes.

When Mulder looks into my eyes, it is unlike any other earthly experience. In his depths I see a tortured soul with the largest collection of love I am sure one human being is capable of having. Love for me. And when he allows me to see through to his soul, I can refuse him nothing.

Sighing I lean over and lightly kiss him on the lips. A promise. An intimate pact.

"I promise." I whisper.

He kisses me on the forehead, and moves to get up. When I try to follow, he pushes me back down into the bedding.

"Rest, Scully." He admonishes me lightly.

"Mulder, I wanted to see you to the airport." I numbly complain.

"I'll be back. I promise you, Scully. Now rest." He leans over again and lightly brushes his luscious lips over mine, and turns to get dressed.

I watch as he picks up various strewn clothing items from the night before and sets them all on the chair in the corner of the room. I think, ironically, that I've worn off on him.

I close my eyes, and seemingly drift into my dream world. I wake only when I feel lips on my knuckles.

I slowly open my eyes to Mulder standing over me, ready to leave for Oregon.

"Love you..." I mumble in my dream state.

He smiles and turns to leave, but when I refuse to let go of his hand, he turns back towards me.

"Scully?" He asks.

I give him no answer, but silently remove my own symbol of hope. My cross necklace which has traveled with me to Antarctica and everywhere else. I reach up, an end in each hand, and motion with my hands for him to lean down.

He obliges, and I gently clip the clasp that will keep this beloved item attached to my own beloved.

He gives me such a look of compassion and love that I'm afraid that he's hiding something. Like he won't be coming back. But, he always comes back.

He caresses my hand one last time with his before leaving my bedside.

Yes...he always comes back. He promised.



When I noticed Mulder was wearing Scully's cross in his final scene, I felt cheated that we hadn't seen her give it to him. I hope my rendition did it justice.

Feedback loved, cherished, and shared with my basset hound at xfilesqueen@ibm.net

Thanks to all the people at school who didn't make fun of me, but embraced the stickers I had all over me today stating various versions of "Talk to me about X-Files"and "Holy flaming cow, did you see the X-Files"..I love each and every one of you--and my SEFAMSRN pumpkins :-)


"The truth will save you Scully. I think it'll save both of us."

Enter the SEFAMSRN where dreams are no longer just a fantasy...