Title: The Journey
Author: Erin M. Blair
E-Mail: eblair@sonic.net
Classification: PV---Poem, Vignette
Rating: G

Archive: OK to Xemplary, FanficX, and anyone who wants it.

Author's Note: My inspiration for this poem was the passages which Dana Scully had written in the episode, Momento Mori. They spoke volumes of the love she had for Mulder. When I was ill, those passages echoed in my brain and I decided to write this. FYI, it's the second poem that I had ever written. =)

Dedication: To Gillian Anderson.

Written by: Erin M. Blair

To know the journey
one must follow
the path

Wherever it leads
it'll follow you
to the moon
to the stars
to the orbits
of the planets

Life is a journey
of the path
that I must take

And if I couldn't
Please don't hate me
for not taking this
with you

Feedback: Much appreciated. =) Send to: eblair@sonic.net

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- Erin Blair
- eblair@sonic.net
- "And if I quit now, they win."
- from the X-Files: Fight the Future Movie