Title: 155 Words: Fowley Wants Mulder
Author: Erin M. Blair
E-Mail: eblair@sonic.net
Spoilers: Possible "One Son".
Classification: SRA--Story, Romance, Angst.
Content: Fowley/Mulder UST. Mulder/Scully Romance
Archive: OK to Gossamer and Xemplary. Others: please ask.
Please forward this to ATXC.
Disclaimer: Don't own them. Chris Carter does.
Summary: Will Fowley get Mulder? Read on to find out!
155 Words: Fowley Wants Mulder
Written by: Erin M. Blair <eblair@sonic.net>

Diana Fowley wants Fox Mulder. She wanted him bad, and she told him to come up to her apartment to tell him The Truth!

Mulder and Diana talked about the safe houses, and Mulder mentioned how he didn't want to love his love. Mulder meant Scully, but Diana thought that it's *she* who he loved.

Diana kissed Mulder on the lips, but Mulder pulled back.

"Get away woman, I don't want you. I love Scully. In fact, we're already married!"

Thus, Diana cried a bucketful of tears!

She ended up being infected by the alien virus because she got stung by a bee. Only she had no one to give her the vaccine!

The End

Author's Note: If you hate Diana Fowley as much as I do, it's dedicated to you! I'm a Shipper and I wouldn't let Diana get Mulder. I hope you like this story as I had much fun in writing it.

Feedback: Send me no flames, only positive please. Send to: eblair@sonic.net

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- Erin Blair
- eblair@sonic.net
- "And if I quit now, they win."
- from the X-Files: Fight the Future Movie