Title: Out of the Closet
Author: TeaL
E-Mail: Talitha_1121@yahoo.com
Flames will be loaded into my flame thrower and used to torch the stupid airport ppl who lost my freakn' luggage...
Rating: PG-13
Distribution: Go for it, just don't change anything and if you haven't archived anything of mine before just send me the addy of where it's going ;)
Classification: H
Keywords: Fowlfic

Summary: What’s the one thing that could make TFO go completely insane? The answer ,my friends, is here.......
Disclaimer at end of fic.

By TeaL

Diana quickly inserted her key in the door to Mulder's apartment and entered the darkened room.

A long time ago, when she and Mulder had been good friends, he had given her a key. It's purpose had been for emergencies and for feeding his neglected fish while he was away but Diana had used it for so much more than that.

In her hand she held her holy grail, her highest level security pass, her key. *Her* key to the information sealed behind the door and god knows she would never let an opportunity like that pass her by.

Back when they had been partners she had used it to gain access to his computer, to the files that he had never shared with her even back then. She had used it to plant bugs for her true love. For the man who knew Mulder's past, who knew how dangerous he could become and who needed to be one step ahead at all times. He was known to her as CGB spender but to most as simply 'Cancerman'.

Cancerman, the man who had come to her the day the X-Files were discovered and had offered her a choice.

Life or Death.

Help destroy the one man who could uncover the biggest conspiracy of them all, the one man who could destroy years of hard work.....

or die.

Diana had chosen life and Mulder has never suspected a thing.

Soon after the new phase in her life began, Diana had been forced overseas and Mulder had requested his key back. Being the loyal trustworthy friend he knew her as, she did as requested. But not before having some copies cut.

Stepping into Mulder's bedroom, Diana felt whole again. She'd missed him so much, missed lying to him, missed deceiving him, missed everything about how life had been before she'd left.

He had loved her and even though she admitted to an initial attraction the day she switched sides was the day all feelings for the man diminished.

Mulder had even allowed her to call him 'Fox' after much persuading and compliments. Something his precious Scully, after six years, was still not comfortably allowed to say.

Diana had slithered into his life quite successfully and now she was back only now things were much worse. Mulder knew too much, Scully knew too much, they were an unstoppable team and Diana had been ordered back to work.

At first it had been a life or death choice, barely a choice, but now she did it because she *wanted* to, not because she had to.

It gave her strength to see others weak.

It gave her life to see others die.

The room had changed a lot since she had last been in it, he even had a waterbed now, something very unlike Mulder but something she wouldn't mind trying out sometime....

Since she had returned to D.C, week after week she had come to this apartment. She knew it by heart, she knew every room and it's contents except the bedroom.

Her Orders; find any evidence or anything that can be used against Agent Mulder and copy it. Destroying or stealing it was too obvious, Mulder may be blind to the fact that day after day someone had been going through his apartment, but he wasn't entirely stupid and would notice if anything went missing.

Diana grasped the handles on his closet door and yanked it open, the sight that greeted her almost made her fall over from shock.

In one corner of the closet, almost proudly displayed, were clothes that Diana knew most certainly did not belong to Fox Mulder, unless there was something he wasn't telling anyone.

Diana reached out and pulled a cream coloured skirt off the hook, beside it were a couple of blouses and a jacket. Diana checked the size, it was small, too small for her but not too small for his 'partner' Scully. Diana's suspicions that they were more than work partners were confirmed and she angrily put the skirt back on the hook. She growled softly, there was no other way to explain why Scully kept some of her clothes at his apartment.

Diana was about to slam the closet door closed when she heard the sound of a key twisting in a lock , followed by a door being opened.

Diana stood completely still and listened.

Two voices, one was Mulder's, the other she recognised as Scully's. They were laughing, but it was almost a seductive laugh, a noise Diana had never heard Mulder ever make the whole time she's known him.

Diana realised in panic the sounds were growing louder, coming closer, most definitely headed for the bedroom.

Looking round Diana chose the only hiding place she could fit into....

The closet.....

End of part 1 :)