by TeaL

Diana quickly positioned herself in the tiny closet and looked through the small spaces in the wooden doors giving her a clear view of the bedroom door and the bed itself.

The door swung open and a tall man stepped in backwards, stumbling slightly as a shorter red headed woman fumbled with his tie.

Diana shrunk back in the small space and successfully hit her head hard against the rack. A loud hollow sound echoed through the closet. Diana bit her lip to keep from screaming and reached up to rub the back of her head. That was going to leave a mark.

Scared she was about to be discovered, Diana turned her attention back to the bed and realised with both relief and disgust that she had nothing to worry about.

A bomb could have detonated in that room and neither of it's occupants would have blinked an eye. They were already on the bed, a tangle of limbs, tasting, teasing, consuming each other.

"Mulder" , the woman gasped as he travelled down her near naked body, trailing kisses.

"Scully", Mulder gasped when the tables were unexpectedly turned and he began to receive the sweet torture he had just given.

"Shit", Diana gasped as she hit her head once again while trying to shield her eyes from the scene unfolding infront of her.

Squeezing her eye's shut as tight as possible, Diana could still see everything continuing in her mind, she couldn't escape it.

She wasn't perverted, she wasn't trying to picture what they were doing to eachother but the moans, screams and gasps that could be heard clearly in the closet fueled her unco-operative imagination and she saw things she wouldn't show her worst enemy.

The headboard began a steady thump thump thump against the wall while Diana's head keep the same rhythm against the rack behind her.

Just when Diana feared they would never stop, they did, barely a second before she was about to start screaming incoherently at an unattractive teardrop tie that hung beside her.

The tie understood how she was feeling , but the tie didn't do anything to stop what was happening. The tie betrayed her. The voices in her head told her that talking to a tie was crazy, but what did they know, she'd just had a more mentally stimulating conversation with that tie then she'd ever had with any of those voices. Even if it had betrayed her, she forgave it and tied it around her head like a blindfold.

It had told her to do that, why hadn't she listened earlier?

A few minutes later Diana began to wonder if they had fallen asleep. Pushing the tie up on her forehead, rambo style, she glanced through the gap cautiously and instantly felt sick to her stomach.

Mulder lay on his back looking too comfortable with Scully draped over his torso, clinging to him like a second skin.

Sighing with relief, Diana was about to plan her escape from her own personal hell when something stopped her... "Mulder!", Scully gasped through the silence, "So soon?"

Diana's head snapped up, this wasn't really happening.

This wasn't possible.

She knew Mulder, she *knew* this wasn't possible or at least knew this had never been possible before..... Damn Scully, Diana wanted to rush in there and strangle the bitch with the tie, but she would never do that to the tie, it would be wrong.

The steady thumping, the moans, the screams, the hell, began again. Diana curled up in a small ball and began rocking back and forth whispering over and over "this isn't happening, this isn't happening" She wasn't hearing anything anymore, she was in her own little word, her happy place, where she could talk to her new friend and no one could ever disturb them.

Mulder lay back on the bed once more and gathered Scully in his arms. Scully sighed peacefully and was about to fall asleep when she heard something.

"Mulder, there's something in your closet!", she whispered.

"hmmmmmm?", Mulder tried to form a sentence but his mind was having trouble functioning since it ceased thinking hours ago.

"Mulder listen", she said shaking him a little.

Mulder heard a faint rustling sound and glanced briefly at Scully as he quietly got up . Reaching the closet, Scully behind him, he swung the door open...

"Diana?!", he said shocked, "What the hell..."

Diana came out of her trance and looked up.

The sight of a naked Mulder and Scully pushed her over the edge and she jumped up, hit her head once more and ran out of the room screaming.

Mulder threw some clothes on as Scully phoned the police and together they ran in the direction of the constant screaming.

After growing tired from running and an earlier more strenuous activity, they drove through the streets of D.C for hours but never found any sign of Diana. She was never seen again.


hehehehehehe ::sigh::

Disclaimer: Nothing XF related belongs to me. All hail the almighty CC, I am but a meek servant girl who means you and your (no longer frustrated) creations no harm (except TFO cuz she's fun to torture)

TeaL's disclaimer:
~TFO's mind *was* severely messed with while writing this fic and wasn't returned back to it's original state... my bad!~

C. Sept 1999