Title: Starlight
Author: TeaL
E-mail: Talitha_1121@yahoo.com
Rated: PG
Keywords: Character Death

Summary: "Eternal love, immortal soul, a new star in the sky. For him the bell will forever toll, and he will never die."

Archive: If you want it it's yours, just dont change anything and lemme know where it's going :)

AN: I've done the 'Scully dies and Mulder mourns' fics before so I decided it was time to do the 'Mulder dies and Scully mourns' fic. Well aren't I just dark and gloomy. This is a sombre fic cuz I felt like depressing everyone around me. I might write more to this but I have other fics I'm meant to be working on right now. This was just me taking a break from those fics.... It starts in first person, then switches, then goes back to first person....just to be confusing *G*

Dedicated to: All the friends lost along the way.

"I know he took good care of you, he took you to the light. Placed you in the sky above, a new star in the night." ~ TeaL

By TeaL

I wish I could lean over and breath life back into him. Bring him back with a simple kiss. I wish I wasn't standing here unable to do anything but relive the moment he was torn away from me.

Perhaps this is a dream, a terrible tormenting nightmare which I will awaken from and everything will be alright. The thought of my life without him in it felt wrong. I couldn't imagine going on without him. I didn't want to.

I don't want to.

How do I go on when all I went on for is gone? How do I live again when my life dissipated into nothingness before my very eyes.



"Scully I'm going after him," Mulder said quickly into his cellphone.

"Mulder, no!", Scully almost yelled as she drove towards the warehouse that Mulder had chased their suspect to, "Wait for me Mulder, you know better than to go in there without backup."



The line went dead.

"Damnit!" she swore and threw her phone onto the empty seat beside her.

Mulder moved cautiously through the darkness, making as little noise as possible as he walked. He knew he'd have a Scully lecture to listen to when she arrived and he knew he deserved it but if this man knew where his sister was he had to find him.

He had to find her.

Scully sped into the lot which had once been the busy carpark of a promising business and stopped the car mere inches from the abandoned building. Exiting the car she was about to shut the door when she heard a single gunfire. 'please let that have come from Mulder's gun...' she prayed silently.

Quietly, Mulder came up behind a figure whose attention was elsewhere. Placing the barrel of the gun to the back of the man's head Mulder whispered coarsely, "Tell me where she is and I'll let you live"

"I...I don't know who you're talking about", a young voice answered.

Spinning the figure around, Mulder was shocked to see a 16 year old boy staring back at him with frightened eyes. "What the..?" Mulder suddenly realised his mistake when he felt an object suddenly jammed into his back.

"Not very professional Agent Mulder", an older voice snarled, "Drop your gun *now*!"

Mulder let go of the boy and let him weapon fall to the ground.

"Where's my sister?"

"I'm afraid I may have mislead you there," The voice told him, "I really wouldn't know, I just wanted to get you here and word has it your sister is one of you week spots."

"You bastard" Mulder spat.

"So many people have tried to remove you from the larger plan, I never would have thought it could be so easy." The man suddenly pushed him forward a little, spun him around and threw him to the ground. Eye to eye the two stared at each other, Mulder being allowed the honor of seeing the face of his killer.

"Goodbye Agent Mulder"

The man fired once, point blank range, straight at the fallen Agents chest. Satisfied the wound would prove fatal the man exited the building from the other side and disappeared.

Scully reached for her cellphone before shutting the car door and ran into the building. Where she almost tripped over Mulder's still form. "Mulder...Oh my god...Mulder" Scully murmured as she knelt beside him. Punching 3 numbers into her phone she was frantically speaking to an operator in life-stealing seconds.

Two hand applying pressure to his gaping wound, her shoulder and chin balancing the phone, she attempted to save his life oblivious to the fact the killer could still be nearby. Saving her partners life came first even if it meant risking her own to do so.

Mulder felt hands on his chest and opened his eyes slightly.


Words floated in breaking the silence.

"...Agent down..."

"...wound to the chest..."

"....please hurry..."

Throwing the phone aside, Scully focused all her attention on her partner. "It's okay Mulder, just lie still okay", she said soothingly.

Mulder attempted to speak but the words came out as nothing more than a gurgle.

"Ssssshhh Mulder, don't try to talk"

"Sorry" he managed to gasp out.

"No Mulder, don't apologize, you don't need to." She told him then added, "Just don't ever go it alone again okay!"

Mulder moved his head a little and Scully understood it to be a nod.

"Mulder!" Scully said harshly when Mulder closed his eyes, "Stay with me, don't you dare close your eyes!"

Mulder did as asked and tried to focus on her.

"Look at me, Mulder, the paramedics are almost here."

Holding her gaze Mulder managed to murmur two final words before slipping away from her forever.


Scully choked back sobs as the paramedics chose that moment to burst into the warehouse. As three began to work on the fallen agent, a fourth gently pulled Scully to the side.

"I'm a medical doctor, I can help" she tried to protest.

"Please let them do their job, you've already helped much more than most people do, you may have saved his life."

Scully wasn't stupid, she knew this type of wound was almost always fatal and the words 'you may have' shook her into the reality of the fact she was about to lose her partner and her best friend.

After what seemed seconds to the distraught Scully one of the paramedics announced, "Time of death...." Scully blocked out the rest as she pushed her way through the men and collapsed beside her partner, tears flowing down her face.

A hand briefly touched her shoulder, "I'm sorry, we did all we could." a voice told her.

Shaking the hand off, Scully ran her fingers gently down her partners face.

"I need a few minutes alone", she said shakily.

She sighed a little as the footsteps retreated.

"Mulder, why couldn't you gave waited." she whispered between sobs, "What am I going to do now, I can't do this without you."

Leaning down she gently brushed his lips with her own and whispered into his ear as if he could hear her, "I love you too."


I stood and stepped back as his body was gently placed on a gurney. I wish I could lean over and breath life back into him. Bring him back with a simple kiss.

I wish I wasn't standing here unable to do anything but relive the moment he was torn away from me. Perhaps this is a dream, a terrible tormenting nightmare which I will awaken from and everything will be alright.

The thought of my life without him in it feels wrong. I can't imagine going on without him.

I don't want to.

How do I go on when all I went on for is gone?

How do I live again when my life dissipated into nothingness before my very eyes.

Staring up at the night sky briefly before entering my car, I noticed a bright star out shining the rest. Funny how I'd never noticed it before. Whenever people close to me had died in the past I'd always chosen a star to give them. It was their star and something I could look up at when I felt alone in the world. Maybe this star chose me, maybe Mulder had already chosen it as his. I found myself smiling at the star and felt the tears begin to flow again.

"Goodbye Mulder" I whispered up at the star.


Tada! tehehehe , depressed yet?? *G* In case you're wondering, whenever I write a fic like this I have to have a good laugh afterwards or else I burst into tears :)

FEEDBACK : Talitha_1121@yahoo.com No flames, sorry I killed Mulder but I've killed Scully so I had to even it up! No more Killing I promise!!!

Blah blah yada yada legal stuff....
Nothing XF related belongs to me, all hail the almighty CC I am but a meek servant girl who means you and your creations no harm.

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