Title: To belong <1/1>
Author: TeaL
Flames will be loaded into my flame thrower and fired straight back at ya.
Rated: PG (because I've accepted the fact I'm forever doomed to roam PGLand)
Keywords: M/S Friendship
Classification: A/UST
Archive: If you want this on your site then you have my blessing. Please just don't change anything and let me know where it's going so I can visit :)

AN: Conceived from season 7 rumours that Mulder and TFO were married at one point.

Summary: Scully discovers that Mulder and Fowley were once married and confronts Mulder.....

By TeaL

10:00 pm.

Dana Scully pounded her fists against the hard doors, ignoring the voice on the other side as it told her to 'Hang on'. She would not 'Hang on', she was currently fighting too many emotions and the sooner she released them the better.


Scully glared at Frohike and thrust a computer print-out at him as she stormed past. Byers and Langly threw each other a worried look, both knowing the name 'Mulder' was somehow involved and quite possibly the cause of her tempestuous entrance.

Refusing to take a seat when it was offered to her, Scully simply stood and watched with angry eyes as the piece of paper was handed around. Frohike was the first to look her in the eyes and Scully felt herself soften a little when she saw the sadness in his.

Taking a deep breath Scully said carefully, "So when were you boys planning on telling me this little detail that seems to have been kept from me for six years"

"We didn't know."

Frohike's reply shocked Scully, "What?", she asked as she glared at him once more, "You guys are his closest friends, how could you not know?"

"It may surprise you to know we are not his closest friends. *You* are." Byers said as he handed the print-out back to her, "You probably know more about him than we do."

"Mulder was *married* to Diana Fowley and you didn't know?" Scully asked in disbelief.

The three men nodded and Scully felt bad for bursting in on them like a jealous lover.

"We knew they had dated but never had we imagined it to be this serious." Frohike told her.

Sighing, Scully gave the three men a small smile, "Sorry for hitting you guys with this at this hour; I just assumed you'd know." Her smile was not returned.

"We understand", Byers said softly.

"I should go", Scully said as she fought back tears she couldn't understand. This news shouldn't be effecting her like this, she decided it was the fact he'd never told her that was hitting her so hard.

"We'll see what we can dig up", Frohike promised and the other two nodded in agreement as she left.

8:30 am

"Dismissed Agents", Skinner told them after briefing them on their new case.

Scully stood and exited the room as quickly as possible without looking like she was in a rush to leave.

She failed.

"Scully?" Mulder called after her down the hall. When she didn’t acknowledge him he picked up a little speed and briefly jogged to catch up with her.

"Have you been reading about exercise in the work place again Scully?" Mulder asked lightly when he fell into step beside her.

Scully gave him a quick sideways glance but it was enough for him to know she was pissed at him for some reason or another and this time he had no idea what he'd done.

"Scully, what's wrong?" he asked, "Scully talk to me please."

Suddenly stopping, Scully turned and confronted her partner. "Why didn't you tell me?", she asked with a hint of anger creeping into her voice.

Mulder stopped in the empty hall and looked at her in confusion. "Tell you.... what exactly?"

"That you and Agent Fowley were married", she spat.

"What?!", Mulder asked having not seen that coming at all. Changing his tone he added, "What makes you so sure....?"

"Mulder", Scully interrupted, "Don't even bother, I know it's true and all I want to know is why you never bothered to tell me you'd been married - to *her*."

Opening the nearest door, Mulder gestured for Scully to enter the empty office; stepping in behind her he closed the door and faced her. "Okay we *were* married but it was a long time ago and didn't last long", He told her honestly, "Why is it so important that you know?" he asked.

Scully sighed softly and refused to meet his eyes. "I don't know, I guess I was worried one of you would rekindle the relationship and not that that would bother me", she added hastily, "I was just scared of possibly losing the best partner I've ever had now that his former partner in every sense of the word is back."

"Scully, Diana and I are just friends; we would never become involved again. The marriage was a mistake and when we realised this it really damaged our friendship to the point where we couldn't be around each other anymore." he told her, "When she left the country a few years back it gave us both a chance to heal. I don't love her anymore and I truly don't believe we would work as partners now. You don't have anything to worry about, I'm not going to leave you for her or anyone Scully."

Scully glanced up at him and felt the relief wash through her, she also felt incredibly stupid. "I'm sorry for snooping", she said and gave him a tiny half smile.

"You know if it was the other way around I would have had the same fears and probably would have done the same", he smiled.

Scully shook her head, "It really was none of my business."

"No, you're wrong. I think you did have a right to know. Considering all we've been through and everything we are facing right now it isn't right that we keep things from each other."

"Mulder," Scully laughed softly, "This was your personal life I was snooping into."

"Scully it's truly okay, just don't make a habit of it!" he warned mockingly.

Scully hung her head and shook it a little, mentally telling herself off no matter what he said.

Opening his arms, Mulder pulled her gently into an embrace, "You don't have anything to worry about, well apart from government conspiracies involving alien colonization," he whispered jokingly.

"Not funny Mulder," Scully said softly and she pulled away.

"Come on Partner, we have a case to solve." he said opening the door for her.

The two agents made their way down the halls of the federal building and towards their basement office where they would work on this case and many more in the future, as partners, for as long as time allowed.


I always feel like yelling "WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!" after finishing a fic lol.

Feedback, woohoo's, Samhain rituals and Mulderclones can be sent to : Talitha_1121@yahoo.com

Flames can be sent to : D_Fowley@fbi.gov LOL if only!

Blah blah yada yada legal stuff... Nothing XF related belongs to me, all hail the almighty CC. I am but a meek servant girl who means you no harm..

C. NOV 1st 1999

Tali's Asylum
TeaL's Fanfic