Title: Triangle Too: The Case That Never Happened
Author: Kirsten
E-mail address: Kerz1013@aol.com
Archive: Anywhere, just let me know where.
Spoilers: Triangle
Classification: MSR

Summary: Mulder and Scully find strength in each other, in a life-threatening situation.

Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. I just borrowed them for a little while and am now returning them with love and gratitude to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions.

Dedication: Special thanX to Kathers, my fellow obsessor.

Authors Note: FEEDBACK! PLEASE! Just a word or two will do!

Triangle Too:
The Case That Never Happened

Dulles International Airport
Monday, November 2, 1999

"I can't believe Skinner is sending us on this wild goose chase Mulder. I think we proved the first time around that this whole Devil's Triangle thing was a figment of your overactive imagination," Scully teased, sitting down next to her partner in the terminal.

"Scully-there are countless records of people who have experienced the type of phenomena I went through. What happened to me was very real. I just can't understand, with all you've seen, why you don't even try to open your mind to extreme possibilities." He stated in frustration.

"I was just giving you a hard time Mulder. I realize you experienced something out there. Now that the oceanliner has been spotted again, we'll have a chance to do a real investigation-together this time." Scully replied. "Since you bring it up though, perhaps you can help me understand why you decided not to include me the last time? We're partners Mulder. I thought you trusted me."

"I do trust you, more than anyone-you know that Scully. I just didn't think you'd-" He went silent.

"What Mulder? Believe you? Have I ever refused to go on any investigation with you, however outrageous it seemed?" She sounded hurt.

"No, you've always been there. I guess I just didn't want to risk your job the way I was risking mine."

"You took that decision away from me and in the process you took a big risk going it alone. That's why the FBI assigns partnerships Mulder, we're supposed to be there for each other."

"Scully, you were there. Even though I left you out of the investigation, you were there with me on board that ship."

"Mulder-" she said, that "come on" look in her eyes.

"I swear! She looked like you, sounded like you, smelled like you and she even had your attitude." He added the last part with a grin, as he rubbed his jaw where her look-a-like had punched him. "You were there." He finished.

"Mulder-" She looked at him. "I-" She couldn't find the words to tell Mulder that as she ran the halls of the ghost ship with the Gunmen, she felt his presence. She just knew he was there. Somehow, she could feel his essence and even smell his cologne. Remembering sent shivers up her spine. Scully let all this go unspoken as they boarded their plane to Jamaica.

Forty five minutes later, seated in row thirteen, seats A and B, Mulder slept like a baby while Scully studied the casefile for their assignment. Suddenly, the 737 must have hit an airpocket. Scully felt as if the plane dropped miles rather than the few feet her rational mind reminded her was reality. She looked over at Mulder as the turbulence continued. He slept peacefully. Oh! That's it, she thought clutching the armrest, white knuckled. No ditching me this time partner, Scully thought as she elbowed him.

"Ow?" He stated groggily. "What was that for?"

"Sorry Mulder-turbulence, she said with a smirk. Just then, the plane pitched again and Mulder watched the color drain from Scully's face. She had always had a fear of flying. This was one of the little details Mulder had uncovered being partnered with her, though she never said a word. Scully had a strength Mulder had seen in only a few people in his lifetime and he admired her for it. He decided the turbulence must have gotten pretty bad for her to wake him like she had.

"You okay?" He tried to ask nonchalantly.

"I'm fine, I just wanted you to get your money's worth on this ride."

"Thanks pard-ner." He said softly elbowing her back. Several rows back, a dark complected man shifted his eyes nervously, sweat beading on his forehead.

"Nobody Move!" The hijacker yelled in a quivering voice. He waved a strange looking gun from one person to another, finally choosing a young girl sitting on the aisle and pulling her to her feet. Holding her to himself, he pushed her down the aisle toward first class as he yelled, "I will talk to the pilot or this girl will be the first of many to die." A flight attendant tried to reason with him, only succeeding in making him angrier. He pointed the gun at the terrified girl's temple. "The pilot! NOW!"

"Okay! Okay! The attendant shouted as she ushered the pair up the aisle to the flight cabin.

"Scully-" Mulder whispered patting the bulge under his jacket where his shoulder holster carefully sheathed his sidearm.

"Mulder-there's protocol in situations like this-we're not trained to deal-" She was cut short by the PA.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," the pilot said calmly. "I want you all to remain calm and cooperative. We are being temporarily detoured. Please, stay in your seats and remain silent as this situation unfolds." The PA clicked off as the door to the flight cabin flew open.

"No tricks Captain! I know how long it should take to reach Iraq. All of you do what I say and you will live. You have my word."

"Somehow, I don't think I trust his word Scully," Mulder whispered sarcastically.

Holding the frightened girl, and shoving his way back down the tight aisle, the hijacker pushed her into an empty seat in the first row of coach. He stood there in the curtained doorway, nervously looking from one section to another. Finally, Mulder saw the opportunity he had been waiting for. The hijacker tried to lower the crew jump-seat, his attention somewhat diverted. As Mulder slowly stood, Scully grabbed his arm, her eyes filled with concern. Although she felt the same responsibility to do something, she couldn't help but question his judgement. Mulder pulled away, trying to assure Scully with that look she knew all to well. She knew it was useless to try and stop him.

As Mulder stepped slowly forward, reaching under his jacket for his sidearm, the hijacker spun around as if sensing his thoughts. Mulder pulled his weapon only seconds too late. He heard the pop and felt the sting on his forearm, inches from where Scully had just had her hand. The bullet ripped through Mulder's arm and found it's way unto the thigh of a man sitting four rows back. In less than a heartbeat, Scully was up and at Mulder's side.

"Oh God! Sit down Mulder. Where are you hit?" She said as she helped him out of his jacket.

"Get away from him!" The man yelled.

"I'm a doctor!" Scully protested, looking back at Mulder.

"He will not be needing your help." The hijacker stated as he grabbed Scully by the hair, pulling her to her feet. "Now, sit down!"

"Please, just let me look-" Scully begged.

The angry man's eyes widened in his fury as he hauled back and slapped her, shoving her into her seat.

"Don't touch her!" Mulder yelled, his eyes a blur of anger and pain.

"QUIET!" The hijacker yelled again as he kicked Mulder in the side. "Her life is now in danger for your small efforts . . ." He paused. "Your efforts? To do what?" He shook his head and smiled. "Stop Me? Nothing will stop me from getting to my destination-what is it you called him? Mul-der?" He kicked Mulder again and Scully out of instinct lunged out of her seat. The hijacker caught her by the arm, twisting as he pulled her back.

"No more!" He shouted slapping Scully again. "Sit down and don't move! Next time I use my fist! Understood?" Scully shook her head. He turned around quickly and pulled Mulder to his feet, shoving him at gunpoint toward the first class section. Scully craned her neck as the curtain fell to block her view. From her short examination, she could tell that Mulder hadn't been wounded badly. She just couldn't let herself think of what he was going through now.

Time seemed to stand still in the silence, broken only by the whimpers and soft crying of the traumatized passengers. Scully noticed most were dressed for vacation, shorts and T-shirts, most brightly colored symbolizing their paradise destinations. Wondering where and how this would all end, Scully turned toward an anguished sob coming from behind her. An old woman doted on a man sitting at her side. He, also elderly, was pale and his head lolled to the side. Scully made contact with the woman's pleading eyes.

Making her decision, looking back once more at the first class curtain, Scully slipped out of her seat. She hoped Mulder could keep the hijacker busy while she once again disobeyed orders.

To the frantic woman's relief, Scully moved quickly down the aisle. The man at her side, she assumed to be the lady's husband, looked even paler at this short distance. Scully immediately saw the evidence that this gentleman had not faired as lucky as Mulder. Clearly, the pooling blood at his feet meant the bullet hit the main artery. She placed her fingers at the pale man's neck, searching for a pulse. Nothing-- Scully placed her hand over the old woman's and looked down as she sadly told the woman her husband was dead.

"I'm so sorry-" she whispered, tears in her eyes. As she looked up at the woman, she saw a terror on her face that could mean only one thing. The hijacker marched down the aisle and Scully could tell he was going to explode.

"I warned you Ms. Doctor, to stay in your seat," He shouted as he backhanded Scully with full force across the jaw, knocking her to the floor. "You really should have listened to me." He kicked her before grabbing the collar of her jacket and pulled her to her feet.

"Please! Don't hurt her!" The old woman pleaded. "She was only trying to help my husband."

"Shut your mouth!" As the hijacker spun around yelling, Scully quickly reached around her waist for her weapon. It was gone. The snap to secure it hung loosely and her hand met only the empty holster. "This is my plane! Under my rules!" He demanded. "Don't test me any further or there will be more blood spilled. I'm not afraid to die! You see, I have nothing to lose. If we have anymore heroics I'll blow this plane out of the sky," he said as he pulled out a small remote control devise from his pocket. He turned, his full attention once again on Scully. Her ears still rang from the kick to the side of her head as she stumbled up the aisle, shoved from behind. She searched the seats she passed for Mulder.

Finally, in the front row of first class she saw him. He was tied there with makeshift ropes, ranging from luggage straps to torn strips from clothing and pillowcases. As Mulder's face came into view, Scully winced, her eyes tearing from what she saw. He had been beaten severely. His face was cut and bleeding and his left eye was swollen shut. Drying blood trailed from his split lip and dripped scarlet on the white of his shirt. His good eye opened upon feeling his partner's presence and the corners of his mouth tilted up in a painful attempt at a smile.

"What the Bureau puts us through these days to fly first class . . . " He started to whisper, cut off by a swift punch that started his lip bleeding again. Scully was pushed into the seat next to Mulder and tied in a similar fashion.

"Now, here is how we will play this out," the hijacker hissed. "If one of you talks or makes any move, the other will receive the punishment. Am I understood?" Both Mulder and Scully shook their heads. "Good-then we will have a nice flight. You--will love my country," he smiled, caressing Scully's auburn hair. She pulled her head away in disgust. He laughed softly as he turned and left them.

Escape on her mind, more than ever now, Scully racked her mind to recall where she'd lost her weapon. If she could only figure which blow dislodged it from its holster, she would know where to look. Now she just needed to figure out how to free herself without getting Mulder killed in the process. Scully looked toward Mulder as he moaned softly. She noted that his lip had stopped bleeding again.

Though his eyes were closed, he felt her concerned stare. Moving his long fingers along the armrest between them, he brushed hers gently. She in turn moved her hand closer, entwining their fingers as their fates had been for years.

The moment was broken by shouts coming from coach. "You killed my husband!" Scully recognized the voice of the old woman. "You said you had nothing to live for, well, now I don't either. You took my reason to live!"

Scully twisted in the seat, trying to look over the back of the high, first class seat. She instinctively ducked when a gunshot rang out in the quiet. Another shot fired mere moments later. Scully could tell from the sound that it was the hijacker's distinctive, plastic gun that fired last.

Screams from terrified passengers combined with the sound of sucking wind as the cabin quickly began to depressurize. Mulder looked over at Scully through a whirlwind of flying debris. She had a look of panic on her face that came from pure terror. With her fear of flying, she now was living out her worst nightmare.

"Hey!" He squeezed her hand as he shouted over the noise.

Scully turned her head, not quite believing her eyes. He was smiling at her. Leave it to Mulder to be smiling in the face of certain death. He yelled again. "With all the people I've pissed off over the years-never thought I'd go like this!"

Though Scully's eyes were still wide with fear, Mulder noticed the slightest smile at the truth in his statement. She let go of his hand as he twisted his violently, stretching the cloth bonds until they broke. Seconds later, Scully's hand was free as well. As she worked frantically to free her other wrist, she felt Mulder's hand on her cheek wiping away a tear she didn't know she had shed. She suddenly realized her efforts to free herself were pointless and found Mulder's hand with her own. Scully squeezed tightly as if his hand was the only thread of sanity left in the chaos around them.

She was appalled when she looked and found him still smiling. "My God Mulder! We're gonna die!" She screamed through her sobs.

"Scully! Look at me!" Mulder yelled, trying to break through her panic. "Dammit Scully! Look at me!" Her eyes finally came aware. "Scully . . . I" He shook his head.

"I . . . I have to tell you . . . I have to . . . Shit!" He cursed the words. The words that stuck in his throat, the words that she needed to hear, the words that he needed to say.

Scully watched him struggle and smiled softly through her tears. He didn't have to say the words, he never did.

"I know Mulder . . . me too" Tears filled his eyes as he held her hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly. "I love you."

The plane jolted suddenly as the wheels screeched on the runway. Scully's head lifted from it's resting place, the back of her coach seat. She found herself holding Mulder's hand. He was sleeping. Thank god, she thought, feeling her face flush as she removed her hand from his. Scully looked at the other passengers and realized everyone seemed to be waking from an unusual sleep. She turned to Mulder and noticed soft shadows on his face where the bruises and welts were in her dream.

"SCULLY!" He shouted as his eyes flew open.

"I'm right here Mulder, it's okay." "What the hell?" He was obviously as confused as she was.

"Mulder look." He turned to see the other passengers still sleeping or waking in complete silence. Scully's hand found her jaw, which was mysteriously sore. She pulled a compact from her bag and saw the shadow running from her cheek to her jaw.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Jamaica and thank you for flying with us. Please wait until the seatbelt signs are off to claim any carry-ons. Have a wonderful stay.

From behind her, Scully heard a familiar cry-the old woman. She turned to see her and her husband next to her.

"Excuse me, but you wouldn't be a . . . doctor . . . Would you?" A flight attendant asked Scully, a strange look on her face.

"Yes, I'm a doctor, if I can help . . ." She replied. With the strongest sense of dejavoux, Scully unbuckled her lap belt and made her way back to the couple. The man sitting next to the woman was very pale and his head lolled to the side.

"Please!" The old woman begged.

Scully moved closer looking at the floor near the man's feet-nothing.

"He's . . . he's had a history of heart problems . . . the doctor told him he shouldn't fly . . ." The woman sobbed.

Scully placed her fingers, looking for a pulse. He was cold to the touch. She lowered her eyes and turned to the woman.

"I'm sorry, he's gone . . ." Scully whispered. She stood, turning toward the flight attendant. Scully rubbed at the bridge of her nose informing the flight attendant that she and Mulder were with the FBI and that the body was evidence. She continued, saying Mulder would contact the Bureau and the passengers would need to be debriefed. As Scully turned to walk back to Mulder, the flight attendant grabbed her arm.

"I just wanted to say thank you, from all of us, for helping the way you did. I . . . don't really understand what happened, but I don't think we would have made it if you hadn't done all you did." Scully let her mouth fall open in shock.

"You're . . . you're welcome."

When Scully returned to her seat, Mulder, who had been observing from a distance, stated flatly, "He's dead . . . isn't he?"

"Yes," She answered, recognizing a certain look in Mulder's eyes. She then added, "the strange thing is that he's been dead long enough for his body to become cool. Rigor has even started to set in Mulder. That means he's been gone for at least three hours?"

"Here's the big question then Scully. How come no one noticed until now?" Mulder raised his hand to his temple to rub away the headache that was starting.

"Mulder! Your arm!" Scully gasped, holding his arm as she saw the fresh blood soaking through his white shirt. He paled slightly as he rolled up his sleeve to reveal a tiny puncture wound.

"What the hell happened here Mulder?" Scully asked. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

"Maybe it's the "triangle" again? I hope it's done with me this time." She took his hand in hers.

"Us, Mulder. This time, it was us . . ."

"Yeah Scully. It's us." His hazel eyes searched hers. "It always will be, from now on. I promise." She gave him one of her most beautiful smiles as they turned and filed off the plane. Her smile continued as she felt his hand in it's place at the small of her back.

The End~

Special Agent Dana Scully-

Enroute, on assignment X-148121 to Jamaica, Special Agent Mulder and myself counted ourselves among the victims of a mid-air hijacking. The hijacker, of Arab descent, demanded the flight be rerouted to Iraq. He "convinced" the pilot of his intentions using a high-tech, non-metallic weapon. He also had, what appeared to be a remote control. He explained to the Captain, the frequency of this devise would set off explosives, located in the luggage compartment in the belly of the plane.

Agent Mulder saw an opportunity in the confusion at one point and attempted to apprehend the hijacker. In so doing, Agent Mulder was shot and as the bullet continued behind him, one Mr. Robert Matheson was killed. Offering my assistance medically, the hijacker became agitated and used this excuse to become violent with me physically and also with Agent Mulder as he reacted to my abuse. We were at this point searched and after the hijacker found us to be Agents with the Bureau; we were secured in the first class section. Unbenounced to Agent Mulder and myself, my weapon was lost during one of my attempts to help those hurt.

The deceased wife found my weapon and fired, killing the hijacker but not before he could get a round off. His bullet missed his target, Mrs. Matheson, and hit a window, which resulted in rapid decompression of the plane. The 737 plummeted and as the blood rushed to my head, I blacked out.

The next thing I recall is waking in my coach seat, watching those around me waking as well. The tires of the plane screeched on the runway below us and as the engines reversed, we roared to a stop. Agent Mulder woke and from his reaction, I realized what I had experienced or rather, we had experienced, had not been a dream. As the passengers were still waking and started to talk quietly amongst themselves, I listened as they told the story that I myself had experienced. Somehow, we had all been deviated from our timeline, together. Physically, our minor injuries had all but disappeared with the exception of some vague shadows on Agent Mulder's face and my own. Agent Mulder had only a small puncture wound in his left arm, where the gaping gunshot wound had been.

Mr. Matheson, who died from a gunshot wound in the alternate reality, was found dead from apparent cardiac arrest upon landing. My examination of the body at the site, taking into account its pallor and coolness, lead me to mark the time of death close to three hours before we landed, which coincides with the shooting in the alternate reality. Completion of the autopsy on Mr. Matheson revealed that my estimated time of death had been correct. I also was able to rule out cardiac arrest as the cause of death, finding the actual cause to be loss of blood or exanguination. In the final entry of my autopsy report I listed the finding of a small puncture wound in the right thigh and also the fact that not a drop of blood was found at the scene.

Agent Mulder's theory as to our experience insists that this incident occurred as part of the ongoing Devil's triangle phenomena and that we were drawn into some sort of tear in time or dimension. My theory behind this event stems from a psychological phenomena called Folie A Deux, which is defined as a madness shared by two. As this incident was experienced by a planeload of people, my theory is left unfounded scientifically. However, I feel there must be a parallel between what happened to us and the theory behind the afore mentioned phenomena.

Agent Mulder and myself are found once again without any physical evidence. Nothing remains but our shared memories of a tragic event that never occurred.

This case remains unsolved--