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A mishmosh of stuff, all about television.

We've been using Dish Network since October of 1999. If you've got cable and think it stinks, check them out! I give them my highest recommendation.

September 2002 The Sopranos..."woke up this morning and got myself a gun!" We didn't begin watching this show until a few weeks ago, starting with season 1. WOW. A show that's well done and not putting the same old stars from shows past into the limelight. Not that I find any of these actors sub par, far from it. I'm happy to see faces that haven't been crammed down our throat for years getting the chance to do GOOD television. Glad I've got HBO!

How a television station works. All you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask.

Links to the other places we like that are all about TV!

C-SPAN Stuff

C-SPAN All government stuff all the time! We Both Work Here! Here's a link to their website.

The C-SPAN School Bus All of you regular viewers of C-SPAN out there have heard of the C-SPAN School Bus, right? Well, April got to spend a week traveling with the bus all the way from Baton Rouge, LA to Austin, TX. Here's how the week went, along with some tips about cool stuff to see if you're ever in the area.

On a related note, I've worked on both these busses. If you're fortunate to see our C-Span 1 bus, you're in for a treat. Check it out if you can.

Our favorite TV Shows

We only like high quality television, so most of what is out there now stinks, but here's some stuff, old and new, that's cool!

British TV Shows Comedies and dramas imported from merry ol' England!
Disaster Movies and TV Shows Portions of the world have been annihlated a hundred times over when you count up all the disasters in our collection! Synopses and reviews of many movies and tv shows about disasters, real and imaginary.
Stargate SG1 Links to super sites about this one of a kind show, plus my own ramblings.

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