This area is expanded and updated on a need to know basis.
JULY 2005

From the archives, a vintage publicity photo.... with Mort giving the photog the requisite "hey, you're a comic, pose like one" pose. It's a bit'll see as we offer the picture and a close-up.

Tell 'em Willie Boy's Not All Bad...

Here's a photo of Mort in 2002, having lent some support by being in court at one of the early hearings in the Robert Blake case

And here's Mort at Joe's Pub in 2001. "He never disappoints" said Woody Allen, who introduced Mort at the opening show.

Comic Character Mort: sparing no expense, the website commissioned this pen and ink drawing by Don Simpson, one of the legendary comic book artists of our time, known for both his "Anton Drek" underground comics and his Megatonman super-hero comic strip. a look back at the Hungry i-era Mort, via Don Simpson

Transcript from Sahl on AOL
Some screen captures from Mort's appearance on Whoopi Goldberg's talk show in the late 90's....

An atypical amused, friendly picture of Mort from a 1962 CBS television appearance.

And here's the ad for Mort's Watergate album, as it appeared in Billboard:

MORT D'ART PAINTING/COLLAGE with Ron Smith's apologies to dechirico.

Archive Photo: Mort and Harry Truman

Archive Photo: Mort and Adlai Stevenson

Mort on the cover of TIME

This may take 8 seconds to load: a copy of an ad for Mort Sahl On Broadway.

Will Elder once offered a pretty good likeness of Mort amid a Playboy "Little Annie Fanny" which we added the slogan on the shirt...

Any photos that don't appear, or dead links on the site, please report them to CyKottick at Most of these glitches are due to Cy wearing Carmine DeSapio's sunglasses.