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Jax and Brenda come back home and she says she has breakfast planned for them and Robin was suppose to keep it warm, but they don't smell anything. Jax saves the day and make scrambled eggs. He tells her his mom taught him how to make breakfast for himself. The phone rings and Brenda thinks that it is Robin, but it is Keesha wanting to know where Robin is they had a breakfast appointment together and Robin didn't show. Brenda now gets concerned and wants to call Mac and Jax tells her that he is out of town with Felica as he as them to check into something for him. Then she says Robin is missing. Jax maybe she run into someone and forgot and Brenda says no she would of called. She says this has something to do with Jason first Michael is missing and now Robin and Jason is involved somehow. Brenda is going to call someone and decides to go see him instead and she goes to see Jason and ask him where Robin is and she tells him that she is missing.

Tony brings Robin some asprin for her flu. She tells him that won't help her she needs her hiv medicine as she could become ammune to them if she misses her doses on schedule. He tells her that he doesn't think that it will affect her to miss them for a couple of weeks. She tell him that Alan told her when whe started the cocktail that the told her even if she missed a schedule dose there could be a complication from not taking them on time. He tells her the asprin will help her flu symptoms. He leaves her and the baby locked up and tells her everything is there that she needs and that he would do his best to get her medicine. Robin sings to Micael and tries to get him to go to sleep.

Carly goes to the hospital and ask Bobbi if there is anything that she can do to help all she is doing is sitting. Bobi tells her yes they were shorthanded taking hand prints of the babies. They are having a very touching moment and Tony walks up and asks if there has been word on Michael and Carly says no. Bobbi starts talking to Tony and telling him to not be late for his Birthday party and Lucas has made gift for him. Carly lights into them about him interrupting them with their conversation about Michael. Bobbi tries to talk to her and she won't listen. Bobbi looks at Tony and says don't ask me, I stopped trying to figure her out a long time ago. Earlier at the penthouse Jason and Justice is trying figure out what Moreno wants as they think he has Michael.j

Lizzie finds Lucky on the docks and talks to him she defends Luke a little bit and he ask her how she can do that he raped his mother just like the guy did her and She says know it isn't the same. Lucky says no it is still the same. Lucky leaves and he goes to see Helena and he talks about why she stole a stuff animal from his sister in Switzerland and brought it back to his dad. She says she doesn't use children in he fights. She just thought that Luke knew where her family was that she should know where his was. Lizzie goes to see Luke and to tell him that she saw Lucky and she ask him if there was anything that he thought that she did to maybe have made that guy think that she wanted what she got. the way she walked or dressed or talked. Luke tells her it wasn't her it was the guy.


Mac and Felicia have to keep on their toes with Tess watching every move. Tess tells Mac she's putting him to a test, and it happens when Jax and Brenda arrive at the Outback, furious that Mac was quoted trashing Brenda in a tabloid article. Following Tess' directions, Mac admits that he did say the nasty thing about Brenda, and Jax decks him. Lucky accompanies Liz to an interview with the police. With his support, she tells Garcia and Dara the whole terrible story. As she is ready to leave, Audrey shows up to offer belated support. Still obsessed with Laura's rape, Lucky goes to Windemere and asks Stefan to tell him the truth. Stefan only gives him another cryptic answer. Taggart comes to Jason asking to tap his line in order to catch the babysitter. Jason refuses at first, but finally agrees for Michael's sake. Dara threatens to throw Taggart off the case because she's afraid he wants to nail Jason more than he wants to solve the kidnapping. Taggart convinces her that he is committed to finding Michael. Carly confronts Tony at General Hospital, demanding that he return Michael. Tony swears innocence, and Bobby believes him. She tells him what the cops are doing, and encourages Tony to go ahead and leave town. Carly tells Jason that she talked to Tony and he tells her that he's had a tail on Tony all along. He warns Carly to be careful, her impulsive actions could endanger Michael.


Catherine throws a shower for Felicia. As the women of Port Charles arrive, Monica and Bobby are secretly frantic about Michael; Robin runs into Nikolas and they flirt a little, then make a date; Felicia feels guilty about the whole deception, but continues to play it out. At the Outback, Tess shows up and demands that James/Mac give her a job as bartender so she can keep a closer eye on him. Stressed about Michael, Alan goes to the hospital to get more pills. Amy finds him passed out on the couch in his office and is really worried that he is dependent on the pills. He groggily tries to reassure her that he is not addicted, just going through a rough period. Desperate to convince her, he breaks the cops' secrecy rule and tells Amy about the kidnapping, swearing her to silence. Amy, silent? Oh, sure... Back at the Quartermaine mansion, AJ, Ned and Edward stew over the kidnapping. AJ thinks wants to go after the kidnappers himself, and Eddie concurs. Ned repeats the police instructions to stay out of it, and orders AJ and Edward to follow them, but after he leaves, his cousin and grandfather are free to pursue their own plans. Felicia's shower makes Robin sad about her breakup with Jason and she goes to their bridge. She hears someone and turns, sure it's Jason. But it is Helena Cassadine, who thanks her for helping Nikolas. Robin is suspicious of Helena and rejects her offer of friendship.


Nikolas starts to question what he told Lucky. He tells Stefan about their encounter and why he felt pushed to tell Lucky about his father. Stefan reassures Nikolas that what he told Lucky was the truth. Stefan's main worry is that, if cornered, Luke will lash out with an attack on the Cassadines. Meanwhile, Lucky continues to research Laura's rape. He asks both his mother and father indirect questions, but when that is unsatisfying, he goes to Scotty Baldwin, Laura's husband at the time of the rape and asks him directly if his father was the rapist. Scotty won't give him a direct answer though, implying that Lucky should leave the past in the past. Jason and Carly go to the Quartermaines and demand Michael. The Q's seem stunned, as Carly is hysterical and Jason is coldly furious. The cops show up to question the Quartermaines themselves, and are not happy to find that they have been told about the kidnapping. They insist that the best course is for everyone to keep quiet. The Q's blame Jason's lifestyle for the kidnapping, but Carly defends him and blames herself. Though they are all sworn to silence, Bobby goes to tell her big brother Luke. Luke promises to be discreet, but also promises to find the baby. Back at the penthouse, Carly wracks her brain about the kidnapper. Finally, having eliminated Jason's business rivals and the Quartermaines, she realizes it must be--Tony!


Katherine comes across the check that Stefan tried to give Robin. She confronts him with being overprotective of Nikolas. Stefan warns her coldly to back off. As a frantic Carly searches for Michael, Jason comes in. He tells Carly he will handle it, but just then in walk Garcia and Taggart to take over the case. They tell Carly and Jason not to tell anyone until they hear from the kidnapper. Carly called Bobby the minute she found Michael missing, and Bobby shows up but vents her anger on Carly. They trade insults until Jason reminds them that Michael doesn't have time for that. Though she defends herself to Bobby, Carly is really frightened and blames herself. Lucky is scornful and disbelieving when Nikolas repeats passionately that Luke raped Laura. Nikolas tells Lucky to do the research--October 8 was the day. Lucky can't find Luke, so he heads for the library. After flipping through story after story of Luke's heroic exploits, he finds the headline he's looking for, October 8, "Rape Victim Found in the Park." After his confrontation with Lucky in the park, Nikolas goes to Sarah, who is thrilled to see (and hear) him. They talk about getting back to how they used to be, but things are strained between them.


Stephan and Nik talk and Nick tells Stephan that he never wronged him just people that he cared about and that hurt just as much. Stephan explains that he only was looking out for him and Nick tells him he knows. He also thanks him for understanding him. He kisses Stephan on the forehead. Stephan goes to see Robin and tells her she won't be seing Nick again. He tries to give her check for her schooling and she turns it down. She tells him she wasn't hired and she doesn't want to be paid her and Nick are friends. So stephan leaves.

Justic and Jason are at the docks talking about the Q's plans for the docks and Taggart comes up and is talking to them. Jason says he is going to be late and Justice tells him to go ahead he will take care of this. Taggart starts to harrass Jason and Taggart's phone rings and it is Dara and she is almost right behind him on the docks. Taggart and Justice start to have words between they almost get into a fight and Dara comes between them. Taggart leaves. Luke shows up on the docks. He tells them he likes to come there and think.

Luke and Lucky are talking about Liz's rape and Luke tells him that the pain never goes away. You have to learn to deal with it. Lucky takes a walk in the park and NIck is there also. Nick says hi and then he turns around and tells Lucky that he received a letter from Laura and Lucky goes off on him and tells him he doesn't want to hear it after what his father done to their mother. Nick tells him he bette get his facts straight "It wasn't my father that raped our mother it was you father that raped our mother."

Carly was talking to Michael and the phone rings it is Jason;s private line and they aren't suppose to answer, but she hears Robin at the other end and she is afraid that Robin is going to tell him what she did so she gets some scissors and is going to cut the cords into and the baby starts crying and she stops. She thanks the baby for stopping her if Jason would of found out he would of been mad. Carly is in the lobby and she gets a phone call from Edward and she goes to answer it at the desk and she tells Michael she will be right back and she goes to get the phone and see some wallpaper that she likes and the desk clerk gives her a number to call. Edward never picks up and Carly hangs up and goes back to Michael and he is gone someone has takeng him from his stroller.


Carly is thrilled to realize that Michael recognizes her. Tony comes over to Carly and Jason's; he has discovered letters from Virginia that Carly hid in the apartment. Though he brings them because he knows they are important to Carly, he is bitter and accusing as he tells them he is leaving Port Charles. Later Carly muses over the letters and determines that she will be different in the future. For Michael, she will not be so dishonest and afraid. When Robin visits Nikolas, he is upset because he has received a letter from Laura. He doesn't want to read it, but Robin convinces him to let her read it to him. It is a loving letter, but Nikolas doesn't trust it. Robin sympathizes with him--she also lost her parents and she talks to him about anger and forgiveness. Carried away by emotion Nikolas talks for a long time about how he tried to hate Laura because the Cassadines wanted him to, but he couldn't. It is not until he's finished with his outburst that he realizes that he's talking freely. He embraces Robin gratefully. Bobby and Tony explain to Lucas that Tony is leaving town. Liz rebels against Audrey's attempts to deny the reality of her rape. She pleads with her grandmother for understanding of her fear and pain, but Audrey continues to brush her off. When Lucky brings a video over to watch, an exhausted Liz drops off to sleep but wakes panicked by her terrible recurring nightmare of the rape. Lucky is reassuring and wishes he could do more to help her. After he leaves Liz, Lucky calls his mother, just to hear her voice.


Lucky goes with Liz to get her test results and they are negative. She says she just has to worry about the one 6 months from now and then 6 months from then. Lucky takes her out to eat and to be alive, while there Lucky tells her that he knows somone that has been thru what she has been thru and he tells her it was his mom. He tells her that she was young like her and she had a lot of spit fire like her and Liz reminded him of Laura. He tried to make her feel better.

Mac and Felicia had their engagement party and everybody toasted them. Tony informed Bobbie that he was leaving town and he told Luke to look out for his sister.

The Q's have their borad meeting and everyone is there except for Lili and someones says she had the commen sense to stay upstairs with Emily. AJ has a surpise for them he has ask a applicant to come and join them for the corporate lawyer position and it is Alexis and they vote and Alexis is voted in. Ned meets with Alexis and says their plan worked. It fooled AJ. Jason thinks there is something funny going on and he voted against Alexis. Ned knows that now AJ will go along with whatever Alexis suggests and Alexis will support Ned.


Robin takes Nikolas out to lunch at Cafe Matisse to practise his speech in public. They get in a little flirtation too when Nikolas asks Robin to tell him something about herself that no one else knows. She responds by confiding in him that she is an excellent markswoman, something her adventurous parents taught her. They discuss their families' enmity, and begin to get closer. As Robin is saying goodbye to Nikolas, they run into Sarah, who is hurt once again that Nikolas won't even try to talk to her. A drunken and demoralized Tony broods over the happier times he had with Bobby and the kids. He writes a long goodbye note to his family and friends. Mac and Felicia plan their engagement party, while V helps them plot how to pressure Tess into revealing her plan. When they tell Tess they plan to marry and take a long honeymoon, she is upset until she talks to her cohort on the phone and they incorporate Mac and Felicia's plan into the Jax murder plan. One good thing--V traces the call. When Alexis approaches an ELQ lunch meeting at the Grill, Ned puts their ruse into action by attacking her for sabotaging ELQ Jakarta. Alexis storms out after a very public fight with Ned, and, just as planned, it lures AJ into approaching her, probably for help in plotting Ned's downfall. As the Q's are finishing up lunch, they have another visitor, Taggart, looking for Alan with questions about the break in at the hotel pharmacy. Though Alan acts innocent, Taggart is not fooled, "Junkie!" he mutters to his partner as they walk away.


In his new duds and new authoritative persona, Jason defends his position to the lieutenants in his organization who want to remove him from leadership. Quietly, Jason convinces them he can do the job, except for Sam who has been bought by Jax. He is escorted out under protest. In a let-it-all-out fight, Robin accuses Carly of lying and manipulating, and Carly accuses Robin of using Jason's love for her to push him around. Calling Robin too good to be true, Carly tells her she's just jealous that Carly has had sex with Jason and Robin can't. They trade insults and accusations until Robin finally storms out and heads for her and Jason's special place, the bridge. Sure enough, Jason shows up there, but Robin is disturbed by how his new look makes him seem like a stranger. Robin promises him she won't reveal the baby's paternity to AJ, and Jason tells her that he loves the baby in a way he had only loved her before. She tells him she wants him to be happy. Back at the penthouse Carly is terrified that Robin will tell Jason what she said and Jason will throw her out. She is relieved to hear that Robin changed her mind. Lucky shocks Luke by telling him he knows Laura was raped. Luke is relieved when he realizes Lucky is talking about Stavros Cassadine. Later when Bobby comes to talk to Luke, she warns him that the past has a way of coming back to haunt you when you least expect it. Though Luke is clearly haunted, he refuses to think about telling Lucky that he raped his mother. A breathless Brenda waits for Jax's response to her proposal, and when it comes, it deflates her--he says, "It's too late." Gently he tries to persuade her that they are not meant for each other, but he will always be her friend. Brenda refuses to accept that he means what he says, and tells him she will not give up until she makes him fall in love with her again.