Welcome to Twin Peaks, population 51.201

Twin Peaks (created by Mark Frost and David Lynch) is my favorite tv-serial. There is no other tv-serial or movie that creates such an idyllic atmosphere built up on wonderfull music by Angelo Badalament, good acting, and a great story.

To make a long story short

Twin Peaks is a little idyllic town near the border of Canada. One day a corpse is washed up from the water, it's the young Laura Palmer who is killed and wrapped in plastic. Agent Dale Cooper from the FBI is sent to investigate the murder and the closer to the truth he gets, the stranger it all seems. There is something dark and evil in Twin Peaks that nature can't explain.

David Lynch movies/serials

Six Figures 1966
Alphabet 1967
The Grandmother 1970
Eraserhead 1976
Elephant Man, The 1980
Dune 1984
Blue Velvet 1986
Wild at Heart 1990
Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Broken Hearted 1990
Twin Peaks 1990-1991
American Chronicles 1990
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me 1992
On the Air 1992

David Lynch as an actor:

Zelly and Me 1988 -Willie
Twin Peaks 1990-1991 -Agent Gordon Cole
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me 1992 -Agent Gordon Cole

Angelo Badalamenti's movie/serial -music

The city of lost children
Naked in New York
On the Air
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
Twin Peaks
Wild at Heart
The Comfort of Strangers
Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Broken Hearted
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Blue Velvet