The series ran for a period of 5 years, from 1969 to 1974. The first series of 13 episodes ran from the 5th of October 1969 to the 11th of January 1970. The second series ran from the 15th of September 1970 to the 22nd of December 1970. The third and final series of 13 episodes ran from the 19th of October 1972 to the 18th of January 1973 (There was no series in 1972 due to the production And Now For Something Completely Different). The forth series which was only 6 episodes long ran from the 31st of October 1974 to the 5th of December 1974. The team also did two German episodes of Monty Python's Fliegende Zirkus, neither of these episodes have been released on video yet. The tapes listed below are released by BMG in PAL format. The script for Epsiode 1 is up, click on the title for full script or sketch name for script of sketch. More scripts to the epsiodes will be added at a later stage.