Dear Mary,
I created this site so that we holics could comfort you during this time with words of guidance, poems, prayers, or just a reminder of who will always be there for you.  I hope it does bring you comfort, and that you see how much people care about you and your father.  Any time you feel like crying, do it.  Any time you feel like laughing at memories, do it.  Whatever the emotion it is rational and right to express it, and only by releasing those emotions can you be light-hearted.  Or, as Gillian would say, release the negative energy. :)  I've found it rather normal a few times since my brother died to just talk to him, not in prayer form then but talk like he is in the same room, and we're having a conversation with Beavis vocabulary, only I can't hear what he's saying.  Or maybe I am, I can't be sure yet :)  But it comforts me, and the same action may comfort you :)  Do not forget how much the holics love you, for that too will get you through this.  You have a witty, hilarious persona, always keep it, it is a strength that will continue to delight and brighten others on your path through this lifetime.  My my, this is quite the spiritual letter so far ey ;)  You could also just use VM to talk to me (Gillyholia :), that's handy and the less eloquent me :)  Take care :):)
Love, April :)
Part One: Messages

Mary, I know this is a very tough time for you.  There's no getting around that.  But just try to make the best of the time you have left with him.  Sit with your dad and you don't even have to talk, just be there for each other.  Think about better times.  Make peace with any bad things you have between you, because you'll definitely wish you had if you don't.  And just remember that you have a whole group of friends supporting you and helping you get through this.     


Dear Mary,     
 There is nothing I can say that will take away the pain, but you will be in my prayers and I hope you will find some comfort in my words.     

peace and Love,     

VeraMulder (Rose)     

The time has come, little one.     
What has and will be done.     
Remember, the end would come some day     
When there would be few words to say...     
He'll be there...     
With love and care...     
Remember all the fun..     
Of all the smiles in the sun..     
Little one, don't say good-bye     
Because your father's love will never die...     


mary, i hope that you make it through this alright. your father is going to a better place, and he'll be looking after you.     



{{{{Mary}}}} Hi. I know life is tough for you now, but just know that your friends are here for you. Things in life sometimes don't go the way we want them too, but maybe it's for a reason. {{{{}}}}}  Anytime you need to chat, you let me know. I love you Mary and I hope everything works out for you.    

Your friend,    


Hey Mary,   
This is me Mindy. First of all...    
Huge hug for you.  Secondly, I just want to say that I'm here for you.  I mean, I'm not that great at comforting people and I usually never know what to say, but I'm here if you need me.  I'll be thinking of you and keeping you and your family in my prayers.   
 It's hard to think of words that would make you feel any better. They say that life goes on but anyone who loses a parent knows it won't be the same. I guess the best I can say is that there is a great group of people who are all here for you, and to just always concentrate on the good times you had with your father. I'm sure he's rather you think of him and smile, not cry.  
I guess all I can really say is how sorry I am and that you find a way to feel better.  


     Words cannot express what you will be going through. However, during that time, please remember that the holics, and I are always here for you. Don't shut down and don't turn away. Take what your father did in life and try to live like he did. I know you love your father and I am sure he loves you. Take what time you have left with him and spend every moment with him. One day when you have kids, you will definately have many good stories to tell them. Focus on those good times and not the bad. Do not forget the bad times though because they help us grow into who we are. We are the pod and the experiences are the seed. Experiences are the core to our existance. Remember that everything that happens , does so for a reason. Put your trust in God, if you believe in God, and put trust in your father. Love will definately get you through this hard time. Please email me or voicemail me if you ever want to talk. I am here for you. I think you are a cool person anyway! Don't ever forget that!!     



Dear Mary,    

I'm really sorry about what's happening to your father. God knows what *I'd* do if my father had cancer. I know I couldn't possibly be as strong and brave as you have been. Despite the health of your father you've always kept your head up, always been cheerful and sweet, always looked on the bright side of things. I admire you so much for that, Mary. I'm feeling choked up right now just thinking what you must go through everyday. Seriously. ::pushes back tears:: I am so, so, so sorry you and your family have to go through this. I really don't know what else to say, except me - and the rest of the holics - will always, always, ALWAYS be here for you Mary and I love you so much. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}    

- Julie    


Dearest Mary,

I know that I've spoken to you before about this, and that most of these things I've already said to you....but I feel that I have to say them again, to emphasize how much people love you. By people, I mean the holics, both your parents, your whole family and your IRL friends. This I'm sure is the hardest thing you've ever, or will ever go through. I hope that you know no matter *what*, the holics will be there for you, whenever you need us (and even when you don't, hehe). I love you so much Mary {{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}, and I wish that you weren't going through this awful time.


"What is death? Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room, and I am I and you are you. Whatever we were to each other then, that we are still. Speak to me in the easy way that you always used, laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together, let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Life means all that it ever meant; there's absolute unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I'm out of sight? I am waiting for you, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well."  
by Rupert Holmes 

Mary, I can't imagine what you must be going through, but know that I love you very much. 

-- Melody

Part Two:  Lyrics  Part Three:  Pictures