Hopefully I will figure out how to take better pictures of my aquaruim, but until I do, these will have to do....*S*

P.S. This counter was reset February 12, 1998

'Pinky' and one of the neons
'Pinky' on the left, 'Naner' on the right, and the Danio's near the top
The two neons front and center

As it is really difficult to tell what is in there, I will tell ya... I have 3 Zebra Danio's, 2 Blue Long-Fin Danio's, 2 Painted Glass Tetra's, two small Neons, and another Brush Nose Pleco. I have only suffered a few losses since starting this hobby. I lost my two small Brush Nose Pleco's, and my Betta. Live and learn I guess. As I add more fish, I will be updating this page....and when I get some better pictures, I will put them here too.

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