What's Liza's Passion?

What's Your Passion? (From nbc.com/passions)

Liza Huber (Gwen) is passionate about travel. It seems Liza's love of travel is practically in her blood. She's been going new places and seeing new things ever since she was a little girl. In fact, talking to Liza is like talking to a veritable travel magazine! Always on the go, Liza stood still long enough to chat with us about why she loves travel, some of her favorite trips, where she hopes to visit and much more!

How did you develop such a love of travel?
Ever since I was a little girl wherever my parents went, my brother and I went. They were always so generous. My parents loved to travel. My father is from Austria so we would go to Austria at least once a year. We were traveling throughout my childhood. I think that desire to see other places is innate in me. I'm so grateful for it because probably my biggest love is traveling. I love being on the move and seeing other places.

What are some of your favorite memories of trips you took when you were young?
We've taken so many trips. I loved going to Austria. I feel very fortunate-I learned how to ski in the Alps starting when I was four years old. I'd be in ski classes with Austrian kids, so we would be learning German too. And my family in Austria is so wonderful. And the food...everything over there is meat! My father's mother, who has since passed away, was always waiting for us with bologna sandwiches as a snack! My father is such an amazing cook and he still makes incredible Austrian dishes. Also, for about twelve years in a row we went to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving. It was just my family and it was wonderful. We also went to Vermont skiing every weekend. Whether it was going to Europe or Asia or Vermont, we were always traveling.

Why do you think travel is so important to you?
It just gives you a sense of the world outside of yourself. And it's not about having money. It's about having a desire to get outside of yourself and your little bubble and see what other people are like. Traveling adds to your world vision and who you are. If you live your life in your own bubble of existence, you have no world perspective whatsoever. Even if you don't have any money, you can get in your car and travel the United States. I went to school in North Carolina and the south is like another country! And being out here is so different from being in New York, as is being in Colorado or Arizona...there's so much to do! Fortunately my boyfriend Alex has a huge love of travel as well. We make one trip and we're already planning the next one when we get back. And it's so important that it's not about money-it's about the desire to see other things.

When you take a trip, what is usually your favorite aspect of it?
That's a hard question. This is very general, but I just love going somewhere I've never been before and not knowing what to expect. When I recently went back to Florence where I had lived, it brought back so many memories. The food is incredible. And I love the language. I love hearing different languages. I like the whole experience.

You studied abroad in Italy while in college. What was it like to live in another country rather than just visit?
Everything is different-from the lifestyle you lead to the products you can get. I think it's so important for kids to go abroad at some point because you really learn to fend for yourself. You find yourself in situations where you can't just call someone to help you. It changes you. It encourages you to be independent like nothing else does. Hopefully my children will go abroad somewhere that a different language is spoken...actually, I will insist on it!

You speak German and Italian. Why was it important to you to learn other languages?
My father is Austrian-I'm first generation American. When I was young, my parents hired a woman named Frieda. Frieda would talk to my brother Andreas and I in German. My brother and I would be bratty and answer back in English. But we learned the same way that little kids learn a language-just by absorbing. German is so ingrained in me now. I can read a German book or see a movie. I didn't start taking Italian until high school and then through college. It's hard to really learn it until you're there and you learn how people really speak. I went to Florence in college and was fluent while I was living there. And when I just recently went back there, I picked it up again very quickly.

What have been some of your favorite places to travel to?
I spent a month in Asia my junior year of college and it changed my life. I was with two of my best friends from college. One of them was an "army brat"-she went to high school in Hong Kong so we spent a week there. It was amazing-it's such a beautiful city. It's bustling and busy. It's like New York...but it's in Asia! And then we went to Thailand and spent three weeks in Thailand. We went all over the place from the beaches to Bangkok. We went to a Buddhist Monastery for a whole day. The Asian culture is so pleasing and giving. They have such a peaceful, generous nature. Being in that part of the world made an impact on me. I also love Puerto Rico. There's a resort we always went to which was phenomenal and so much fun. I love skiing in Austria...or just being in Palm Beach in Florida. I don't think there's anywhere I've been that I really didn't like.

You recently traveled to Europe with your boyfriend. Can you talk about that trip?
We spent a week in Florence. We spent New Year's in Italy, which was amazing. We went to this club where we were the only Americans. We had the best time. We went to Seville in Spain because Alex had lived there for a while. We had a nightmare getting home and wound up having to spend a night in Paris-life could be worse, right? We just hopped in a cab and went to this gorgeous hotel. When we got to our room, we opened the curtain and there was the Eiffel Tower! It was the middle of the night and it was all lit up. It was breathtaking. It had snowed for the first time in ten years in Paris. Everything was lit up and we felt so lucky. My new philosophy is to let life surprise you. Who would have thought we would have such a wonderful romantic surprise?

Where haven't you been that you would most like to go to?
There's so much more of Asia I haven't seen. I haven't been to Australia or New Zealand. I would really like to go to Morocco and South Africa. I would love to go to India and Indonesia. It's funny...Iceland is only about five hours from New York so I told Alex we should just go for a long weekend! He told me I was out of my mind!

Do you have any upcoming trips planned?
Our next trip is going to be to Hawaii. Alex surprised me for my birthday. It's so generous. He's got the whole thing planned.

Do you have any advice for people about to take a trip?
Just to be ready. You can't just go; you need to research and know where you're going. Right now, you really need to know the state of the world before you go somewhere. Also, know the culture. When I was in Thailand, all the clothing was long-long skirts and long sleeves. It would be so disrespectful to show up in shorts and a tank top. And if you're going to Europe, and you know you need a certain product-bring it with you because you're not going to find it. From knowing if there's a war going on to bringing your favorite hairspray...it all falls under the topic of being ready.

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