Pink Tacky Bird's

Tacky Travels From A to Z

I've scoured the World Wide Web for the choicest, most Tackyest sites. Look to Pink Tacky Bird to supply you with your Tacky fix.
Remember: Tacky is as Tacky does!

Hey! get this to play the games!

A is for Aardvark....Take a walk on the wild side!

B is for Ball of Twine....and you thought it was in Minnesota!

C is for *Cheese-O-Matic....Leave your message in Cheese!

D is for Dialectizer....type and get my page Dialectized!

E is for Elvis....Check out the Impersonator page!

F is for Face Painting....Pick your victim!

G is for Godzilla....Win Leezard Leezard Leezard!

H is for Hooray for Hollywoodland....Rudolph who??

I is for Illogical Spock....Illogical!

J is for Jell-O....How tasty!

K is for *Killer Fonts....It's real, you can buy them :(

L is for Leonard....Check out his digs!

M is for Mountain....of the Salvation kind, and some poor joe's journey through the desert!

N is for Nixon....This Guy "Lives" just up the freeway from me!

O is for 'possum....Hey! Send ME a card!

P is for Pepe Le Pew....Oooh La La!

Q is for Quisp....Quazy man!

R is for Roxanne....She 'nose' all!

S is for SPAM....Join the Fan Club, I have!

T is for Taco Bell....Here, Leezard Leezard Leezard!

U is for Underwater....What won't people do for entertainment?

V is for Virtual Kiss....Pucker up!

W is for W.C. Fields....I'm so glad he's not my dentist!

X is for X-Files....Find out what Mulder and Scully's baby would look like!

Y is for Yard...Instead of a card, say it in the Yard!

Z is for Zoo....Here kitty kitty kitty!

* This site may contain offensive comments or links to areas that are not KOSHER. Just don't read the comments that people leave (people have NO imagination) and don't go into the area of question.

You're old enough to think for yourself.

Other than that, I find these sites to have the TACKY seal of approval.

PTB Gallery




The Pink Tacky Mailbox

you have tacky number to cherish always!

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Copyright 1999 Smoggy

Pink Tacky Bird is a trademark of Smoggy