Here is a list of fun little things I enjoy on the internet, none of which have anything to do with Chicago Hope.

If anyone has ICQ my number is 7811360 feel free to add me to your list (just put in the comment line who you are so that I have an idea. :-)

Other pages I own

Angie's Photo Album
This is a page I set up to show off some of the photos I have taken through the years. Most of the pictures are from concerts, although there are a few nature shots as well.

Places I like to visit
This is a great site if you like to read fan fiction. It has thousands of stories in a LOT of different categories.

Official Slaughter Homepage
This is one of my favorite bands, and they are real nice guys as well. If the are ever touring in the midwest I am more then likely at their show. So let me know if your planning on going to one maybe we can meet up.

Official Def Leppard Homepage
This is my absolute favorite band. And they have a great page right now. I'm also at their shows in the midwest if anyone wants to meet up.

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