Season Six Quotes

120. (6-1) "Team Play" 9/23/99
Dr. Hanlon: "Is he single? Cause I'm lookin'."

121. (6-2) "Y'Gotta Have Heart" 9/30/99
Phillip: "That new temp they brought in couldn't find his ass with two hands."

Jeffrey: "I've been head of this hospital 6 months, half a year, and did what you couldn't do in 6. I don't mean to rub it in... yes I do."

Francesca: "I hear you wanted me in your office?"
Jeffrey: "Yep, my office, your office, Barbados."

Francesca: "Oh, that what doctors do? They check in on their patients."
Jeffrey: "Is it that time of month?"
Francesca: "Witty"

122. (6-3) "Oh, What A Piece Of Work Man Is" 10/7/99
Francesca: "What's your real problem here Jeffrey because you medical judgement is way off base here? And why aren't you wearing pants?"
Jeffrey: "Because my pants make a lot of noise! And if I might remind you, this is my hospital and he does not scrub here. End of discussion! "
Phillip: "Your wrong."

Aaron: "Well it's more complicated then that. The parents have talked it over and they really want Walter Kerry to do this procedure."
Jeffrey: "Since when did they decide?"
Aaron: "I don't know Jeffrey, I thought this was one of the good hospitals where you get to use the physician of your choice."
Jeffrey: "Not if he's out of control."
Aaron: "He has Tourettes Syndrome."
Jeffrey: "What is this? You're all politically incorrect that I've got to be the bad guy? This man is so close to the edge, I don't know when he'll fall over."
Aaron: "Yes you do. You took him to the edge and then gave him a shove."

Jeremy: "I am helping you, by not making you look likee a plaastic doll."

123. (6-4) "Vigilance And Care" 10/14/99
Dr. McNeil: "Oh eat me!"

Dr. Hanlon: "Note to self... never let Manakas into OR... possible Caine Mutiny."

Cacaci: "Aaron, you can't bogart the MRI machine."

Jack: "Shit happens."

124. (6-5) "Humpty Dumpty" 10/21/99
Keith: "What about me? I told the guy to take a flying leap. I didn't think he would actually do it!"

Policeman: "So he was arrogant?"
Keith: "He was a surgeon at Chicago Hope, what do you think?"

Cacaci: (whispers) ""

Jack: "Even Cacaci's says he said let me die!"

Jack: "Cacaci's like a human cockroach. I don't think we could kill him now if we tried."

125. (6-6) "Upstairs, Downstairs" 10/28/99
126. (6-7) "White Rabbit" 11/11/99
127. (6-8) "The Heart to Heart" 11/18/99
Alicia: "Daddy, your so obnoxious."

Geffrey: "The crazy Sri Lankan bastard just ran away."

128. (6-9) "The Golden Hour" 12/9/99
129. (6-10) "Hanlon's Choice" 1/6/00
130. (6-11) "Faith, Hope and Surgery" 1/13/00
131. (6-12) "Letting Go" 1/20/00
132. (6-13) "Boys Will Be Girls" 2/3/00
Aaron: Maybe your just a johnson magnet.

133. (6-14) "Gray Matters" 2/10/00
134. (6-15) "Painful Cuts" 2/17/00
135. (6-16) "Simon Sez" 2/24/00
136. (6-17) "Cold Hearts" 3/30/00
137. (6-18) "Devoted Attachment" 4/6/00
138. (6-19) "Miller Time" 4/13/00
Alberghetti: "Have you ever licked a mole on an Italian women's ass before? Specifically this one."

139. (6-20) "Thoughts Of You" 4/20/00
Stuart: "Bite my Ass!"
Phillip: "Stuart!"
Hugh: "It seems that everyone if quick to offer their buttocks around here."

Alberghetti to Hugh: "Even the slightest little prick would kill him, so why would I invite an even bigger one into the room?"

140. (6-21) "Everybody's Special At Chicago Hope" 4/27/00
141. (6-22) "Have I Got A Deal For You" 5/4/00

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