Small Sacrifices

Scene opens in the ER.
A man is wheeled into the ER with a severed finger.

Another man enters the ER (in a hockey uniform) with a patient. The man says that the patient needs a cardiothorasic surgeon and that a broken rib punctured the patients heart. Then the man begins ordering people around.

Cops bring in a man and ask if there is a patient who is missing a finger. The cops continue by saying that the guy they brought in has bitten somebody's finger off and swallowed it.

The mysterious stranger in the hockey uniform asks the guy if he chewed the finger before he swallowed it. Watters asks the mysterious stranger who he is, but doesn't get an answer. The guy answers the stranger and says that he swallowed the finger whole. The mysterious stranger then asks how long ago he swallowed the finger and says that they should operate and remove the finger so that they could reattach it.

Dr. Watters asks the stranger who he is again and this time he received an answer. Dr. William Kronk.

Then Dr. Kronk begins ordering the nurses around and tells them to bring a consent form.

The scene is now in the OR. Billy is operating on the guy who swallowed the finger and Phillip comes into the room to scrub up. They pull out a toothbrush, a finger (which is promptly handed off the Geri Infante), then a shoelace.

Cut to Geiger operating on the man that Billy brought in. Geiger want to know who drained the sack. Danny tells him that it was some man in a hockey uniform.

Cut back to Geri operating and she has sewn the finger back on Mr. Tedescue.

Back to OR with Billy and Phillip. The two are still pulling items out of the mans stomach. They find some chess pieces and then another finger, partially digested.

Cut to Billy, Phillip, and Geri trying to figure out what to do about the finger that has just been sewn on Mr. Tedescue, the finger that was sewn on is larger than the others.

Scene is now in the locker room. Aaron, Danny and Geiger are trying to figure out why they are being sued by mr Nabitt. Alan tells them that Mr. Nabitt is suing everyone, including the hospital.

Geri tells Mr. Tedescue that the finger will probably die, but he can be put on a drug that has serious side effects that may be able to save the finger, and he says he will do it (without hesitation.)

Billy walks into the hospital (with the song Wild Thing playing in the background.) He goes to the hockey players room to get some of his hockey equipment. Philip is in the room an he tells the hockey player that Billy is the man that saved his life. The hockey player tells them that he just wants to get well so that he "...can nail the bastard that did this to me." Billy then asks him if he knows who it was. The answer was no, but he would recognize the green helmet with the yellow stripe. Billy then puts on his helmet, which matched the description the hockey player just gave. Billy tells him that his head was down and it would have been wrong not to hit him. Phillip then states "you broke his ribs."

Scene is in Alan's office where Aaron, Danny and Geiger are yelling at him about the unsettled lawsuit. Alan tells them that they can do a group deposition and get it done with. Then Jonathon Saunders and another man come into the room. They tell the group that the man had lost his finger and they were under the impression that it was at Chicago Hope.

Scene cuts to Geri. Alan and Phillip are also there and she tells them she will not amputate the finger.

Geiger and Camille are in the hospital room with the hockey player, who has a spiked fever. Geiger thinks he is suffering from a pulmonary embolism, and wants Kronk to come back in to the hospital.

Alan and Geri go to Mr. Tedescue to tell him about the finger. Soon the other man comes into the room and asks Mr. Tedescue if he could see his finger. Mr. Tedescue then tells Geri to give the man his finger.

Alan is sleeping in his office. Phillip enters the office and tells Alan that he may have to go to court, so that they can amputate the finger.

Geri is telling Mr. Tedescue that she is uncomfortable performing the amputation, it is too unprecidented. Mr. Tedescue tells her that he has feeling in the finger.

Geiger asks Billy, who is studying an x-ray, what he cut the hockey player open with and then Geiger rules out pneumonia. Billy examines the patient and figures out that he is missing a tooth and that it is lodged in the right main bronchus.

Geiger enters the group deposition. Wambaugh asks the doctors questions about the day his client was in the hospital. Nyland is questioned about his affair with Nurse Maggie Atkinson. Geiger is questioned about how he likes to "experiment" on patients, he had put a defibrilator in Mr. Nabitt. Aaron is questioned about about Camille working with him and how he had had some patients die on him, including Karon Antonivich. This upsets Aaron and he threatens to leave. Wambaugh then mentions that other things have happened at Chicago Hope.

Alan, Philip, Aaron, Danny and Jeffrey are discussing the case. They are yelling at Alan because he didn't do anything about Wambaugh's questions. Phillip then mentions that the Tribune called and wants to do an article about some of the things that have happened at Chicago Hope.

Cut to Mr. Tedescu and Mr. Platt (the original owner of the finger) talking. Tedescu is listening to a cassette tape of his playing. Platt tells Tedescu about the ingrown nail on the finger.

Alan and Saunders are in court arguing the Tedescu case. The judge becomes upset because there is no dispute, he then orders the two lawyers to turn around and face the gallery.

Scene goes back to the meeting with Wambaugh and the doctors. Alan walks in abd begins his deposition. He asks Mr. Nabitt why he inhaled the drug that gave him a permanent erection. Alan then talks about saving lives and legacies and how he will make sure that the doctors get their reputations.

Billy enters the hospital to check up on the hockey player. Phillip asks him what he is doing there and then offers him a job.

Infante is getting ready to remove Mr. Tedescu's finger. Mr. Platt enters the room and tells her that he does not want the finger. He tells Geri that he can do his job with four fingers but Mr. Tedesu has a gift and he wants to hear him play at Carnegie Hall.

Alan is sitting in his office with Alicia and Geiger come in to talk with him. Geiger tells Alan that he is the one who keeps the hospital afloat. Geiger then asks him if he can do this, (meaning raising Alicia.) Geiger continues by saying that Alicia has a whole in her heart and he is a single parent, can he really do it. Alan then tells him that it is the easiest thing he has ever done, and he was never alive before Alicia.

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