The Island and Beyond

By LashaLaura

Chapters 13-15

Chapter 13

Setting: Near midnight and Laura is getting ready for bed, or so it looks like!

"I have to get to Stavros' computer, its my only chance to get a message to Robert." Laura was thinking silently to herself while she was supposedly getting ready for bed. In reality, she knew that the only chance she would have to get anywhere near Stavros' labtop was at this late hour of the night. He was in a conference with some of his partners and she knew it would be her best chance. But in case anyone was watching, she had to make it look like she was ready to retire for the night. After making all the necessary preparations, such as tucking a pillow under the blanket to appear she was sleeping and turning out the light; she opened the door slightly. All she could see was darkness except for the faint light coming from the main hall. Stavros' office was three doors down to the right and Laura was praying that it wasn't locked.

As she walked barefoot across the genuine Oriental carpeting, she felt a bead of sweat form on her back. This was the same way she had felt back in her days with Luke on the run. Mentally shaking her thoughts back to the present, she knew now was not the time to dwell on the past, her actions now were what her future depended on. One minute later, she reached the desired door and turned the knob. She felt no resistance and the door opened silently. Laura thanked heavens it was open, crept inside and quietly closed and locked the door.

It wasn't that hard to spot his labtop once Laura had found the light switch, but the trick was being able to access the e-mail feature. Laura clicked on e-mail but then the password screen came up. Now this was a problem!

"What could it be??" Laura whispered to herself. She tried Greece, Cassadine even Ice Princess but to no avail. Then she typed in Lasha and pressed enter. She was in! After breathing a sigh of relief she was thankful she had done some research and found out Robert's e-mail address. Laura began to type but heard a noise from outside the locked door. She waited but nothing came of it, so she went back to the labtop. She preceded to write this message:

I am in desperate need of your help. With Luke gone, you are the only one I can turn to. I am being held captive by Stavros Cassadine on an island somewhere off the coast of Greece. Please help me, you are my last chance.


Laura reread the short message and then in a bold move added something else.

P.S.-Can you please also use your WSB connections to find out some information about Stefan Cassadine. He is Stavros' brother. Thank you. I know you may not understand my plea but please try your best.

Laura began to stare at the message and the send button. If she sent this, she was sure Robert would move heaven and earth to help. But something inside of her couldn't leave Stefan so abruptly and not with everything that had happened. Then, Laura decided not to send the message just yet but to save it to disk. That way she would have it for later use. Before she went through with her plan, she had to straighten things with Stefan. Stefan. As Laura sat there, in danger of being caught by her husband, all she could think about was his brother and..their kiss. In had been a short time since the incident occurred yet it seemed like years to her. At the mere thought of that kiss, Laura head started to spin. The feel of his lips on hers made her feel things she never thought she had the right to feel with anyone else besides Luke. She hadn't seem Stefan since the day since he was away and Laura really missed him. Missed talking to him and sharing thoughts. But was that all she wanted to share. Everytime he looked at her, he pulled at her soul and wouldn't let go. The effect he had on her was dangerous but yet Laura was never one to live a life without a little danger. But how do I really feel about him? Laura said to herself. And he about me, this scenario can't go on. I have to end whatever this is. He had been away for one month and she had been on the island now three months. Time was not flying by.

Laura then realized her surroundings and quickly got up, made sure her presence would not be noticed and exited the room. She slowly walked back to her room, planning on hiding the disk in her makeup case. She opened the door, walked in and locked it. She was safe.

(Meanwhile downstairs..)

Stefan had just walked into the house when he heard footsteps and saw Laura enter her room. Though her saw her briefly, she looked like a vision in pure white. His heart started to beat way to fast. Instantaneously he had the impulse to walk up those stairs, march into that room and find out if the attraction between them was real or just something from his imagination. He had to speak with her about it, there was no more time for dallying. With that, Stefan turned from the staircase and went to his study to carry out his plan. While in the shadows Alexis looked on.

Chapter 14

(Setting-Laura is in the throes of a dream the following morning)

Laura hadn't awoken from her slumber the next morning but her day was starting off with a tumoltuous beginning. She started tossing on the bed trying to awaken from her dream or was she. She started to mumble. In Laura's mind, she was waking up in the very bed she was no on. She looked up and Stefan was leaning over the bed. He began to slowly lean down over Laura and just as he was about to kiss her..

"STEFAN!" Laura awoke with a start by shooting straight off the bed. She started to breathe a little to quickly and her pulse was racing. She was so flustered she hadn't even noticed that there was a rustling in the direction of the locked door behind her.

She whirled around to see a envelope be shoved under her door. She then heard footsteps moving away from the door and go down the stairs fading away. Laura walked slowly toward the door and picked up the envelope with her name elegantly written on the front. Laura walked to the unmade bed and sat down to open the mysterious letter. It read:

Dear Laura,
I would love the presence of your company at dinner tonight. I believe there are some things that you and I must discuss and since returning from my trip they have plagued heavily on my mind. Writing this letter puts us both in grave danger yet I can't seem to stop the pen in my hand from continuing what I have to say on paper. To write everything in this letter could put myself and you in jeopardy if it should fall in the wrong hands. Please meet me at the south end of the island at 9:00 tonight. Please dress accordingly. And Laura, be careful.


As Laura finished the last sentence, her hands started to shake. He wanted to discuss their kiss. He wanted to discuss its meaning. What was she going to do. Should she go? And if she did, would she be safe from herself. Whenever she was with Stefan something inside her cast away all inhibition. She couldn't allow what had occurred three weeks ago occur again. And yet, there was the little voice in her head telling her she had to go. She had to know what this was between them or she was going to go insane.

"How could I be plotting to get off this island and yet wanting to stay near Stefan." She whispered to herself.

"I have to know. Or else these dreams and episodes will go on. Stavros, Helena and Alexis are bound to suspect if I don't end whatever this is. Regardless of how he or I feel, it must end now!"

With that Laura folded the letter back up and placed it in the false bottom of her jewelry box with the disk from last night. Then she went over to the desk at the opposite side of the room.

Meanwhile, Stefan is pacing in his room.

"What have I done. Am I mad? This is my brother's wife I am asking to meet me at a late hour of the night for a romantic dinner. What was I thinking?"

Just as Stefan decided to go to Laura and tell her it was all a mistake. A letter is slipped under his door. He walks casually to the door and picks it up.

It reads:

I look forward to tonight

Stefan smiles, opens the door and begins preparations.

Chapter 15

Setting: Stefan is putting together the final preparations for his meeting with Laura.

After careful preparation for their dinner Stefan had final noticed the late hour and decided to get dressed. He had never been that interested in his appearance. His wardrobe consisted of the usual black and white shirts and suits for business trips. But tonight was special. He had to look presentable. Even as Stefan was looking through his closets he began to wonder what exactly he was preparing for. Was it a dinner to discuss their relationship? What was it exactly? This question was one that Stefan had yet to answer in his own mind. In his own mind he knew what he wanted tonight to be, a night that he would never forget, of impossible dreams.

In the recesses of his mind, he wanted to walk to the cottage where they would have dinner. Laura would come dressed in an enchanting gown that would make his heart race. He would walk over to her and take her into his arms and make her forget about his brother, his mother and the fact that she was a prisoner on this island. But how could he accomplish that? He had no idea what she wanted this evening to be about. He would just have to wait and see. But no matter what happened in the crucial first moments of tonight, Stefan knew he had to remain in control of the situation at all times. He had to make sure he kept his feelings dormant until he knew how to handle them this night. He had to remain in control at all costs.

Meanwhile, Laura had also noticed the late hour and that she should get ready for her dinner with Stefan. She had no worry of Stavros worrying where she would be, himself and Helena had gone off the island to tend to some business concerning Cassadine Inc. They wouldn't be back until morning. Then why was Laura shaking? It was simple, all she had to do tonight was go to the south end of the island, have dinner with Stefan and tell him that what ever may exist between them must end. She must be firm when she said it so no misunderstandings were left between them. He had to understand the danger. Laura was not physically afraid of Stefan, she never had been. She was shaking from the fact that she didn't know if she could carry out her plan, she had to remain firm and look serious. If she faltered in the least who knows what could occur.

Laura walked toward the closet, opened it and searched for something to wear. Then she found the perfect gown. Just as she had gotten dressed the clock in the hallway began to chime. It was ten minutes to nine o'clock. She had to leave, she didn't want to be late. Laura grabbed her shall and locked her door. She began to walk down the stairs and walked out the door of the house into the brisk night air. She had been to the south end of the island a few times before but she had never gone at night so she was a little apprehensive. She began to walk aimlessly, in some way afraid of what she might find but in another way eager to get there.

Before she realized it, she was standing on the south end of the island and she spotted a cottage on the cliff. Inside there were candles in the windows and Laura could hear the strains of music coming from a slightly opened window. Laura swallowed her apprehension and walked toward the cottage. She stood in front of the door and as she raised her hand to knock on the door she had the urge to run as fast as she could. She began to turn around and then thought better, she had to do this.

She opened the door to see Stefan standing with his back facing her by the fireplace. He was wearing gray slacks and white shirt, his coat was hanging on a coat hanger next to the kitchen. He looked so handsome.

"Stefan" Laura whispered.

Stefan turned around and froze. His eyes were transfixed on Laura. She looked like a goddess to him. She was wearing a pink gown with and her hair pinned up, except for a single stand that had fallen across where she shoulder and neck meet. Stefan started to feel his breathing patterns change. He had the sudden and inescapable urge to place his lips on that exact spot. He was losing control and she hadn't been here more than two minutes.

"Laura, you look ravishing." Stefan had found his voice by some miracle but it was extremely hoarse with desire. He prayed she didn't notice.

"Thank you Stefan. You look very handsome" Laura said. These pleasantries were getting out of hand, she could sense there was something behind them. Stefan and Laura had not taken there eyes off each other during this time and at the same time they noticed that they were simply standing there. One of them had to do something.

"Please sit down." Stefan was the first to break the silence. Laura walked over to the beautifully laid out table. In the middle were candles and Romanoff china on the table. She walked toward the chair but Stefan reached it first and pulled it out. At this point Stefan was right beside her. He was so close to her that he could smell the fragrance of her hair. Laura sat down and Stefan pushed her in.

He walked to his chair and sat down. They stared at each other for a moment, both hoping that the other would say something. Then finally..

"Laura, I know you are probably asking yourself why I invited you here."

"Stefan, we need to talk. That is why."

"Yes, we do need to talk Laura, but first let us enjoy our meal."

As they both began to enjoy their dinner, different thoughts and emotions began to race through each of their minds. For Laura, the thought of how she was going to tell Stefan that what was occurring right now was a sure sign that their relationship was too dangerous. For Stefan, he was fighting the urge to rise out of his chair. To walk over to Laura, lift her into his arms, carry her to the couch by the fireplace and make mad, passionate love to her until sunrise.

Both of them at on the edge, both of them waiting for the other shoe to drop. What will happen?