
By: Size Description
theme guymusic note 286k This is the south park theme song. It is sung by Primus.
south park signmusic note 207k This is the closing theme song of the show.
chefmusic note 611k This is chef's song to Kathey Lee.
chefmusic note 403k Chef's song to help the kids. (I wanna make love to ya baby)
chefmusic note 221k Chef's song about hot lava. (Hot Lava)
chefmusic note 324k Chef's song/advice about how to hold the football.
chefmusic note 194k This is Chef's "Michael Jackson" song. Sung when he was a zombie.
chefmusic note 273k Chef's Christmas make love song.
chefmusic note 291k Chef's song about being different.
chef 77k Chef's response to the lava video.
chef 113k Chef gets ready for the alien cows.
chef 54k Chef has had enough of kathey Lee.
cartmanmusic note 468k Cartman just can't stand Kyles mom any more so he creates a whole song about how she is a bitch. My favorite song!
cartman 81k Cartman gets ready for his T.V. interview.
cartman 77k The famous beefcake slogan.
cartman 225k What Cartman would say if a woman ever tried to beat him up.
cartman 54k Cartman talks about hippies.
cartman 99k Cartman decribes Skuzzlebutt.
cartman 72k Cartman as Skuzzlebutt.
cartman 405k This is the entire beefcake/Weight Gainer 4000 commercial.
cartman 49k Cartman is pissed about his birthday gift.
194k Cartman explains what people will be getting him for his birthday.
97k Cartman tells Kenny to get him the yellow mega man because it's the cheapest.
49k Cartman tells everyone to get out of his party!
194k Cartman explains how he shoved Pip's party invitation up his ass.
97k Cartman thanks Stan for his gift and says he may eat cake now.
97k Cartman explains how the mega man works.
49k Cartman "sings" its's my birthday.
kylemusic note 741k Kyle sings about how it's hard to be a Jew on Christmas.
49k Stan sees how big Satan is.
mr hanky 65k Mr. Hanky sings at a normal pace.
mr hanky 65k Mr. Hanky sings at a faster pace.
mr hanky 39k Mr. Hanky sings fast but is cut off by stan.
mr hanky 65k Mr. Hanky greets Kyle.
49k The recess lady informs the kids that there is 5 minuets left until recess is over.

65k Stan informs his family that Ike is on fire.
mr hankychef 39k Mr. Hanky and Chef greet eachother.

104k The kids find it unusual when the show is over and Kenny is still alive, Kenny is happy.

78k The kids sing Merry Christmas.

194k The kids decide whether to go to the Satan Vs. Jesus fight or Cartman's birthday.
130k The mayor asks for suggestions to improve the town and Mr. Garrison suggests to get rid of all the mexicans.
97k Pip tells Damien his name, Philip, and tells him everyone calls him Pip because they hate him.
kyle ike 78k This is where Kyle uses his little brother as a football and kicks him.
97k Pip tells Damien about Cartmans birthday party.
kyle stan
ms crabtree
130k This is where Kyle, Stan, and the bus driver argue about getting Stan's little brother.
54k Wendy Testaburger, Stan, and cartman argue about something tasting like pee.
39k Cartman explains he's not fat but festivally plump.

117k Mr. Hanky jumps at Cartman and Kyle gets the blame for throwing poo.
cartmanstan 99k Cartman calls Stan's mom a bitch.
ms.crabtreestan 77k Stan and the bus driver argue.

146k The kids make fun of the new kid at school (Damien) and call him fart boy.

146k Stan and Kyle tell Jesus about Damien.
243k Cartman is pissed off at Kyle for getting him ants in the pants.
97k The town sees Satan and Mr. Garrison exclaims, holy poop on a stick!
146k Uncle Jimbo talks to Jesus then kills Kenny.
97k Cartman is sick of pie.
351k This is the live T.V. commercial "audio" for the Mr. Hanky set.
338k Everyone in the town sings the Mr. Hanky song.
338k The non-offencive, non-denominational school play (audio).