J&B story-105

by: Darlene

After Jax and Brenda both kept asking what exactly goes into a salad & Miguel & Susana Maria saw the odd shapes in which they were cutting each ingredient (Brenda's ingriedents being in even odder shapes then Jax's), it was decided that Miguel would finish the salad & Susana would finish the pizza. All J&B had to do was go into the other room & relax. As much as Miguel & Susana didn't like the look of Jax & Brenda's salad, there was another reason why neither of them wanted Jax & Brenda in the kitchen with them. They were both uncomfortable pretending that they were dating, Miguel more then Susana. Miguel wasn't sure if he was still in love with Brenda but he realized that he had strong feelings for Brenda. Now Susana's reasons were quite different. She had been in love with Miguel since they were young kids in Puerto Rico. They're friendship had been very strong, but Miguel never looked at Susana romantically. When Miguel did a concert in Puerto Rico, he ran into Susana & they resumed their friendship. Susana still wanted more then friendship, but as always Miguel was blind to her romantic interest in him. At first she thought being Miguel's date would be a dream come true, but watching him watch Brenda had started to feel like a nightmare. Susana kept watching Jax & Brenda together: how naturally they moved together, like they had been together forever. Susana was a bit envious of Brenda, not so much because Miguel cared so much about her, although that did bother her, but because she & Jax moved so easily together, even when they were messing up the salad, they did it together, in unison. Each time Miguel went to take her hand, she could feel that he didn't really want to & she knew that it must be obvious that they weren't really a couple.

Out in the living room, Brenda & Jax are sitting on the couch, well actually Jax is sitting on the couch & Brenda is seated on his lap. They haven't spoken since they entered the living room area, they have been too busy kissing. After a few more long, sensuous kisses, Jax pulls away. so that he can ask Brenda the question he has been wanting to ask her all day. Brenda responds buy moaning & reaching her hand to Jax's lips to wipe them as he has become so accustomed to her doing. For a moment he gets lost in his thoughts, wondering why exactly Brenda always wipes his mouth. He used to think she was wiping lipstick off his lips but he knows that she has smudge proof lipstick that is almost impossible to get off, even when Brenda wants it off. He finally decides that it is probably for the same reason why he brushes her hair back with his hand, just because he wants to touch her more. Brenda's voice, along with a light slap on his chest, startles Jax out of his thoughts.

B: "Jax, what's wrong?"

J: "I'm sorry, did you say something?"

B: "I asked you what was wrong. you pulled out of our kiss then just sat there not saying a word"

J: "I want to ask you something, it's important"

B: "Sounds serious"

J: "It is"

B: "So ask"

J: "When do I get to marry you?"

B: "Soon"

J: "How soon? You asked me to marry you, but never told me when you want this wedding to take place"

B: "I seem to recall you asking me the same question"

J: "I did, but you asked me first, so I get my wedding before yours"

B: "You make it sound like we're having two weddings:

J: "We are"

B: "We are!"

J: "Yes. I've been thinking about this"

B: "You have?"

J: "Yes! It's one of my favorite things to think about"

B: "So what exactly have you been thinking about our wedding or weddings"

J: "I was thinking that I like things small & very personal, I hate sharing you . You, on the other hand, like things big & ostentatious. I want you to have your big fairytale wedding, but I also want to have a small private ceremony with only our nearest & dearest & since you asked me to marry you first, I get to marry you first"

B: "Oh is that so?"

J: "That's so. Of course if you had something else in mind for "your" wedding, we'll have that, but knowing you as well as I do, I know exactly what you want"

B: "You always have"

J: "So are you going to answer my question? When do I get to marry you?"

B: "It's your wedding, you decide"

J: "I decided that my bride to be gets to pick the date"

B: "Next month?"

J: "That long? I was thinking this week, but I'll wait if that's what you want"

B: "I just thought we would need more time then that to plan"

J: "We don't need a plan. all we have to do is get our nearest & dearest * someone to marry us, that's all I want"

B: "No reception?"

J: "You can have a huge reception when you get married, but I want to skip to the honey moon for mine" After we get married, I don't want to share you with anyone, at least for a few days"

B: "Do you smell that? It smells delicious"

J: "It does"

B: "I'll see if it's ready, my stomach's growling"

Jax pulls Brenda in for another long sensuous kiss. Bren wipes Jax's lips again & heads for the kitchen. As Brenda goes in, Miguel comes out with plates & silverware.