Resolution of J&B&S (Part 6)

by Joan R.

Jax unlocked the door to the penthouse, walked in, and tossed the keys on the table. He looked around the room. Brenda had been gone for a year and yet it still felt strange not to have her bounce into the room and welcome him home. The feeling had dimmed at times, but had never completely left him. The ghost haunting his home. Perhaps the time had come to put the ghost to rest. He walked to the phone and checked the messages. Brenda's voice came through the box.

"Hey stranger ! I thought you were supposed to come back ? I had a surprise visitor. I think there's hope that my life can turn out just the way I planned. I'd like to talk with you about it when I see you. Don't be long. I'm going to rest now....I promise ! "

Jax hit the save button. Yes, he was sure he would have to put the ghost to rest.

A knock at the door brought his attention back. He walked over, took a deep breath and swung the door open. Sonny and Jason stepped inside.

"OK, Jax. What's going on here. Jason told me you wanted me in Port Charles. What have you gotten yourself into now ? " Sonny was his usual arrogant self.

"I'm not into anything that's any of your business Corinthos. " Jax turned to Jason. "I thought I told you to bring him here first ?"

The remark caught Jason off guard. Tentative looks passed between the three of them.

"What are you talking about ? This is our first stop. Cut the games, just get on with it... would you, Jax"

This time it was Jax's turn to be confused. He had assumed that Brenda's message was about Sonny. It would have been like him to go and see Brenda first. And... like her not to mention Sonny's name on the phone. Who was the surprise visitor? He tried to recall the tone of her voice. He'd been so focused on Sonny's arrival that he'd just assumed she meant........ Well, he would find out later.

"I'd like to talk with Sonny alone, Jason. You can wait in the other room or outside or downstairs, just not here."

Jason began to stiffen in protest, but a look from Sonny silenced him. Sonny nodded towards the door and Jason exited. In the hallway he met up with their guard. They stood vigil, a postion no longer as comfortable as it once was. Jason was used to being in charge of the meetings.

" I assume this is all about Brenda . " Sonny began. " You would never call me here to discuss business. How is she. Jason said she'd been shot."

"Physically, she's going to be OK. It was a superficial wound. Took a bad fall on her head, but she's awake and alert, and spunky as ever. "

"That's pretty much what Jason said on the way over. So why am I here, other than Jason owed you a favor ? Having trouble counting high enough to list all the people who'd want you dead ? Thinking I'm at the top of the list ? Why don't you just print out a list of your computer files. There ought to be at least one name in each account that wouldn't mind doing you in. "

Oh, how Jax hated this arrogant bastard. What could Brenda ever find redeeming about this guy. If Jax was still a teenager the urge to beat him to a pulp might not have been managable. But they weren't teens and this was the man Brenda loved. It was best to get on with the reunion.

" I was with Brenda at the docks last night. I stayed with her to make sure everything was taken handled and that she had the best medical care. I stayed in her room through the night. She kept slipping in and out of was touch and go for awhile. She kept calling out your name, Sonny."

Jax had to force the last sentence from his mouth. He hated to have to say those words. The smug look on Sonny's face made it even worse. Sonny had gone, but he loved knowing Brenda was still hooked. Jax been dreading this ever since he'd left Brenda"s hospital room.

His first instinct had been to get her discharged as fast as possible and wisk her away. She had come around......and seemed glad that Jax was there. They had their usual playful banter. He knew she'd be happy going back to California...or maybe it was time for a first visit to Kronos. They could wait either place until more information about exactly what happened at the docks was available.

But Jax had made that mistake before, twice. The first was after the hit and run, and again during her breakdown. Malibu made Brenda happy for the short term, but did little to resolve her obsession with Sonny. Discharging her at Christmas was noble, but proved to be misguided when she came to the brink of suicide shortly after. That she hadn't hurt herself further was nothing short of a miracle. There would be no more mistakes made by his rush to fix things. Jax decided it was time for him to stop making decisions for Brenda. He didn't realize he was in the middle of a another rush to judgement. It could turn out to be his biggest mistake.

"When you left and had Jason tell her you didn't love her, it nearly destroyed her. I know Jason's had guards on her, so you must have the whole story. I don't think your lie did the trick, Sonny. She's been angry as hell, but you know what they say about displaced passion. Love and hate are only opposite sides of the same coin. Brenda is stronger now than she was last fall. She's made a lot of progress in building her life. It seems that her thoughts still keep going back to you. I know you love her and you left to help her. I think it was the cowardly thing to do. She deserved the truth. I want you to give it to her now. "

"That's the favor? Talking to Brenda? I know you love her, too. Wouldn't it be easier for you to have me stay out of the picture ? I left to keep her safe, I can't offer her any more now than I could then. She'd be in constant danger. Of course, hanging around with you hasn't been the safest haven, Jaxxyboy. Has she realized just how dirty your hands can get ? "

Sonny couldn't resist the final dig. He knew what it took for Jax to decide to bring him here. Sonny knew when he left, that Brenda may go back to Jax. He hated the thought of her with Jax, but taking Brenda with him was so much more dangerous for them both. Sonny knew how to stay out of sight, to operate unseen. Brenda would never have tolerated it for long. He knew the life she fantasized was impossible.

Sonny didn't have a clue what he would say to her. He'd missed her smile, her touch, her kiss. He had brushed the thoughts of her away with the idea that she was safer now. But was she ? She was in the hospital, and it had nothing to do with Sonny. Maybe no lifestyle had guarantees. Yeah, anyone can get hit by the proverbial bus while crossing the street. Maybe they did belong together, for whatever time they had. He looked at Jax. He hadn't said a word. sonny spoke....

"Yes, I want to talk with her. It will take a little maneuvering to get me into the hospital unseen."

"I'll volunteer to supply the bodybag ! " Jax remarked snidely.

"Really funny ! That's actually the safest way to go in."

"You should know ! I think I have an old grungy baseball cap around here too. One can never have enough disguises ! " Jax was pretty good at getting in digs of his own.

"You're a regular comedian...let's just get going. I need to talk with Jason. this settles his obligation to you, Jax. "

Jax shook his head yeas. He walked to the door and opened it. He motioned for Jason to rejoin them...........