Serendipity 1 to 5 

by Dawn

Chapter 1: Leaving

"Calling it a day so soon? I thought you never left before putting in at least a twelve hour day."

V had actually smelled Ashley's perfumed entrance before she'd ever spoken, but even forewarned the sound of that woman's voice was still just slightly less pleasant than nails scored across a chalkboard. And V straightened beneath what remained unsaid - but always implied - by the angular brunette..."I thought you'd never leave." As hard as she'd tried, she couldn't make herself like Jax's (gulp) girlfriend. Just the phrase and Ashley's name in the same sentence made V's stomach turn.

But, still, she tried to be nice.

V forced a small smile to her lips. "Only when J&J Jacks business requires it. Luckily, today isn't one of those days, so you and Mr. Jacks will just have to do without me. Besides, I have plans tonight."

Ashley half-heartedly attempted to stifle a giggle, holding a perfectly manicured hand to her chest in disbelief. "Don't tell me Jax's ever-faithful assistant is going to cultivate a social life?"

Ever faithful!?! Makes me sound like his German Shepherd! Why that little...10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 - "Something like that." - 4, 3, 2, 1.

"Well, I think that's a wonderful idea." Ashley strolled across the room, with nary a single spritzed hair out of place or a speck of dust on her trendy designer suit. She stretched out her hand to pat V on the arm, but stopped short with a slight sniff as if the physical contact would break her out in a rash. "After all, how will you ever get any better at it if you don't practice once in a while."

V's tolerant smile slipped slightly, and a touch of her steel will laced her voice. "I've always thought if sincerity is practiced it defeats the purpose of calling it sincerity." Still, she couldn't quite bring herself to cut the patronizing model off at the knees, and instead scrambled back up towards higher ground. "Thanks for the advice. I'll try to muddle through somehow."

"Jax will be thrilled to know that you're finally going to make some friends of your own. It must be so difficult been the third wheel all the time. I mean, it's just so embarrassing for him...and you, of course." Ashley apparently missed the slight change of mood in V and continued on mercilessly. "Well, don't let me hold you up from your appointment. It will be such a refreshing change for Jax and me to have some time alone together getting in the way."

My, my, my...stick the knife in and turn it for good measure. The dig hurt more than V wanted to admit, but she'd rather eat nails than let it show. One corner of V's mouth remained glued upwards in a valiant effort at a closed-mouth smile, but her dark eyes narrowed in warning. "Goodnight, Ms. Brent." Hell, next to this woman, even Brenda was starting to look good.

As if the situation couldn't get any worse in V's estimation, Jax chose that moment to walk into the penthouse - looking too handsome with his 'I have conquered the world' smile, cutting off her route of escape from the viperous pit otherwise known as Ashley Brent, supermodel. "Ask me how our deal with Mancuso Limited is going."

V smiled despite her mood, but was still intent on exiting the building quicker than Elvis. "Somehow, I think I can skip the question and go directly to guessing the answer judging from the look on your face. I take it you're pleased."

"I'm more than pleased," Jax sparkled, completely oblivious to the tension that simmered just beneath the veil of normalcy in the room. "I'm brilliant."

"That goes without saying," Ashley interjected, although she could care less about Jacks business. With a suddenly suggestive smile, she added, "Especially the pleased part."

V managed not to roll her eyes or throw up, both of which she considered thoroughly appropriate and natural responses to such drivel. Instead, she busied herself with shrugging into her coat and digging her gloves out of her coat pockets. Ashley obviously wanted her as far away as quickly as humanly possible, and at this point V was more than willing to grant her wish.

After a momentary pause at the comment which had nothing to do with what he had been talking about and flashing a placating grin in Ashley's direction, Jax adjusted the collar of V's coat without thinking while he began to frown at the top of her copper head. "Hey, where are you headed in such a rush?"

"You gave me the rest of the day off, remember? Has something come up?" V asked, unobtrusively stepping just beyond his reach as soon as he finished that small task, still pulling on her gloves and hoping that nothing had occurred which would require her continued presence in the penthouse.

"Well, no, nothing's going on with the company that won't keep until tomorrow...but I just thought we could celebrate closing the Mancuso deal." Jax hadn't expected V to bolt at the first opportunity, and - for reasons he didn't want or bother to consider - he didn't relish the idea of an evening alone with Ashley. As happy as he was with the way things were going recently with work - or maybe because they were, Jax was suddenly feeling restless. It was nothing he could put his finger on...but it unnerved him.

V seemed to recognize that more lay within the invitation than Jax wanted to say out loud, but she had learned from painful experience in the past few months to follow her own instincts for self-protection when it came to that soft question in his brilliant blue eyes...the unconscious plea for answers to riddles he didn't have the courage to bring to the unspoken call for calm from the one person who didn't ask for something in exchange. Being the voice of his conscience had silently take its toll on V, and she wasn't in the mood to oblige him tonight.

She couldn't...not anymore, not like before. Jax was on his own tonight. He'd get through it....she had.

"Sorry, I have plans, so you'll have to celebrate without me." V smiled with a brightness she was determined to feel as she briefly held Jax's gaze. "Congratulations, Jax. See you in the morning."

She had the door opened before his voice stopped her.

"V, wait." Jax missed the cross expression that settled on Ashley's face before she went across the room to fix herself a drink and wishing that Jax would just let his dishrag of an assistant leave already.

V paused at the threshold, but didn't turn back around to face him. Please, don't make this any harder than it is. She braced herself and looked at him over her shoulder, waiting wordlessly.

Jax watched her helplessly, feeling as if something had suddenly changed in their friendship while he hadn't been looking. And he couldn't find the right words to change it back, so he said the only thing that came to mind when he looked at her. "Thank you." A subtle struggle danced briefly across his face before he smiled softly. "For everything."

You jerk. How do you know just the right thing to say, just the instant before I can finally cut the cord? A small, rueful laugh escaped before she shook her head gently at yet another failed attempt on her part to get this man from under her skin. V's face melted under the warmth of his smile and her eyes beamed back at him. "Goodnight, Mr. Jacks."

Then she closed the door behind her, grateful and sad to leave all at the same time. You're welcome, Jasper.

Chapter 2

The heady scent of gardenias hung around her body on curls of steam, and all the while V fought with the mirror for a small spot free of dew in order to see what direction the dryer in her hand was permanently setting her hair. Strains of raucous music strongly echoing within the confines of her utilitarian bathroom. Despite what lay ahead in the evening, V had cautiously tried to avoid anything that remotely resembled a love song. No lover's lament. No man-who-done-you-wrong songs. No all-is-right-with-the world-because-we're-in-love tunes. Forget love songs...what she needed right now was attitude. She had commiserated over the sorry state of her personal life long enough.

"What you need is a man," Felicia had urged her on more than one occasion. A man? Any man?

No. What V needed was to remember that she was a woman. And just because Jasper Jacks didn't act as if she was one was no excuse for her to do the same.

So what if she was the only woman in his life that cared if he was happy...the only one who was worried that he seemed determined to act as if nothing was wrong while all the time he was slowly bleeding to death inside. And how did he handle it? By going from one woman who would always put him a distant third behind herself and a criminal to another woman who would always put him a distant third behind herself and her ego. When was he ever going to ---

Stop it. This has to stop. I refuse to drown with him in those two emotional vacuums. Take your own advice, Ardanowski. You've put your own well being last for too long, and face it...that's just not healthy. Tonight is a chance to take your life out of mothballs and rejoin the land of the living. You can do this.... You can do this....

V quickly went through the task of putting on her makeup. She paused as the last stroke of crimson lipstick brushed her mouth, suddenly catching the reflection of a someone she didn't quite recognize in the mirror. Lustrous dark copper hair curled around her face, smoky chocolate eyes, a defiant tilt to her delicate pale jaw.... Who was this woman, and where had she been hiding all this time? In the background the music suddenly gave way to her mood, and she nervously smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear.

~ ~ Strong hands, big plans

All reduced to this

Hard won freedom

How could you have missed?

Scared, are you? ~ ~

Yes...God, yes.

~ ~ You're doing it on your ownDo it on your own (we all do)Scared, are you?Have to learn to make up to you the best that you can do ~ ~

I can do this.... I can do this....

~ ~ Everything you would bePassed you like a ghostKind words are scarce at bestWhen you need them mostScared, are you? ~ ~ Let him go, V. Just let him go.

A knock at the door reverberated through the apartment like the sound of a cannon, pulling her abruptly from her reverie. It couldn't be time yet...she wasn't ready. Not yet.

~ ~ Hope brings you luckDoors open upAnd if you should fallI'll catch you during it allIt must be, it must be

Scared, are you?

Finally on your own

Do it all alone (we all do)

Scared, are you?

Have to learn to make up to you the best that we can do

Do, do, do

And you do, and you do, and you do, and you do ~ ~

I can do this.... I can do this....

Her heart pounded in her chest as she surveyed the door suspiciously. "Who is it?"

"It's Felicia!" came the cheery reply just before V opened the door in relief. Her eyes darted up and down the vacant hall before ushering the perky blonde inside and quickly shutting the door securely back in place.

"Thank God! I thought he was early and I'm not finished getting dressed yet. How's my hair? Do I look alright? What about the lipstick? Too bold, right? I mean, I want to look okay. Not too okay, cause it's just a date. Not a date-date, just a first date...but still, it's a date." Venus came up for air at the confused but amused look on Felicia's face. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Felicia surveyed V with a practiced eye. And she tried to find a gentle way to break the obvious to her nervous friend and not laugh. Attractively styled hair, understated but striking makeup, long legs showcased in black sheer hose and high heels, the thin strap of a small black pocketbook slung over her shoulder. V looked great at the top and at the bottom.... it was the middle that was causing the problem. Felicia cleared her throat to keep from laughing, and pointed out the crucial missing detail. "The robe."

V looked down in horror at her beloved blue chenille robe with curlicue pink and yellow flowers stitched on the collar and a lone lopsided pocket. "Oh, God, my dress!" With that V ran for her bedroom, while Felicia chuckled in her wake. A few minutes later, a slightly calmer - and fully clothed - Ms. Ardanowski emerged cloaked in a deceptively simple red dress that softly hugged every curve. "Well?"

Felicia just whistled, all traces of laughter gone.

"That's good, right?"

"Oh, that's definitely good."

"You're sure. You're not just being nice, are you?"

"Trust me, V. Nice has nothing to do with it."

V blushed momentarily with a grateful smile, and promptly evaded the question in Felicia's eyes. "So.... how are you doing?"

"So....who's the guy?" Felicia was having none of it. V had brought out the heavy artillery and she was determined to find out who the normally chatty brunette was suddenly laying siege to. An uncomfortable idea flitted across her mind, but Felicia schooled her face as nonchalantly as she could. "Did Mac finally work up the nerve to ask you out?"

V wasn't fooled in the least. Ahh...I wondered when that would come up. A sympathetic smile lifted the corners of V's mouth. "It's not Mac."


Not that the idea exploring things with Mac hadn't crossed her mind. Or Mac's, for that matter. The three of them had worked together closely to unravel the mystery of Mac's kidnapping and what and who was behind it all. In the end, it had struck even closer to home than V had expected. Helena Cassadine had turned out to be more devious than even the rantings of Luke Spencer had warned of. The plan had been for Jax to meet an untimely and violent end--seemingly at "Mac's" hands. On the surface, the plot was suppose to hinge on revenge for long lost Cassadine Miranda's near-death years earlier and Jax's recapture of ELQ Jakarta along with a few other vital subsidiaries from the Cassadine fold. It appeared at first that Stefan Cassadine was the mastermind, but - as was apparently the usual case with the Cassadines - things were even more complicated than that. Ultimately, Helena was the root of all this evil - though they had been unable to charge her with any of it. Jax would be dead and Mac would be in prison for a crime he didn't commit. And on top of all her other machinations, leaving Stefan holding the bag had been an added bonus in her plan. That none of it could be proven in a court of law frustrated them all, but V had taken solace in the plot's exposure before Jax had been hurt.

Mac had wanted to take solace in V. He was none too pleased with Felicia's inability to distinguish him from a pretender and had duly retreated into his shell as far as Felicia was concerned. V, on the other hand, he had suddenly seen in a new light. She had known something was amiss before anyone else was convinced, and spending so much time together on the case had given them both an opportunity to lower their mutual guard. Mac had hinted that he wanted to see where this new path might lead, but V knew better. His pride was hurt that Felicia could be fooled by another man - even for an instant - and it only served to renew an old insecurity that he would always be second to the specter of Frisco Jones. She had been stung that Jax remained so adamantly blind to anything but Brenda's need. And then, just when he had finally taken a step back from Ms. Barrett, suddenly another beautiful woman from his past appeared. V could certainly sympathize with how Mac felt, and the man was definitely handsome (she wasn't dead, she had noticed), but V wasn't anymore inclined to take the number two position in someone's life than he was.

And there was Felicia to consider. She and V had gotten to be close friends, and V wouldn't do anything to harm that friendship. Besides, Mac's bruised pride would heal in time, and he and Felicia would be together. Eventually.

"You know," Felicia figuratively stretched herself across the altar of their new friendship and prepared to make the sacrifice. "Mac's a great guy. And you're a wonderful woman. You're already friends. A lot of good romances have started out on a lot less."

V dropped her chin and cut her eyes in emphatic response. "No." Sure...Jax has a history with Mac, Mac has a history with you, then there's the little matter of our friendship.... Oh, yeah, sign me up for that one.

"Really, V. I wouldn't mind, honest."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, really....Well, okay, yes, I would. But I'd get over it for you."

"You're a terrible liar, Felicia. No wonder you lose your shirt at poker."

Felicia laughed, finally giving up all pretense. "Alright, I wouldn't get over it. But I would try to."

V joined her merriment. "Thanks for the thought, but I'm trying to uncomplicate my life. Not the other way around."

Like a dog with a bone, Felicia immediately returned to more pressing matters. "So who's the guy?"

Before V could think of an effective diversion, a firm knock drummed at her door. Felicia's face lit up in anticipation, and V's wilted for a second or two while she contemplated not answering.

I can do this....I can do this....

Felicia waited patiently as a second knock echoed through the suddenly still room. V was rooted to the spot and seemed to be getting a little green around the edges, so Felicia took matters into her own hands - literally - and went to door herself.

I can do this....I can do this....

V could hear the hi-beam smile in Felicia's voice as she greeted the man of the hour. "Detective Garcia....What a pleasant surprise!"

Musical nods to "Scared Are You?" by Better Than Ezra on their c.d. Friction, Baby.

Chapter 3: In the Face of the Enemy

"Detective Garcia....What a pleasant surprise!" Felicia couldn't have smiled any wider if she had tried. Alex Garcia certainly fit the bill of tall, dark and handsome decked out in a natty navy suit and silk tie. He had obviously wanted to look his best (not that it was much of a stretch) for this non-date-date first date. But she knew V would prefer to treat the appearance of the good-looking Port Charles police detective as if it were nothing out of the ordinary, so she swallowed

her enthusiasm a bit and began bidding a hasty retreat. "Well, you two obviously have somewhere to be and I have to get back downstairs to the bar, so....I'll just be going now. Good to see you again, Alex. V...I'll see you tomorrow."

Felicia said 'tomorrow', but V knew she meant 'as soon as you get back'.

"Hi, Alex."

"V...." Alex was actually speechless for an instant, taking in her transformation as discreetly as possible and failing -- much to a loitering Felicia's delight. "You look fantastic."

Some of the butterflies in V's stomach fluttered away under his appreciative gaze and warm smile. She blushed becomingly and tried to find her voice. "Thanks. You look very dashing yourself."

Not to be left out, Felicia mouthed her final thoughts for the night from the hall over an unsuspecting Detective Garcia's shoulder, "Good choice!" If V was as determined to get Jax out of her system as she had confided, then Alex Garcia was a heck of a way to start. The way

Felicia saw it, V couldn't lose. Spending time with the Alex was about as far from a hardship as a girl could get. The fact that Jax would hate the idea when he finally found out (not that V would ever resort to such an obvious manipulation) was merely icing on the cake. And Felicia

had no doubt that he would hate it. V had told her about their little 'taking our temperature' encounter in Malibu last year....and Felicia had her own theory on the subject - several, in fact. But she kept them to herself....for the time being. Oh, yeah...this was going to get interesting.


Minutes later, downstairs at the Outback As V and Alex made their way towards the Outback door, she was beginning to relax. About halfway through their trek, however, Assistant District Attorney Dara Jensen motioned to catch Alex's attention and he reluctantly stopped their forward motion. He looked at V with an apologetic grin. "Sorry, V. Duty calls. Would you excuse me for a minute? I promise I'll make it quick."

"Sure, no problem." Five minutes of undivided male attention...How could I have possibly imagined that we might make it to six and break my record? V promptly cut off that pessimistic train of thought and reminded herself that tonight was the start of a whole new life. She was young, she was free, and she was on an old-fashioned, honest-to-goodness date with one of the sexiest bachelors in town. Face it, Ardanowski...things could be worse.

And suddenly they were.

As soon as she looked up from her contemplation of her shoes, V spotted Mac, Robin Scorpio and Brenda (of all people) watching her with interest from the bar. V resisted the urge to look back over her shoulder on the slight chance that someone else was the subject of their scrutiny. Instead, she continued to smile brightly and returned their polite greetings with a weak wave. Oh, God. I will do this....I will do this. Come on, Alex, get a move on.

No sooner had that trio returned to their conversation than Jax breezed into the Outback with Miss Congeniality on his arm. V was frozen in place. She darted a quick glance up towards heavens and began a divine request for help. You're joking, right? I know you have a sense of humor...I mean, I've single-handedly empirically proven that fact on more than one humilating and memorable occasion - but, hey, give a girl a break. Does now have to be one of those times? Is it true that if you stand completely still you can be rendered invisible in the face of your enemies? It works for some exotic South American tribes, it could work now. Couldn't it? Please?

"All dressed up with no place to go?" Ashley cut through that small hope like a razor blade as she slinked next to an approaching Jax.


Having taken her best shot at V, Ashley excused herself -- obstensively to say hello to Brenda, but no doubt her real intention was to draw a little more blood since she already had her knives out. Jax, as usual, missed the heavy undercurrent between the two women, and regarded V with a charming smile.

Maybe I should check behind the ficus for the guy who dumped me the night before the senior prom? He's the only one missing from this little love-fest.

"Why, Ms. Ardanowski, has Mac changed the dress code around here and no one bothered to inform me?" Jax slowly wiped the corner of his roguish smile and cocked his eyebrow upwards in thorough male admiration. He leaned close to her face and continued in a conspiratory whisper. "'re certainly living up to your namesake tonight." V was trapped in his eyes, she was certain of it. Some hitherto undiscovered part of her insides melted beneath his tinkling aquamarine gaze. Her face flushed, her mouth went dry, her palms were suddenly sweating, she couldn't feel her feet, and she was absolutely certain that if he didn't step away from her that all the oxygen necessary for her continued existence as a functioning human being would never make it to her brain. It was a good thing that he remembered what her name was...because she was no longer sure.


V, yeah, that's name's V.

"V, I'm sorry I kept you waiting. Are you ready to go?" Alex interrupted her thoughts. She had apparently missed his approach, and she quickly broke eye contact with Jax and tried to gather her wayward thoughts. The magic moment was gone, and the look of teasing admiration on Jax's face was replaced with one of sharp inquisition.

Jax noticed her embarrassed silence and her refusal to look in his direction, instead she smiled anxiously at the other man. Jax couldn't decide what, but something about the situation definitely soured his mood. "Well...Detective Garcia. What brings you to this fine establishment? I thought the police department had wrapped up the Cassadine plan to assassinate and frame various members of Port Charles society? After all, Ms. Jones and Ms. Ardanowski managed to do most of your work for you."

V cringed and threw Jax a sharp look. She knew he was still a little (ahem) bitter about the drug wrap last summer (of course, he was...that had to do with Brenda, after all) -- not to mention a small matter of the police not quite believing her and Felicia about the seriousness of the Mac/Jimmy/Tess situation until it almost got Jax shot. But, Alex had just been doing his job and outright animosity wasn't Jax's usual style....unless it involved Brenda. Somehow, it always managed to come back to Brenda. And, darn it all, this was her date and it had nothing to do with Ms. Barrett! "Jax!"

Alex stiffened a little under the suggestion, but otherwise showed no real response. He had always wondered exactly which way the wind blew between V and Jax. Frankly, his suspicions in that direction had been the reason he had waited til now to ask her out. So, he just smiled tightly at the not so subtle insult and gallantly tucked V's arm into the crook of his arm. "Yes, Mr. Jacks. The Cassadine matter is closed." Then, he turned an sincere smile to V. "And, you're right, V and Felicia certainly saved the day."

A surprised V just smiled back. "Thanks, Alex, that's sweet of you to say. But you did alright yourself."

None of this interplay was lost on Jax. Sweet? Since when did his equality-to-the-bone, politically correct, 'don't you dare call me honey' corporate assistant start calling a man giving her her just dues 'sweet'? And what was with this..this..arm thing? Well, whatever it was, Jax plain didn't like it....and it showed. He ignored the darts V was throwing his way and tried to get to the bottom of this. "So what's your business with V?"

Alex knew what time it was. "No business. This is strictly social."

Jax couldn't help but look shocked at the possibility. "Social? You as in"

Alex just returned his stare as if the answer were perfectly obvious and didn't require a response.

Hey, now! There's no need to sound all that surprised! V, on the other hand, arched one dark eyebrow at the tone in Jax's voice that suggested such an idea was totally unheard of and clenched her purse with her free hand to keep from knocking that dimple right out of his chin. "Yes, Jax, a date." And thank you ever so much for making me seem so desperate. She turned away from him as if he was no longer there and tried to salvage what was left of her pride. "And, yes, Alex, I'm ready. More than ready."

Jax shoved his hands on his hips in frustration as he watched them make their way out. V on a date? With Garcia? You've got to be kidding. Where was he going to take her, anyway? Ruby's? The PC Grill? V ate at those places all the time. The man completely lacked imagination -- she'd be bored to tears.

"So where are we going?" Jax heard her ask as they reached the door. The man helped her with her coat and held the door for her -- did he think she was helpless? V would hate that.

But V just smiled enchantingly. Well....V wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feeling. She was too thoughtful for her own good. But Garcia was on borrowed time, Jax was certain.

"I thought we could try this French bistro called La Chapeau Noire. Do you like French food?"

Ha! V would never eat any food that included snails as a delicacy.

"Mais, oui! I love French food. The Black Hat, are you kidding? I've wanted to go there for the longest time, but I just haven't had the chance --- "

Jax frowned fiercely at the closed Outback door and tried to convince himself of the impossible. Face it, Jax...things could be worse.

"You're supposed to be concentrating on me, remember?" Ashley interjected from behind.

And suddenly they were.

[Editorial note: we've skipped ahead from mid-February to the beginning of April.]

Chapter 5: April Fools

The penthouse

Jax paced like a caged animal in front of the unlit fireplace, nursing his second brandy, ignoring the strewn clutter of faxes and documents and spreadsheets that littered both couches, the coffee table and various parts of the carpet. He jerked off his tie and pulled carelessly at the top buttons of his shirt -- both of which felt like they were choking the breath from him. He threw a frustrated stare at the ceiling as he stretched the taut muscles in his neck....trying without success hid himself of cold rage that had settled in the pit of his stomach before V arrived back from her daily errands. He didn't know what it was that made him feel as if he were about to explode from

his own skin, but he suddenly couldn't push any rational thought past the recollection in his mind's eye of that night..

That night.


[[ Flashback to Jax arriving outside the door to V's apartment two nights earlier.]]

He raised his hand to knock, he heard a very familiar male voice coming from the other side of the door.

" know you want to."

Mac. Just what I need.

"Oh, I want to. I most definitely want to." V's muffled voice drifted through the door, the smile as evident in it as if he could see her face. "I'm just not sure that we ought to....there are things we should consider first before we do it, if we do it."

Do what? Jax didn't want to invade V's privacy, but he wasn't ready to just leave either. Not until he figured out what was going on.

"Don't think, V. Just follow your impulses and do what comes naturally."

Don't think? Follow your impulses? This coming from Mac Scorpio?

"You first, Mac....after all, you're the one who's so anxious for us to loose all our inhibitions." The teasing challenge was clear in her voice.

Inhibitions? What the hell is going on here? Any thoughts of leaving vanished. Jax had a bad feeling about all this and raised his hand once more to knock on V's door. But any sound he would have made was lost in the sudden commotion of movement and voices inside. V half shrieked and he could hear their laughter and the scurrying of feet. The voices faded into the deeper recesses of the tiny apartment and Jax thought he might be sick. Not can't be. Time stopped as his hand fell, lifeless, to his side. Mac. He knew that V and Mac were friends -- even good friends -- after all that happened with the Cassadines....but he had never suspected this, not with her dating Garcia and her relationship with Felicia.

Just as he turned to leave, he heard V's raised and no longer teasing voice come rushing back to the front of the apartment, following the pounding of running feet. "Stop. Mac, I said stop! You're a dead man! Do you hear me, Scorpio? A dead man!"

Son of a ---

Jax saw red and thought of nothing but getting his hands around Mac Scorpio's throat, bullying the door with all the power he possessed to that end. The wooden door gave way easily beneath the violent force of his body and rebounded loudly against the wall, drawing the startled

eyes of Mac and V.

And he suddenly felt like such a fool. There the two of them stood, looking like guilty children with their hands caught in the cookie jar. Plastic guns hanging from their hands, their shirts and pants randomly soaked, water dripping from V's bangs and face...her mouth and eyes wide in surprise like an innocent schoolgirl.

"Jax --" her throaty voice echoed in his ears, as he turned abruptly on his heel and left without a word. Fool.


Fool. He couldn't stop the word from echoing around his brain. Fool. First Miranda. Fool. Then Brenda. Fool. Now V. Fool. The bile rising in his throat threatened to choke him. Fool.

"Jax?" V's voice was like a match to a short fuse.

Get out.

"Jax? What happened here? I leave you alone for two hours and everything falls apart." She began gathering the scattered papers and make some order of them.

You have no idea how true that is. Jax clenched his jaw against the tide of long-ignored anger and resentment that warred with his wounded heart. Get out.

"Jax?" She stopped her paper collecting and watched him, worried. He hadn't been himself in so long that she almost couldn't find the real Jax hidden beneath his shifting moods, short temper, and prolonged, somber silences. Sure, in business he was back to the invincible corporate raider she had known by reputation but had only seen whispers of during their relatively brief relationship. She had felt so close to him, so quickly that it was easy to forget how much she didn't know about him. Once in a while, she could catch a glimpse of the man she knew and ----- the man she knew. A roguish smile, a deep rumble of laughter, the rakish tumble of blonde curls across his forehead, the gleam of boyish mischief dancing in his eyes....then they faded like a ghost, only to be replaced with their practiced imitation. She kept waiting to walk into the penthouse one morning and this pale pretender to be gone...but every morning it didn't happen. Something was terribly wrong, and she could no longer afford to wait for him to work through it alone. "Jax, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong." Get out...before it's too late. Please. "We're done today. Go home." He tossed back the remainder of his brandy, hoping it would burn the venom from his tongue.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on with you." V was immovable, which only served to provide his seething frustration at himself with a target.

Dammit, V...go! "Your vacation starts tomorrow...just consider this an early start." He turned his back on her and went to fix himself another drink.

The dismissal stung, but she wasn't going to be deterred. "Tomorrow will get here soon enough. I'm staying." So wrong. Something was horribly wrong, and she felt a twinge of panic wedge itself in her chest.

Too late. "If you prefer, we can consider it the beginning of your two week notice, Ms. Ardanowski."

And so went the opening salvo in this miniature World War III.

His voice was so calm, so cold that V just looked at him, dazed...feeling as if the earth had shifted precariously beneath her feet. His back was to the window, and the harsh afternoon sun set his golden hair ablaze like a halo....But this was no angel. His voice might have been cold and calm, but his face was dark and furious like a wrath.

Jax pushed a button of the stereo remote...desperate for something, anything to push her out the door before he did -- permanently. The melancholy song eerily echoed the mood in the room.

"Wh-what! Are you firing me?" V scrambled for answers...excuses....anything to explain his behavior. "Are you still worried about the junior partnership in the detective agency that

Felicia and Mac offered me? Is that what this is about? Jax, really ---"

~ ~ Wait a minute, what did you say?

Did I hear you say "there's no real reason left for you to stay"?

Under your breath I hear your soft voice break "can we still be friends?'

I hear you talking but you're just not making sense ~ ~

"Mac?" he interrupted. Don't say it, Jax. Don't say it. "Tell me, Venus..." He suddenly made her name seem like a bad word. "Who are you taking home to meet the folks? Mac? Or Detective Garcia?"

She stiffened beneath the implication. She didn't have the foggiest idea what was going on, but she knew they were on very dangerous ground. "I'm not taking anyone with me. And even if I were, Jax, it's none of your business."

"Oh, my mistake." He raised one brow in arrogant salute. "I just thought there was some special rule book that you lived I could never measure up to. Or so you said. But we seem to have arrived at the chapter I'm an old hand at." Shut up, Jax, before you ruin the only thing that's worth a damn in your miserable life. "I believe it's called 'Torn Between Two Lovers'."

She turned white with the insult. "Careful, Jasper." Her voice came out in a strangled warning. "Stop now before you say something you can't take back."

~ ~ I've been hoping for a happy ending

Now I know there won't be any

Just a few words too my head

A few words too this bed

A few words too many left unsaid

I wish that we were strangers, we could start again, start again

All over ~ ~

"'Stop' seems to be your favorite phrase with me -- " She doesn't deserved this! For God's sake, stop! "Last summer, in particular comes to mind. Funny how things change...for some of us." Too late.

It would have hurt less if he had hit her. She stood so rigid against the pain that swelled in her heart that she thought she might topple over at the smallest movement. Her eyes filled with tears she refused to shed.

~ ~ Her broken shadow falls across your face as you hesitate

Trying to think of all things you need to say

But face the truth, lies at my feet as you turn away

Sometimes honest has a way of making peace ~ ~

The righteous indignation and heartache blazing from her molten eyes finally burned away the fog of uncontrolled emotion that had consumed him. His heart fell to his feet, ashamed at the damage he had done, the havoc he had reeked. Oh, my sweet Venus.....I'm so sorry....I'm so

sorry.....I'm so sorry. He held out his hand out, helpless in the face of his actions. "V....Oh, V....I'm --- " Too late.

~ ~ I've been hoping for a happy ending

Now I know there won't be any

Just a few words too my head

A few words too this bed

A few words too many left unsaid

I wish we were strangers, we could start again, start again

All over again ~ ~

"Too late, Mr. Jacks," she croaked as she swiped at a lone tear that had escaped down her cheek.

He never had a chance to finish his woefully inadequate apology.....She spun resolutely on her heel, and walked ramrod straight out the door, slamming it in her wake.

~ ~ Staring at the ceiling, wondering just what you're feeling

Was it me? Or was it you?

What's the difference if I knew?

Maybe I wouldn't feel so empty

If I hadn't heard a few words too my head

A few words too this bed

A few words too many left unsaid

Oh, I wish that we were strangers, we could start again, start again

Start all over again.....we could start again, we could start again

Round and round and round and round in my head

Wait a minute what did you say?

Did I hear you say.....?~ ~

Fool! Bloody, selfish, stupid fool! He flung the empty brandy sniffer in his hand against the fireplace wall, shattering it....his anger suddenly focused on who he had been so livid with all along -- himself.


Musical credits to "A Few Words Too Many" by Billie Myers on her cd, Growing Pains