Love is On The Way-3

by Mimi

This chapter turned out to be longer than I thought. But I hope it was worth the wait. Sorry for the super long delay but with Research papers being due this month, it's just been hectic. So please bear with me as I try to get back on schedule. Hopefully I will be by the time spring break rolls around. Hopefully I can get another Tangled Web installment out soon but I seem to have major writers block with that story and this story is just flowing at the moment. Thanks to everyone for reading this story.

Love is On the Way 3

In Brooklyn.

Brenda got out of her car and took out her three bags and walked up to the door and knocked one time. Before she could knock again the door flew up and Lois was standing there grinning with the biggest smile Brenda had seen in a long time. It was god to see her friend she began to realize how much she really missed her. Thinking of that Brenda broke out into a smile too before she dropped her bags and they embraced laughing and dancing around like teenagers who just got asked to homecoming by the cutest boy in school.

" Lois Marie I am so happy to see you. I have missed you beyond belief." Brenda said as they stood there hugging.

" Same here Brenda Veronica." She said as they finally broke apart. " Your god-daughter has missed you too. Oh I can't believe you're here, it's gonna be a great week. Come in before we start to look like permanent fixtures out here." Lois said grabbing one of her bags and ushering her in the house.

" Where's your Ma? You told her I was coming right." Brenda asked looking at Lois.

" Oh she's at the grocery store shopping for food. As soon as I told her you were coming she began a list of food to buy. She said she is going to put some weight on you before you leave here. She thinks you're just entirely too small." Lois said laughing as they sat down.

" Lois I'm model I am supposed to be small as you put it. So where's Brook and your Dad?" She said looking around.

" They went with her. Ma said she was going to show Brook the finer points of shopping for food. You know how Ma is. But anyway they won't be back for awhile they just left about 10 minutes ago." Lois said.

" So it's just you and me?" Brenda said and Lois nodded. " Good I really need to talk to you. I am in need of some Cerullo wisdom at this point." Brenda said with a sigh as they sat down in the kitchen.

" I figured as much that's partially why Ma cleared the house for us. We need the girl time and she knew that. So tell me what's up? Why the urgent need to rush down here and get away from Port Charles? I mean I know you missed us and all but it's something else too isn't it?" Lois said as she got them both some coffee and sat back down handing Brenda one.

" Well I have been going through hell lately and I haven't told you because I was ashamed too, just like I was ashamed to tell you about the pills. I didn't want you to see me that way then and I didn't want you to see me acting like a lunatic either." Brenda said looking at Lois.

" Bren, what are you talking about? You know you can tell me anything you know that right?" Lois said putting her hand over Brenda's.

" I know but I just couldn't tell you this until now. I really need for you not to be mad at me for not telling you sooner than now." She said with a sigh.

" Just tell me." Lois said getting really worried about her best friend.

" You know after the wedding I was really trying to act like I was okay and that everything was fine, that I was fine. But the truth is, I'm not fine I haven't been for a long time. I wanted to get everyone to stop treating me like I was so weak so I decided to go back to work for Jacks Cosmetics." She said.

" Well that sounds like it could have been good for you. At least you were keeping yourself busy." Lois said.

" Yeah I though so but it was just too much too soon. The test shots were fine and Jax was there with me and I was beginning to feel like everything was going to be fine. Even the camera people were being cool about the special that we were going to do on Star TV" Brenda said.

" Star TV? You were going to be on TV and you didn't tell me?" Lois said looking at her friend incredulously.

" I was going to call and tell you once the shoot was over and I was sure on a date and everything." Brenda said laughing at her friend's incredulity.

" Oh okay so when is it?" Lois said getting excited.

" Well it didn't work out. The first producer is one of the best but Jax kind of fired him and got someone else to do it." She said.

" Fired? Why?" Lois said looking confused.

" Well he wanted to the interview not just on me and modeling but on my personal life too. Everything about Sonny and I just couldn't take it. He had pictures and everything. Jax saw me about to flip out and he fired the guy and got him away from me. In some ways I wish Jax hadn't because then I could saved everyone a lot of trouble by flipping out then instead of at the photo shoot." She said running her fingers through her hair.

" What do you mean flip out? I don't understand." Lois said.

" Well you know about the shooting at Luke's right? Well I was there. I mean half of Port Charles was in attendance. It really really freaked me out more than I was letting on and it was haunting me. When I saw the dark haired guy on the ground I just knew it was Sonny. It really scared but I wasn't letting on to that and then I cursed Jason out and Jax had to pull me away so they could take him to jail." Brenda said with a sigh.

" Sounds like some night." Lois said. " But what does all of this have to do with the shoot?" Lois said.

" Well after that I went to the hospital to see him, Nikolas Cassadine. I just talked to him for a little bit to let him know I knew how he was feeling and although he didn't know me it seemed like he understand. Well after that I went back to work and Jax left and I was looking around for him but I didn't see him and then this light blew and it went downhill from there. I kept seeing Jason with blood all over his shirt and he was saying he told me to tell you it was a great ride." Brenda said and her eyes got really haunted.

" Brenda who told him to tell you that." Lois said putting her hand over Brenda's.

" Sonny. That's what he told Jason to tell me after he left. I kept seeing him saying that and I just lost it. I had a breakdown and I tore up the entire studio and I was swinging this tripod at everyone. I thought they were all after me on Sonny's orders. I thought he was trying to kill me. Lucy came and she calmed me down a little and after that everything is kind of a blur. I remember getting into the ambulance with a guy that Lucy said she knew and they put me in constraints. When I got to the hospital I was fine for a minute until the nurses came back in and I was sure they were working for Sonny too. I tried to hurt them because I thought they were trying to hurt me. I didn't mean to but I think I broke one of their noses and I banged up the other one pretty bad. They shot me up with some stuff that would calm me down then they strapped me to my bed. Jax had to come and calm me down first though before I even let them near me. I ended staying in the psyche ward for a couple days." Brenda said wiping some of her tears away.

" Oh Bren. You should've called me. I would've been there the same night, you know that. It must've been awful and I wasn't there." Lois said.

" It's okay. I couldn't have faced you anyway. You didn't fail me, you didn't even know." Brenda said.

" Well what happened after that, how long were you in the hospital."

" Well I was in there for a few days. Jax got a hold of my sister on the day that I went in front of the board. I came out and I saw her sitting there signing some papers and I thought she was trying to have me committed, so I freaked and ran. They caught me and put me into solitary confinement and put me back in the constraints. I was in and out of it for awhile. But then I convinced Jax to get me out of there for Christmas. He did and it was too soon. I think we both knew it. The photo shoot wasn't the end it was only the beginning." Brenda said.

" Why what happened?"

" Well Julia asked me to come and live with her but I declined. Then Jason came by and we had a huge argument about everything from Robin to Sonny. I kissed him Lois and it was awful. I was trying to send some awful message to Sonny by doing that. Jax came in on us struggling and they fought and I freaked out and kind of went into myself. Jax talked me through it though and after I was doing okay. The end of it was that I was going to do something really awful to myself and no one knows about it yet not even Jax." She said looking at Lois.

" Brenda, you're really starting to scare me." Lois said.

" It scared me too. I took my modeling pictures and I cut the faces out of them and then I burned them. I took one of the pictures with the face cut out and put back into the frame and left it out for everyone to see it. After that I tried to destroy the only thing I thought Sonny loved about me. I tried to cut my face off with a pair of scissors. I thought it was the way to stop hating myself. I figured if I could destroy myself then I could stop hurting people that I love so much." Brenda said not quite looking at Lois.

" Oh Brenda. You should've called me. Are you okay? What stopped you?" Lois said.

" I did. It was like something inside of me was screaming stop. It was like an epiphany, it was this power, and I never felt like I had power before. Power to hate so much or love so much or do so much. I was started to figure out that perfection isn't all it's cracked up to be. I started to think about Lily. I was remembering when we were friends when she first came here from Puerto Rico. We were all really happy then, Sonny Lily Miguel and me. I started thinking that she always understood things about him that I didn't, like how his whole entire life was about things that he couldn't say. After they got married she just accepted him the way he was but I was in love with him, God I was in love with him. I thought that love was about honesty and our whole relationship was based on lies. Despite that I knew that I should've been Mrs. Corinthos and even after she died because of his lies I wanted to be Mrs. Corinthos anyway." Brenda said beginning to cry.

" Brenda it's okay that you loved him, you know. A lot of people did, even me." Lois said.

" I know. But she's dead now. And not too long ago I would've died for him cause I thought that he was the only man that could ever really make me happy. I was going to give him my whole entire life just like she did but the difference is she can never get a second chance and after he left for a long time, up until a few days ago, I didn't even know that I wanted a second chance. I had been trying to destroy myself because I thought that if Sonny was worth dying for then I had nothing left to live for without him and I hated myself for putting myself in that position. But I realized that I do have something to live for, I have me to live for, Lo."

" Brenda that's right you do. But where does that leave you now?" Lois said.

" I have a second chance and I'm taking it. For once I'm taking it. I gave him too much and by doing that I gave up my hopes and my dreams and everyone that I loved. I gave up my self-esteem and dignity and I gave up myself to be with him and I lost him anyway. I wasn't okay for a long time and I'm still not fully recovered but someday I'm gonna be. I'm not gonna miss him forever Lo, he left me with more than I thought. He left me with my life by walking away and I have my life and my second chance and I'm not going to waste it. I'm gonna find new dreams and new hopes and new loves. And once I'm fine again I'm never gonna give up more than I am supposed to, to anyone no matter what, I've made that promise to myself. A new promise to start my new life." Brenda said wiping the remainder of her tears away and standing up to stretch.

" Well you sound like you know what you need to do. I am so proud of you, you're an inspiration even if you don't know it." Lois said standing up too and hugging her friend.

" Thank you Lo. I love you so much." Brenda said.

" I love you too. You don't need to thank me it seems you had it all thought in your head you just needed to verbalize it to someone. Who better than me your bestest friend." Lois said laughing at her use of the word bestest.

" Well I think I needed to get that off my chest and you're always there when I need you so I thought I would just come right out and tell you." Brenda said as they broke away and refilled their coffee cups.

" Well before we go any further Bren, I don't want anymore heart stopping announcements from you so please if there's anything else please tell me now." Lois said laughing as they sat back down.

" Well I'm getting better every day and Robin is home. She's decided to stay in Port Charles and she's going to live with me. She just went back to Paris for a few days to clear up some stuff and get her stuff and bring it back. Jax said that he would send the jet back for her so I am sure she'll be back in Port Charles in time for the concert." Brenda said sipping some of her coffee trying to think of how to tell Lois about Jax.

" Well that's good. It'll be good to see everyone at the concert. Hey speaking of that what did you think of the Cd I sent you. So you want to go with those songs or do you want to keep some and choose some others or trash them all and go with a whole new selection. I mean tell what you think?" Lois said getting really excited.

" No I love the songs all of them. Jax and I listened to them last night when the FedEx guy delivered them. We enjoyed them." Brenda said as she got a little smile on her face as she was remembering her night with Jax.

" What's with that smile Bren. I know that look. What's the deal with you and Jax." Lois inquired.

" Well he's been the best friend I can ask for. I miss him already actually. We've been really close, he's been the anchor that has got me through all this." Brenda said getting a smile on her face.

" Well it sounds like you two are cozy. What does it all mean? I mean are you having feelings for him? Is he sending you signals or what?" Lois said.

" Well we have been getting pretty close lately. Who am I kidding Lo, I love him more than anything. The feeling is so unreal to me it is completely overwhelming to me, but I like it. I know he loves me but we still have some things to work out. We talked this morning before I left and we know that we have a long way to go. That is one of the main reasons I came here to be honest we decided that after last night and this morning we needed to be apart before we can really be together." Brenda said.

" You sound like you really know what you're doing then and that's great but where does Sonny and your feelings for him fit into all this." Lois asked.

" He doesn't. Jax was worried about that too but I am sure of my feelings. I just don't love him anymore. When I think of Sonny I don't feel anything anymore. I loved him, then I hated him, more than I thought I could hate anyone, but now I just don't feel anything except empty I don't even miss him. Trust me I am sure and I know that I am because I wouldn't have made love with Jax last night and told him that I was in love with him if I still had any feelings for Sonny." Brenda said.

" Wait a minute back up. Holy Toledo, I knew it was something. And then you in true Brenda fashion try to just slip it into the conversation like it was no big deal." Lois said.

" Lois I was just trying to find the right way to tell you without giving you a heart attack." Brenda said laughing.

" Well you sure did that alright. So you mean you and Jax are back together then."

" Yeah I guess. But like I said we still need some time to process things and get things together with ourselves before we can be together freely with no baggage. That's what I want. I want him--always." Brenda said getting a goofy smile on her face.

" I can tell it's written all over your face. I'm really happy for you Brenda. You deserve it, if anyone does." Lois said.

" Well I am happy for me too. But there's someone that deserves it just as much if not more than I do." Brenda said looking at Lois. " Come on you know its true. You and Ned belong together. I think you should come back for a little while. I have plenty of room at my house and it could be like old times you, Robin Brooke and me. It'll be major girl time what do you think?" Brenda said.

" I think that you Brenda should just give up on this. From what I hear Ned is dating again. He's with Alexis Davis right?" Lois said.

" I don't know. I think they're just trying it out, nothing serious at least not yet. Well even if they are serious you need to get out more and Port Charles is the place to do it. We can run L&B and hang out just like old times. Who knows you may even meet someone you like there and then Ned won't even be a thought anymore. Besides that way I can see Brooke more often. I miss you guys and I know you miss Port Charles. At least consider it before you answer." Brenda said.

" Okay I'll do that but we really need to get started on planning this concert."

" Lois everything is set all we need to do is fax the song list to Celine Dion and Mariah Carey so they can approve them and we're all set. Ned is choosing his own music and Dara's music is done already. We just need to pick a place and I was thinking no place would be better than Luke's. I figured I'd let you talk to Luke I don't really feel comfortable doing it."

" Okay I am sure he won't have a problem with it. I'll call him first thing tomorrow. There is one little change with the date they both needed to move it up so I got them both on the phone and we got a compromise to do it this Saturday instead of next Saturday. So the promotional stuff for this gig is super important now Bren." Lois said.

" I already covered it. I have a slide show for you to see on my computer on Power Point I think you'll like it. I have it right now let me just get my laptop and my disks and stuff." Brenda said getting up and looking around for her computer bag.

" Where is it?" Lois said.

" I must've left in the car. You wanna come out with me and see my new car." Brenda said excited.

" New car. No wonder I didn't see your Porsche out there. I thought a limo or something dropped you off. So what kind of car do you have now?" Lois asked.

" I have a jeep. It's parked right out front come on." Brenda said getting up and going outside.

When they got outside and Brenda took out her new keys and took the alarm off of her car they went over so Lois could check it out.

" Wow. I like it. A Mercedes Jeep isn't bad. We are going to have to go for a ride in it and test it out later." Lois said as Brenda open the trunk and looked around but didn't see her case. She looked in the back seat but it wasn't in there either.

" Well it may be sooner than you think. I left my computer at my house. I can't do anything without my computer. My whole life is on that thing. I have to have it." Brenda said.

" Bren, calm down. We'll get it. I am sure Jax can just go to your house and Fed Ex it here." Lois said.

" Yeah. Why didn't I think of that? Come on I have to call him anyway.

Lois and Brenda go back in the house and Brenda dials Jax's penthouse.

" Jax here."

" Brenda here." She laughed.

" Well hello beautiful. Did you make it to Brooklyn okay?" Jax said.

" Yep. I made it here in one piece. Unfortunately I need you to go to my house for me and do me a favor." Brenda said.

" What?" He said.

" I forgot my laptop at the house. I am sure it's in the room on the bed. Could just send it to me I really don't want to have to drive back there for 4 hours just to get that thing. But I really need it so Lois and I can finish the plans for the concert." Brenda said.

" Sure it's not a problem at all. I'll have it sent to you tomorrow at least by the afternoon. I have a meeting to go to now so I Can't go over there but I will get it in the morning and send it on out there to you." Jax said.

" You're the best." She said laughing,

" I know it. So have you and Lois had any girl time?"

" Yeah and it was exactly what I needed. But I miss you already."

" I know. I miss you too but you will be back before you know it."

" Brenda tell Jax to send the computer day after tomorrow we are going somewhere tomorrow and it's going to take all day." Lois said quietly in the background.

" What?" Brenda said putting her hand over the mouthpiece of the phone.

" It's a surprise but we're going to be gone all day so no one will be here to get the computer." Lois said.

" Brenda? Brenda are you there?" Jax said into the phone.

" Yeah. I'm sorry. Lois was telling me something. You can't send the computer tomorrow because she's taking me somewhere and no one will be here tomorrow to meet it. So if it's not to much trouble could you send it day after tomorrow." Brenda said.

" That's fine. It's really not a problem. SO where is Lois taking you?"

" I don't know she won't tell. I plan to get it out of her though. So what have you been doing?"

" Nothing much went to the gym. Now I'm on my way out to a meeting."

" Well don't let me keep you. I have to go anyway. I'll see you when I get back. I'll call you tonight just like we promised." Brenda said.

" I know. I'll see you later."

" I love you. Bye." Brenda said.

" I love you too, Bren. Bye." Jax said hanging up.

" Okay Lo, he's sending it the day after tomorrow. So tell me what is this that we're supposed to be doing tomorrow?" Brenda said hanging up the phone and putting her hands on her hips.

" Brenda it's a surprise you'll see tomorrow. It's really nothing big."

" Okay I'll just have to wait then. Although you know that's not my strong suit, so don't be surprised if I bug you to death by tomorrow." Brenda said laughing.

" Okay well I guess we can go for a cruise then since Ma seems to be buying the entire store." Lois said laughing.

" Okay come on." Brenda said grabbing her keys. They left and took off in Brenda's jeep.

Back in Port Charles at Jax's penthouse.

Jax is having a conference call with some people from Sony. Apparently they couldn't get back into to town to have the meeting in person.

" Mr. Geiger I think 400 million is more than reasonable for the buyout of this company. I am not so sure that you will get a higher bid than that." Jax said tapping his pen on the desk.

" Mr. Jacks surely you want throw in a few more million for the new technology our people are working on."

" Mr. Geiger I don't pay for unfinished work and you should know that by now. I am not going any higher than 400 in change and if you don't like it leave it. I am sure I can find another way to acquire your company in the future." Jax said.

" Okay Mr. Jacks. You win I'll call my lawyers and tell them to meet with yours to draw up the papers. It was nice doing business with you." Mr. Geiger said.

" Same here. My lawyers already have the contract drawn up. If there is anything that is unsatisfactory to you, contact me but there shouldn't be any problems the terms are as we have discussed. By the way I would have went much higher to beat my brother out of this acquisition." Jax said laughing.

" I'm sure but you play a helluva game of hardball. I am sure you are great at Poker." Mr. Geiger said laughing.

" Yes well there isn't much I can't do. Talk to you later." Jax said hanging up the phone and then sending the figures to his father and then putting them into his own computer.

Just as he was done V. walked into the office.

" Hi Jax. How are you? How did your meeting with the people from Sony go?"

" V. I am fine thank you. The meeting went well. Have you heard from Addy regarding when she will be returning?" Jax asked.

" No. I hope I am not doing anything wrong am I?" She asked.

" No not at all. But this was just supposed to be temporary until Addy came back. I know this isn't what you want to be doing." Jax said getting up and getting himself a drink.

" Jax I like this job. Although you are right I would rather be doing police work, it is not as bad for me as you make it sound. I think I am gettig rather good at doing this now." V. said as she sat down.

" Yes you are but I think we both will be happier when Addy gets back. Enough of that have you been working on the book lately, I am sure publisher friend has called you by now." Jax said walking over and sitting down in the couch opposite the one she was seated in.

" Well actually they did and they want me to keep drawing some more stuff for their books. They said they would send me the papers about royalties and stuff soon." She sai happily.

" Well that's great. I am sure it will make you happy. Just make sure you have a lawyer look over the documents before you send them back." Jax said.

" Oh I will. So do you need anything right now or can I go and take lunch?" V. asked.

" Not at the moment. But for the day after tomorrow I need you to cancel all my appointments or try to move as many of them to tomorrow as possible." Jax said.

" Uh sure any particular reason?" She said curiously.

" Yeah I am going out of town and I don't exactly know how long I will be gone so I don't want anything impending or pressing to have to do that day." Jax said.

" Okay well do you want me to get you some plane tickets and arrange for a hotel? Just tell me where you are going." V. said taking out her planner.

" Well I'll be flying myself and I may be staying with some friends but I am not sure at the moment. Do me a favor make some reservations at the best hotel in Bensonhurst." Jax said rubbing his chin.

" Bensonhurst as in Brooklyn, New York?"

" Yep. If there's any problems just let me know by tomorrow and I will make some other arrangements." Jax said.

" Okay. Whatever you say. Anything else?"

" Nothing at all. I think I am going to take a lunch break and then finish up here. I don't really feel like going into the office today. You know I guess it's Thursday blues or something." Jax said laughing.

" Yeah well I thought the blues usually came in the beginning of the week not the end. Are you sure you're okay, you really do look kinda down." V. said.

" I just have some things on my mind. Nothing interesting, don't worry. I'm fine." Jax said.

" Okay well then I am going to lunch at the Outback but if you want to join me then you're most assuredly welcome to." V. said as she got up and went over to the door of Jax's penthouse.

" No thanks I am just going to order something from down at the Grille. Don't worry about it." Jax said escorting her out.

" Well okay. Call me on the cell phone if you need anything. Bye." She said as she left the penthouse.

Jax shut the door behind V. and went and laid down on the couch. He took of his jacket and undid his tie so that he could unbutton his shirt a little and relax. He laid there for awhile thinking and reflecting but he couldn't seem to get pass the empty feeling in his heart. He missed Brenda more than ever and the strange thing was he couldn't understand it. She had been gone before and missing her had never been this bad, but then it hit him. He missed her so much because she had been gone from his life for so long and out of his arms for so long that now that he had finally had her again he didn't want to let go for fear of losing it again. Jax laughed to himself " How is it that she's made herself so important to me." This from the man who could let go of anything and anyone except now he couldn't for the life of him make himself let Brenda go and further more he had no desire to. Well one thing was for sure he had a lot of things to sort through and he wasn't going to be able to do it on his own he needed someone to talk to and he knew just the person to call. Thao. He hadn't been in touch with Thao for awhile but whenever he needed a friend, he knew Thao would be there. At first he was going to call his big brother but he was part of the problems he needed to sort through with his family and so talking to him would be out of the question. He would call Thao he decided as he got up and went to find his number in his phone directory on his computer.

Jax turned on the laptop and brought up the file with all of his friends' numbers on them and he was amazed at the amount of numbers he had. Finally when reached the thousandth number he seen Thao's name and 4 different numbers where he could be reached. Jax decided to just call his cell number and pray that he would have it handy. Jax dialed the number and waited for someone to pick up. After two rings there was a male voice on the other end.

" Hello." Thao's accented voice came through.

" Thao old pal. It's me Jax."

" Jax old friend. What are you up to and what has you calling me in the middle of the New York working day?" Thao said.

" Well honestly I just wanted to see what you were doing. I need a favor." Jax said.

" Anything for you my friend." Thao said.

" Well how would you feel about making an appearance in Port Charles?" Jax asked.

" Well I have always wanted to visit that chummy little town but why now? Are you okay?" Thao asked concerned for his friend.

" I am fine just in need a friendly face." Jax said.

" Say no more I will gather up the gang and we'll be on our way." Thao said.

" Thao that's really not necessary." Jax said.

" Well they will be offended if I come and leave them. Surely you don't want me to hurt their feelings Jax." Thao said with a quiet laugh.

" Wait a minute are you all together? Without me? Some friends."

" Jax we're in Monte Carlo. Augustin was giving a performance and I dropped in to see it and Paolo and the Contessa were here already on business. I would've called you but I figured you'd be busy. Besides the last time I called your lady friend hung up on me." Thao said.

" My lady friend? Surely Brenda wouldn't have hung up on you she knows you and I haven't been out with many women lately Thao so what are you talking about?" Jax said.

" Yes Jax I am sorry about the way things ended with Brenda but we can speak more on that when I get there. I called not too long ago and a woman answered the phone. I asked for Addy but she said Addy was gone and that she was filling her spot so I asked her name and she said V. I figured she was a lady friend of yours pretending to be your secretary. I figured you'd never hire an assistant named V. So I was joking with her and said her name must be Venus if you were bedding her, you know with the V. initial name thing. And then she called me a jerk and hung up on me." Thao said laughing.

" V really is my temporary secretary until Addy gets back. Her name really is Venus and she hates it that's probably why she hung up on you. I am not bedding her by the way. The thought never even crossed my mind. Now listen why don't you guys fuel up the jet and get yourselves here and I will make arrangements for you to stay here at the hotel I am at." Jax said.

" Well that explains your friend alright. Okay Jax we should be leaving here within the next few hours. We should reach there no later than tomorrow morning your time. I have to stop off in Indonesia on business tonight so that will be my only delay." Thao said.

" Okay well I guess I'll see you when you get here." Jax said.

" Yes. Jax my friend I have to go Augustin is about to go on and my date is back from the ladies room." Thao said.

" Always the ladies man. Catch you later my friend."

" I'll be there with godspeed my friend. Goodbye." Thao said as he hung up the phone.

After hanging up with Thao Jax ordered up some lunch from the grille and took a nap. He had no other work to do and was actually tired, he figured he'd need the rest since the gang was on their way there to Port Charles. A visit from them could be just what he needed, he thought as he drifted off to sleep.

Back in Brooklyn.

It was well past 8p.m. when Lois and Brenda got back from their cruise. They were having so much fun just cruising around town and talking like all times that when they stopped at Lois' favorite hot dog shop they just lost all track of time. Especially when two guys approached Lois and Brenda. Lois thought it was funny and told Brenda to just encourage the guy he was cute and who knew what it could lead to. Brenda on the other hand was not so amused and she made her taken position quite clear to the handsome stranger.

Lois and Brenda had no intention of seeing the two again and decided to be nice and have lunch with them, it was more Lois than Brenda but she went along with it. Brenda couldn't get over how Lois was acting and she asked her about when they were alone and the guys, whose names they found out were Jack and Michael, were getting their food. Lois told Brenda to have some fun, it was only lunch and hot-dogs at that. They would never see these guys again so what could be the harm in indulging them and having some fun at the same time. Besides Lois said to Brenda " They're just a couple of Brooklyn boys who saw two beautiful ladies and decided to flirt a little. They're not Jax or Ned, Bren. They won't come searching for us and find out where we live and chase us relentlessly or anything." Brenda just nodded and went along with Lois, besides she needed some fun and that's what she came there for.

Jack was a tall, twenty something, blond haired charmer who was focused on winning Lois over. He was nicely built and had a smile in his eyes that intrigued Lois and after all she needed some fun. Michael, however, was deadlocked after Brenda. He was a charmer too but his looks were in very deep contrast to his friend. He was about 6'0 feet tall with jet black hair that had incredible waves to it. He had dimples that would put Ned to shame and smile that would melt the habit off a nun. He had a voice as soft as honey and body to kill for which was being displayed in his semi-tight jeans and muscle t-shirt. Brenda noted all of his assets so to speak and was impressed but she was hell-bent on making this thing with Jax work. She loved him more than anything and after their night together she was more convinced that with hard work she would win his trust again and that they would be together again and better than the first time.

When Lois and Brenda prepared to leave the two guys offered them a ride home and a night on the town. They declined and headed their own ways after saying their goodbyes to the two gentleman. After having lunch they went to the mall and shopped and shopped until they jut about dropped. By that time it was getting late and so they grabbed the last of their packages and some ice cream and headed home.

When they got there Lois' mom was cooking and her dad was playing with Brooke. When they came in Lois' parents greeted Brenda warmly and then told them to sit down because dinner was almost ready. Meanwhile Brenda went and got Brooke and was playing with her and showing her all the new toys they had brought her when Gloria announced that the food was ready. As they sat around the table Lois and Brenda recounted their day to her mother and while Gloria kept piling heaps of salad, baked ziti and garlic bread on Brenda's plate. Brenda just sighed and dug in knowing that after that week she was going to have do some serious working out, as a matter of fact she was going to do some while she was there.

After a good dinner everyone retired to the living room to watch some television and Brenda pooped from her trip there and her and Lois' excursion decided she as going to bed. She kissed everyone goodnight and went up to her room that Gloria and prepared for her. Once she was upstairs Carmine took Brooke upstairs to put her down for bed and told Gloria he was out for the night too. Lois and mother began talking as soon as he went upstairs.

" So how is she really? She seems like she is doing okay? She's not back to herself but it looks like she is getting there." Gloria said to Lois.

" Yeah she is getting better everyday. You know she's been to hell and back and I wasn't there but she told about it and I think she is going to be okay." Lois said.

" Well from what you told me earlier while she was playing with Brooke, her and Jax are trying to put the pieces together again right?" Gloria said.

" Yeah they are and I can tell that she really wants things to go well this time. I can tell how much she loves him, her face just lights up when she sees him, you know." Lois said to her mom.

" Yeah well I can't believe that Michael would do something like this to her." Gloria said disgusted.

" Neither can I? I want to believe there is reason behind it but when I see what it has put Bren through it and his reasons if he had any seem so irrelevant. I just can't believe that he did it to her again. I personally wouldn't care if I never saw him again." Lois said the anger and disgust evident on her face.

" I know what you mean. I never thought he could do that to her but I guess sometimes people turn out different than you think and you just have to accept it. I think that's enough of his for tonight. I am tired and you need your rest for tomorrow too if we're surprising Bren with this party tomorrow." Gloria said.

" Yeah I know. At least everything is set up and I think it will do Brenda good to have a girls day. It'll be great. I am going to go up stairs now Ma, I think I am really pooped, more so than I thought. It was probably our encounter with the lovesick guys we met." Lois teased laughing.

" I know. I can't believe you guys actually indulged them." Her mom said laughing.

" I know it just felt good to be having fun with her like that again." Lois said wistfully.

" You miss Port Charles don't you honey?" Gloria said.

" Yeah I do. I miss Bren, and Jax, and the Q's, go figure, and I miss Ned too. I want to see everyone again and I think will be good for me too." Lois said.

" Well have you given Brenda's offer any thought. I mean it could be cool the two of you and Brooke living together. I know there's no one that you are closer with than her." Gloria said as they started upstairs.

" I have given it a lot of thought and I think I am seriously considering it. I really want too." Lois said.

" Well then go for it. We just want you to be happy and I know you will be if you're back there."Gloria said.

" Thank you Ma. I think the decision was made right when she offered. I am going to move back. I'll tell Bren tomorrow at her surprise party." Lois said hugging her mom and going up to check on Brooke and then go to bed. Her mother followed her lead and everyone was sleep, except for Brenda who was on the phone with Jax. They were having their midnight phone call and it just made them miss each other more. When they were finished they both hung up and fell asleep thinking of each other.

The next morning.

Brenda was up and ready to go at 8a.m. which was surprising to Lois who knew Brenda never got up before 10.

" Hey Bren, what are you doing up so early?" Lois said.

" Well Lois I have been getting up early ever since being with Jax. He kind of gets up early which would wake me up because he was gone and not in the bed so I kinda just get up early now out of habit I guess." Brenda said laughing.

" Well where are you going this time of the morning?" Lois said as she noticed Brenda had on jogging pants and a sweat shirt and was putting on her running shoes.

" Well Lo, I am a model and models do have to keep their figure so I work out. It's actually really helpful to me with my therapy and everything. I used it at first as a means of forgetting. If I worked out till I dropped then I wouldn't have to think about anything because I would be too tired to do anything but sleep. But now it just makes me feel good and I used to work out all the time and I really just enjoy how it makes me feel. But with your mother feeding me all this food I have to do something to keep the pounds from building up while I'm here." Brenda said as she finished tying her shoes and looked up at Lois who was standing in her doorway.

" Well okay but I need to talk to you when you get back." Lois said.

" You can do it now. I still have to stretch before I go anywhere or start anything." Brenda said sitting on the floor of her room and beginning to stretch.

" Okay well I was talking to my Ma last night and I decided to move back to Port Charles. So if you're still open to the idea of me living with you then I am more than happy to." Lois said.

Brenda didn't say anything at first she just got up and hugged Lois and they both started laughing.

" I knew you'd cave eventually." Brenda said as they pulled away from each other and she did her Brenda-dance.

" Yeah well I want to be there. A big part of me is there. And I just really miss it and you and all the other citizens of PC. Besides if it doesn't work I can always come home." Lois said.

" Yeah but that' not going to happen so we don't even have to discuss it." Brenda said as she continued stretching.

" Well we'll see. SO how long are you going to be gone? We need to get going out of here at about 1 so make sure you back and ready before then. I am just telling you because I know how long it takes for you to get ready." Lois said laughing as Brenda got up and they headed downstairs.

" Well I am just going to run a few miles and do some sit ups and push ups in the park. I know my way around here so I won't be too long. Let's say about an hour or so. I shouldn't be later than 10. I mean it's 8:30 right now." Brenda said checking her watch.

" Okay well I'll see you when you get back. I am sure my Ma is going to have a huge breakfast waiting for you so you better run off as many calories as you can." Lois said laughing.

" Okay. Bye." Brenda said as she headed out of the house.

After she left Lois went and got Brooke and went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. She wanted to make some calls and make sure everything was all set for Brenda's party later on that day.

Back in Port Charles.

Jax had been up with the birds as usual. He had worked out and eaten breakfast already. Just as he was finishing up the remainder of his shower and had most of his clothes on there was a knock on the door. Jax thought it was V. and threw on his jacket before he went down to answer it.

" Hold on just a second." Jax shouted as he was coming down the other side of the landing.

By the time he got to the door the knocking had become a pounding and he couldn't figure out what V. could want that could be so important.

" I said hold on. I'm coming." Jax said as she swung the door open. Just as he was about to go into a tirade he saw Thao standing there with a smirk on his face.

" Thao. I should've known it was you. Bring your ridiculous self in here." Jax said as they embraced.

" Where are the others?" He asked as Thao stepped in.

" Good to see you too my friend. Paolo couldn't make it an urgent business matter kept him Monte Carlo and Augustin is working. The Contessa is on her way up here with her friend Ashley." Thao said.

" Ashley? Why does that name sound so familiar to me?" Jax said.

" Because you know her. Remember the old days when we first started our gambling traditons and we had first encountered the Contessa and Paolo. She was younger than all of us but had the enormous crush on you and Jerry." Thao said laughing.

" Yes, yes I remember now. What is she doing here?" Jax asked.

" Contessa felt she needed a vacation so she brought her along too." Thao said making himself comfortable. Just as Jax was about to there was another knock on the door.

" Well I guess I better get that." Jax said going over to answer the door.

" Hi Jax." The Contessa greeted warmly when he opened the door and scooped her into a hug.

" Contessa. It's always a great pleasure to see you." Jax said.

" Feeling's mutual. So I am sure you remember Ashley my dear friend." The Contessa said as she moved out of the way so Ashley could shake hands with Jax. When Jax saw her to say he was speechless was an understatement. The girl he had known all those years ago had blossomed into a beautiful woman and he didn't know what to make of her. She was 5'8 with blond hair and blue eyes. She had a svelte figure and legs to die for. Jax thought her smile was the most beautiful thing.

While he was checking her out she was checking him out as well. TO say her crush of old was still there was definitely an understatement. Looking at Jax her hormones were just bouncing all over the place. She was trying to keep herself in check but she could feel the heat flowing into her face as she smiled at him. She knew one thing from what the Contessa had told her he had been left with a broken heart by Brenda Barrett the famous model, she knew it wouldn't be easy, Brenda would be a hard act to follow from what she had heard from Thao and Contessa and just from her reputation as a model and record mogul, but she was going to win him for herself.

" Hi Jax." She said extending her hand to him despite her rushing hormones.

" Hi Ashley it's nice to see you again. Please won't you guys come in." Jax said shaking her hand and them leading them into his house.

They went into the house and sat down and Ashley made sure she was sitting next to Jax which didn't go unnoticed by any of them.

" So do you guys want some breakfast or anything? I can order from down at the Grille." Jax said addressing them all.

" No we had breakfast this morning in Paris on our way here but thank you." Thao said.

" So Jax how are you?" The Contessa asked.

" I am good. Business is well and everything else seems to be fixing itself. How about you guys?" He asked.

" Well you know me my friend. Life is good as long as there are businesses to conquer and beautiful women in the world." Thao said.

" I'm sure. How about you Contessa?" Jax asked.

" Well things are going well for Paolo and I. We celebrate our 15th year of marriage next month." She said before she realized what she had said. Jax noticed the look on her face and just smiled at her letting her know it was okay.

" So Ashley what has life been dealing to you? What do you do?" Jax asked curiously.

" I am a buyer for museums and other businesses. I deal with antiques and interior design." She said.

" Well that sounds interesting. It seems like it keeps you busy." Jax said smiling at her.

" It does and it's a lot of fun. I guess being a corporate raider is fun too and I am sure it keeps you more than occupied." She said smiling back at him.

" Well that it does. But let's not get into business right now. I am sure you guys came here to get away from all that. Why don't we go out, I can show Port Charles and then I have a meeting that I have to attend to but I am sure you can find something to do with yourselves for an hour or so." Jax said.

" I am sure we can besides I want to get some sleep later so we can mill the town tonight. Besides I am sure the Contessa and Ashley are jet lagged so they can get some rest with me while you're taking care of business." Thao said.

" Fair enough let's go then. I am going to show you the ins and outs of this place so well that you'll think you live here by the time I am through." Jax said as they grabbed their jackets and left the penthouse.

In a Brooklyn park.

Brenda was running through the park and decided to stop and get some bottled water and do some crunches in the grass by the tree. The sun was shining brightly and she had forgotten her shades in her car. She was running and dropped her water bottle as she was making her way over to the tree and as she bent over in mid stride to pick it up out of the grass when someone's dog ran up to her and then preceded to knock her over playfully. She was having so much fun with the dog that she didn't notice who his master was.

" Excuse Ms. I am so sorry that my dog attacked you. Come here Caesar." The man said.

" Uh it's no problem really. I like him." Brenda said getting up and dusting herself off not looking at the man.

" Well well it looks like my dog has good taste." He said smiling.

" Why do you say………….th—at." She said looking up. " Michael? Oh God." She moaned.

" Well Brenda, don't look so surprised. I told you we were meant to be." He said smiling at her.

" Yes well that's what you say and I keep telling you that it's all in your imagination." Brenda said reaching down and playing with Caesar.

" Yes well my dog has great instincts about future loves so I'd say I am right on the money. You know he doesn't just run to anybody." Michael said petting Caesar's head and touching Brenda's hand at the same time.

" Well I still have 2 more miles to go on my run so if you don't mind I am going to be going now." Brenda said quickly pulling her hand away and not missing the attraction between them.

" Actually I do mind. I have a couple more miles to go with Caesar myself so why don't you let me accompany you." He said. " I know Caesar would love to." He said noting that Brenda and Caesar were practically attached at the hip already.

" Yes well it's not Caesar I have the problem with." Brenda said looking at him pointedly.

" Come on Brenda. It's only a run in the park." He said.

" Okay and I would like to get to know this guy better." Brenda said bending down and rubbing Caesar behind his ears.

" Well then it's settled come on. A run in the park and then the rest of our lives." He said taking her hand and dragging her with him as she sighed.

In Port Charles.

Jax had taken Thao, the Contessa, and Ashley just about everywhere in Port Charles. They were on their last stop, Ruby's, for lunch before Jax had his meeting.

" So guys what do you think of Port Charles?" Jax said as they were coming into Ruby's.

" Well it's not Monte Carlo but it has its points I guess." Thao laughed as they all sat down.

" Well I enjoyed myself immensely. I love the way every here knows you Jax, it looks like you've made a home here. I've always wanted something like that." Ashley said sitting down next to him.

" Well I am sure one day you'll find it." Jax said giving her that smile that would melt Medusa.

" I am sure I will too." She said smiling back at him the electricity not going unnoticed by either of them. And Ashley thought to herself she would find a family and a town and she just knew it was going to be Jax in this town. Jax on the other hand couldn't understand what was going on with him he was attracted to her but in his heart he knew that all of him was Brenda's and there was no doubt about it. His thoughts were interrupted by Ruby coming over to take their order.

" Hi Jax." Ruby greeted.

" Hey Ruby. I want you to meet my friends this is Thao, the Contessa and Ashley. They 're going to be here for a little while visiting." Jax said.

" Well that's good. It's nice to see you smiling and out with friends." Ruby said.

" Well thank you." Jax said.

" Have you heard from Brenda? I talked to her yesterday and she told me that she was trying to get Lois to move back here. Then I get a call from Lois about some party their giving her today. It's crazy I have to be gone in about an hour can you imagine." Ruby said.

" Hmm well Lois was always one for surprises. It'll be nice to have her back here if she takes Brenda up on the offer." Jax said.

" Well since I do have to get going what can I get for you and your friends today?" She asked.

" Well I just want Clam Chowder and a Coke is fine for me. How about you guys?" Jax asked as Ruby wrote down his order.

" I'm having the same." Thao said.

" Same." The Contessa and Ashley said at the same time.

" Well okay that's 4 bowls of chowder and 4 cokes coming right up." Ruby said as she walked away.

" Why would she intentionally ask you about Brenda?" Thao said his curiosity peaked.

" Because we are trying to put things back together again and I am sure Brenda told Ruby they're like family. Besides I am fine with talking about her with other people. We know we have a lot to work through and that's why she's in Brooklyn with her best friend and I am here with mine." Jax said.

" Well I didn't know that. I just hope you know what you're doing this time Jax." The Contessa said.

" I do." Jax said and then his pager went off. " Sorry guys I have to go. That was V. when she puts 911 in the phone that means someone is there to see me." Jax said. " Tell Ruby I'll talk to her later." Jax said leaving the restaurant.

" Well it looks like I have my work cut out for me Mr. Jacks." Ashley said to herself but the Contessa heard her and smiled.

" Well guys I think that we are going to have to occupy ourselves for the time being, so what do you want to do?" Thao said.

" Well my friend, I am pooped, so I think I need to sleep." The Contessa said.

" Well Thao I am tired too, but maybe you could tell me about Jax while we make our way back to the hotel." Ashley said.

" I am sure I could but why don't you just keep working your magic. I have to warn you however, Brenda will not be an easy match if that's what you think." Thao said.

" Well I want him. There is no since in denying it since you all seem to know already and I don't think Brenda will be as formidable as you all think." She said tapping her finger against the table.

" Well you're wrong but even if you were right you have to remember she is on her own turf here and that will give her at least a partial advantage even if you don't want to admit it." The Contessa said.

" Well I for one think that they are good together. But I won't say anything about this to anyone, suffice it to say that I think you should leave well enough alone, and let those two find their happiness." Thao said.

" Well I think that if the fates wanted them together they would have been that way from the beginning." Ashley said defiantly.

" Well I haven't yet decided on the status of the fates but you haven't seen Brenda, you don't know her and I think that you can't truly fight your opponent unless you have some knowledge about them." The Contessa said.

" Well I am not going to give up so don't try to talk me out of it. End of discussion. Now let's go and get some sleep so we can be ready for our night on the town with Jax." She said getting up.

" Okay I'll tell the waitress we want the food to go." Thao said getting up and going over to the counter and letting Ruby know to get it to go. He paid as she went to the back to get everything ready.

Thao, the Contessa, and Ashley went back to the hotel to get some sleep before their night out.

Brenda and Michael had been running for about a half hour when they were approaching Lois' house. On their run Brenda and Michael found out just how much they have in common. And they were surprised. They had also agreed not to get too personal, no last names, no addresses or phone numbers, nothing. Brenda said it was for the best and although Michael didn't agree he went along with it telling her they were meant to be so he would find her. They stopped just short of where Lois lived and Brenda got ready to say goodbye.

" Well Michael it's been fun but I gotta go." She said looking at her watch noting how late she already was, it was going on 12 and she was supposed to have been back over an hour ago.

" Can I see you again? Tomorrow perhaps, how long are you going to be in town?" He said taking her hand.

" Michael don't you know how to take no for an answer. We are not meant to be anything other than two strangers who met in Brooklyn. Let it go and let go of me." She said shaking her head at him.

" Brenda, come on, if this man you were talking about is the love of your life then why are you here and him there wherever you're from." He said letting her hand go.

" Not that it isn't any of your business but I have business here, if you must know." She said sitting down on the edge of a water fountain in the park they were in.

" Hmm I sense there is more but I won't push. So what is the mystery behind you Brenda, why won't you let yourself have a little fun…..with me? I can make all your dreams come true." He said looking in to her eyes.

" I am sure you think so. But the only man I want making my dreams come true is the man whom I love who is back home." Brenda said.

" Brenda please at least let us have one real date out together." He said covering her hand with his. She didn't say anything as they stared at each other.

After a few seconds Michael slowly moved his face closer to hers and before their lips could meet Brenda pulled back and got up.

" Michael this isn't right. I may be attracted to you but I know where my heart is and it's not here." She said.

" You haven't even given us a chance." He said standing up too.

" There is no us. I don't even really know you. I don't have time for this so I am leaving." She said turning quickly and beginning to walk away when she fell down in pain. Michael and Caesar immediately rushed over to her.

" Brenda what happened are you are okay?" He said kneeling down beneath her.

" Yeah it's just a cramp. I moved to fast and I needed to stretch it out after I run but I was distracted by you." Brenda said cradling her leg as Michael held her in his arms.

" Well okay you are going to have to stretch it out now so come on." He said helping her to move it out and in until the pain subsided. She tried to get up but it was still painful for her to walk on her own and he refused to let her go by herself. He practically made her tell him where she was staying so he could get her home since her pager kept going off letting her know that she was later than late. When she finally told him that Lois lived right around the corner he picked her up and carried her the block over to Lois' house. When they got there he was insistent on getting her all the way inside the house or at least making sure she really lived there and someone could help her inside and she wasn't just trying to give him the ditch. She knocked and Lois and her mother were the first one's to the door.

" Brenda I am going to kill you. You know you were supposed to be back earlier than this. By the way Hi Michael. Wait a minute what are you doing here?" Lois said.

" I got a cramp and he was just helping me back but he can go now. Right Michael? Are you satisfied." She said turning to face him and their faces were about an inch apart.

" Well you know I won't be satisfied until you're mine but for the moment I am content." He said giving her a boyish grin and getting ready to set her down when Lois' mom interrupted him.

" No don't put her down out there bring her in here. You can stay for breakfast, however late it is." she said looking at Brenda.

" Gloria that's really not necessary. I can walk, besides Michael you have somewhere to go don't you?" She said not being subtle at all.

" Actually no I don't. I would love to have breakfast with you. AS long as you guys don't mind my dog Caesar here." He said giving Brenda a knowing smile.

" Well the more the merrier then." Gloria said ushering them both back inside.

Once inside the house Michael sat Brenda down in the living room per her request. He was sitting there with her as Gloria called him into the kitchen so that they could eat. Lois told her mom she was going to go and check on Brenda and they would be in, in a minute. Lois made her way into the living room where Brenda was sitting looking none too pleased at the whole situation. Lois walked over to her friend and just smiled at her.

" Hey Bren you okay." Lois said sitting next to her.

" I'm fine." She said unconvincingly.

" No you're not. Don't be mad Bren, Michael seems like a nice a guy, lighten up." Lois said.

" Lois, he just won't go away." Brenda said putting her hand on her forehead.

" Brenda I am sure he wasn't stalking you or anything. How did you run into him anyway?" She said.

" I was on my run when Caesar knocked me over and he came over to get him and we just went on the rest of my run together. He actually made me take him with me." She said. " I really like his dog though." Brenda said smiling."

" Hey I can tell. He seems to adore you. I know his master sure does." Lois said smiling at Brenda who was mad but was slightly smiling.

" Bren, you can't be mad at him for coming here or hanging around you because if you were you guys never would have gone running together. So why don't you tell me what the real problem is." Lois said patting Brenda on the hand.

" Lois the real problem is that I like him. I mean he's a lot like me in a lot of ways and he's just really a lot of fun to be around and all that." Brenda said.

" Well that's great Bren, but why do I feel a 'but' coming on." Lois said.

" Because there is one. I like him Lois, I do but I love Jax, I am in love with him. I won't do anything to mess that up or make him doubt me anymore than he already does. I am supposed to be winning his trust back not trampling on it like I did before. If I do anything with Michael I would be hurting Jax and I won't do that. I mean he's not dating anyone else so why should I try and change the rules now." Brenda said.

" Who said anything about changing the rules. Maybe this is what you guys need. You need to see other people and interact with other people….both of you. But what you have to decide is, which is what I think is really bothering you right now, is whether or not if you guys decide to date other people while working on your relationship if you can handle seeing him with another woman. Because honestly that's what I think is bothering you the most. You have to understand that you can't have it both ways." Lois said.

" I know that. I want Jax more than I've ever wanted anyone and I know that I love him with all my heart and soul but this thing with Michael is kinda of throwing me for a loop." She said.

" What thing? What aren't you telling me Brenda." Lois said.

" I don't know what it is but I like him. I mean today when he almost kissed me I really wanted to kiss him back." She said looking more confused than ever.

" WHAT??!!" Lois almost screamed. " You didn't tell me you almost kissed him, so what happened?"

" Nothing I backed off and that's when I got up to leave and got that cramp in my leg."

" Okay well I think you really need to figure out what you want and until you do that you can't make any serious decisions." Lois said. " Now come in there so we can eat it's rude to leave your guests waiting."

" Lois wait. Michael and I agreed not to tell each other anything about each other so he doesn't know where I am from or my last name or what I do or any of that so I want to keep it that way." Brenda said getting off the couch.

" Well you better hope my Ma hasn't been talking to him too long then. Let's go." She said as they went into the kitchen.

In the kitchen Michael was sitting contentedly talking and eating with Lois' mom. Brenda and Lois walked into the room and immediately Caesar got up and went over to Brenda which caused Michael to look up and they looked at each other for a few minutes before Lois broke the silence.

" So Michael what have you and Ma been talking about in here?" Lois inquired.

" Nothing particular. Can't talk about Brenda since we agreed to keep the mystery alive until she comes around and realizes I am the man of her dreams." He said smiling at them both.

" You're so funny." Brenda said walking over and sitting down across from them with Caesar right at her feet.

" Well I aim to please." He said. " We've been actually talking about neutral topics since I told your mother here that if I learn anything new about either of you it will come from you." He said looking at Lois and then over at Brenda who seemed impressed with his declaration.

" So what is this neutral topic exactly." Lois said.

" Cooking. I love to cook. Your mother was telling me that you do too but from our run this morning I learned that Brenda is not exactly domestically inclined." He said laughing. Which caused Brenda to laugh and Lois held out for as long as she could before she exploded into laughter.

" Okay so I can't cook that is not the end all and be all of life." Brenda said still laughing quietly.

" Yes it is if you don't want to starve." Lois said laughing.

" Don't worry Brenda in this day and age you don't have to know how to cook, you can order out until your heart is content." Gloria said.

" Well whatever. Lois what time do I need to be ready by?" She asked looking at her watch.

" Well since you're already an hour late you might want to go up and shower and get ready now." Lois said as Brenda continued to eat her grapefruit.

" Okay well I want to finish eating this first but then I will go upstairs and get some clothes on. Hey Michael do you want me to drive you somewhere after I finish before Lois and I leave." Brenda asked.

" No I can make it on my own. Besides I called my brother he's coming to pick me up we have some stuff to do later. Actually later is now, so he should be on his way. You'll get to see him, he'll probably be here by the time you get done." Michael said.

" Who is your brother?" She asked.

" Jack is my brother. You've met him but I am sure he would like to see you both again." Michael said.

" He's your brother?" Lois said remembering how much she enjoyed Jack.

" Yeah I know we look slightly different but we have different mothers." Michael said.

" So do my sister and I." Brenda said.

" Well see another thing we have in common." He said.

" Yes well I have to go and get ready. One question before I go though. Lo, what kind of affair is this anyway? How should I dress?" Brenda asked emptying her dirty dishes.

" Casual. Jeans is fine if you want." Lois said.

" Okay I'll be done in 20 minutes I promise." Brenda said racing up the stairs.

" Well she seems to like surprises, I'll have to file that away for future reference. So what is this big surprise? If you don't mind my asking of course." He said

" No not at all. We're just having some friends over for, it's kind of a girl bonding thing." Lois said.

" But I thought you and Brenda were going out somewhere." He said confused.

" Well that's what she is supposed to think, Brenda has a tendency to dig until she finds out what a surprise is so we kinda led a trail to another place just in case she went snooping. Everyone should be arriving soon maybe you'll see them if your brother doesn't get here before they do." Lois said.

" Yes well I will be delighted to meet some of your friends." He said.

" I am sure you mean delighted to meet Bren's friends in the hopes of getting some more info on her." Lois said laughing.

" Well that too but I am completely serious that if I learn something new about Brenda then I want it to come form her. I really believe we belong together and so I want everything to be perfect when she finally realizes it." He said completely serious.

" Well that's really good. I think Brenda will appreciate it and it's good that you like to keep your word." Lois said.

" Yes well I don't like to be underhanded, except maybe in business but, personally I want everything to be above board." He said.

" That's good. Now come on you can help me get the stuff ready in the den for the party. We have to hurry so that she doesn't see it." Lois said.

" Lo, I am going to stay in here and finish up the cooking. I want to have everything done by the time everyone gets here." Gloria said.

" Okay Ma, we'll be in the den if Brenda comes down before we get back stall her. Make sure the that when they get here they aren't too loud, as a matter of fact sneak them in through the back so that will make it easier to get them into the den that way anyway." Lois said.

" Okay. What about his brother?" She asked.

" Just let him come on in it will look too suspicious if he's not here by the time Brenda gets back." Lois said.

" Okay. Will do, now go on before it's too late." Gloria said shooing them out of the kitchen.

Back in Port Charles.

Jax was back at his office pouring over some documents with V. In his opinion the whole thing could have waited but he indulged V. for the hell of it because he really wanted to get this particular acquisition done and over with.

" V.? Could you come here for a second." He called to the other side of the room.

" What's up Jax?" She asked.

" What is the word on that Sony project I just finished up? Has Mr. Geiger gotten back to you yet?" He asked looking over some documents.

" Yes and the papers for the transfer are all set, signed and sealed." She said.

" Good now I need you to get a hold of him for me." Jax said sounding agitated.

" Sure. Is there anything particular that's the problem." She said.

" No. I just want to talk to him about another company that he's just acquired. I know that he didn't really want to give up Sony and I want this other company more to beat out Jerry. It's a Japanese computer company. He is trying to corner the market on electronics so I am willingly to trade him Sony back with my other 3 electronics company to get the rights to the Japanese computer company." Jax said with a self-satisfied smile.

" Jax, no offense but isn't it kinda of stupid to give him 4 companies for just one in return." V. said skeptically.

" Well in theory it looks like it doesn't it. But it's not because that company is worth more to me than all those other companies combined. J&J Jacks wants to corner the market on computers, that's where the money is and we are well on our way to doing just that. Now the other side to this is Jerry and I have a bet as to who will get the most companies first and this is the last one in the chain of the top 10. So far I am ahead by one but if Jerry gets this one then we will be tied and that is unacceptable to me. The only reason I bought Sony from him was to be able to trade it back to him when he finished the negotiations on the Japanese computer company. So see we all get what we want." Jax said.

" Well that is brilliant. I'll get in touch with him right away. But when his secretary told me that the papers were signed she said that he would be out of town for a few days. Apparently he is in the states. She said he had left their main offices in London to go to their other base in Monaco and then he was on his way here to the states. So I don't know when he will be available." V. said.

" Well that little weasel, he knew what I was after the whole time, that's the only reason he would be here. His only offices here in the states are in New York. He would only be this close because he knows I want to negotiate. Well what do you know it seems we have been thinking on the same lines." Jax said laughing.

" Well then you are both brilliant." V. said laughing.

" Yes well just remember who is more brilliant." Jax said as she went to go make the calls. Jax then picked up his own phone and called the hotel. He called Thao and there was no answer but the desk man said he had saw him down in the bar area. So Jax figured he'd call the Contessa. As he dialed her room his thoughts shifted to her friend Ashley. He kept thinking that she had to be flirting with him and the bad thing was he was doing nothing to deter it, in fact he was enjoying it. I mean let's face it, he hadn't had a real date since he and Brenda broke up and maybe that could be what they needed, what HE needed. After all this time, even with what happened between him and Brenda before she left, he couldn't help feeling like maybe he needed to start taking care of himself and stop worrying so much about her. But even as the thought crossed his mind he knew it was impossible, he loved more now than ever, but what he had to figure out was if he could ever really trust her again. This thing with Ashley wasn't what he needed because all it was doing was blurring his focus. He was definitely attracted to her, any man would have to be dead not to be, but his heart was with Brenda, where he knew it was always going to be. SO the question now was what was he supposed to do. He couldn't very well go to Brenda with this because she'd be crushed at the idea of them dating other people, but he couldn't really say them could he because he was the only one who was entertaining the idea, she couldn't have met someone since the last time they had seen each other. This thing with Ashley was really getting on his nerves because it was confusing and it was throwing him for a loop. But what was he supposed to do……….His thoughts were interrupted by the Contessa answering the phone in a sleepy haze.

" Hel….Hello." She said.

" Contessa, it's me Jax. I am so sorry to wake you. I tried calling Thao but he isn't in his room and I wanted to let you know that I am going to be a little longer than I thought. It's about 1 now so I am going to be here at least a few more hours." He said.

" It's fine I need the sleep. Just call before you leave so I can get ready for tonight and get the others ready too."

" No problem. I will definitely call you back before I leave. Tell everyone that I won't be long." Jax said.

" Okay. Bye." The Contessa said.

" Bye." Jax said hanging up the phone.

When Jax finished his call V. walked back over to him to let him know about her call to Geiger's office.

" Jax. I called the main office and his secretary said that she would get a message to his brother because apparently he is not available at the moment. Something about a baseball game he was going to see. I think she said he wanted to purchase the team or something I don't really know it wasn't important. What was important is that she is going to get him a message through his brother by tomorrow so he should be getting back to you." V. said.

" Okay thank you. By the way did you make those reservations at the hotel in Brooklyn for me?" Jax asked.

" Yes. They are all taken care of. I called your pilot too, he said he'd have your plane up and running for you to fly tomorrow morning." She said.

" Thank you. I am going to finish up these reports and then I have to go over to Brenda's place so I will not be needing you for the rest of the day. So unless you have something you want to finish up you can go on home for the day." Jax said.

" Okay that's fine with me. I want to go home and finish redecorating anyway. I have to talk with Felicia later so if you need me for anything just call the cell phone and I will come back by here okay." She said as she grabbed her coat and made her way out of the office.

" Bye. See you tomorrow." Jax said as she left.

After she left Jax resumed going over his files and for 10 minutes he kept reading the exact same line. He had no concentration and it was driving him crazy. He needed a something to clear his head. He decided to go for a drive in his car and then take a nap after eating lunch, since he never got to eat because he had to come back to the office.

" A drive could be just what I need right now." He said running hid fingers through his hair and grabbing his keys as he made his way out of his office.

Back in Brooklyn.

Brenda had just gotten out of the shower and was drying her hair as everyone was arriving to the house. Between the loud music she had going and the hum of the blow dryer she couldn't hear a thing which made things so much easier on Lois and her mother who were trying to sneak everyone in. Jack was the last person to arrive and when Brenda came down stairs he was sitting there with Michael, Lois, Gloria, and Carmine drinking coffee and eating crepes. Michael was the first one to notice Brenda and he had to admit she looked great. She had on a pair of tan khakis with a white silk blouse and a tan jacket to go over it. Her hair hang loosely around her shoulders and she had on light shades of make up and gloss on her lips to make them look pouty but adorable. Everyone else was playing like it was business as usual and Brenda didn't suspect a thing.

" Hi guys. Hey Jack it's nice to see you again, can't say the same for your brother though." She said laughing.

" Yes well that's what all the women say. I see you have found a friend for life in Caesar there." Jack said noting how Caesar went right over to Brenda when she came into the kitchen.

" Yes well he is a very good boy, yes he is." She said reaching down and scratching his ears and patting him lightly. " Hey Lo, you ready to go? I mean you said we had to get out of here right after I got out the shower so….." Brenda said letting the rest of her sentence trail off.

" Yeah we do but we are going to have get some stuff out of the den first so come on. You guys wanna help us out a little bit here." Lois said motioning to everyone.

" Sure. Come on." Michael said.

They all filed in before Brenda and she came in last. She couldn't really see anything because they were blocking her view but when they moved everyone screamed SURPRISE. All her friends were there Lucy, Ruby, Robin, Emily, Keesha, Felicia, Dara, and even Julia. She noticed right away there were no men there and it caused to laugh.

" Well we are glad you seem to like it." Lois said noting her friends' mirth.

" Oh Lo, I love it. I can't believe you guys did all this……for me." She said still in shock.

" Well Brenda, I have to say I am here for my own benefit, it was the only way I could reach you to talk about work." Lucy teased.

" Very funny Lucy. I love you guys for doing this. Thank you so much." She said hugging everyone. " Hey did you all meet Jack and Caesar." She said purposely leaving out Michael.

" Yes we did and Michael too. They are all very nice." Ruby said.

" Yes well we have to depart now business calls so maybe we'll see you later. How about if I give you a call." Michael said smiling at her.

" Uh uh I don't think so. You aren't going to get anything out of me so just give up. It was a fun two days but that's it. Goodbye." She said. " Jack it was great seeing you again. I am going to miss Caesar here but I know you will take care of him." Brenda said as she went to say goodbye to the dog.

" We will do that. Maybe we will meet again someday." He said kissing her hand and then Lois' and leaving with a disappointed Michael in tow.

" Bren, who is that?" Robin said. " He is gorgeous and you are treating him like the plague, are you crazy?" Robin said incredulously.

" Robin I just met him yesterday and he seems to think that it was love at first sight or something, says we are destined to be together. I think he is just a plain lunatic. I am totally committed to Jax." She said not realizing that she hadn't told Robin about her and Jax yet.

" What about you and Jax? I thought you were just friends, unless there is something you're not telling me." Robin said steering Brenda away from the crowd.

" I know I have so much to tell you but the gist of it is Jax and I are working on getting things back to where they used to be. I love him and he loves me and this time there are going to be no secrets, or old loves, or any of that to get in our way. I know what I want, and what I want is him and nothing is coming between us." Brenda said to Robin.

" Brenda are you sure? I mean I don't want you to get hurt again and maybe rushing into this thing with Jax may be too much too soon, you know." Robin said concerned.

" Robin I am sure about this. If I have never been sure of anything in my life I am sure of this. I love him and deep down I always have." She said.

" Okay if you're sure and you're happy then I'm happy. You deserve this more than anyone I know." Robin said hugging her.

" Thank you." She said as they broke apart. " Hey I have some more good news too. Lois is moving back to Port Charles and she's staying with us. It will be major girl time for all of us. But I was thinking that maybe I need to get a bigger place you know." She said looking at Robin,

" You mean you want to sell the cottage?" Robin said surprised.

" No I love the cottage but Robin I need to get back out into the world and the cottage is definitely remote, even for me models in hiding like myself. I was thinking I would just buy it, it's not like I don't have the money and then I would lease a bigger house you know, that way it will be easier for all of us to get around better. Besides there will be more then just one car now too." Brenda said.

" Well Brenda if you're sure then I am with you. At least you are going to keep the cottage, I mean it will be like your own private hideaway. I think a bigger house will be good, that way Brooke can have a big room all to herself." Robin said. " This is going to be the best Bren, and I can just imagine the girl time we are going to have." She said.

" Yes well I'm so excited I can hardly wait and since Lois is coming back with me and you're here then I think I want to go back to Port Charles tomorrow morning. What do you think? That way we can get everything started on finding a new place. I think I am actually going to call the broker that did the deal on the cottage for me and tell her what I want. Then I have to call the interior decorator to do the house just the way we want it. Hey I have an idea why don't you stay here in Brooklyn with us and then you don't have to go all the way back to PC tonight. It'll be fun we can get the ideas together on the house." Brenda said.

" Sounds like a plan. Hey we are definitely going to have to go grocery shopping when we get back and put some food in the house until we move I mean we can live on take out but a baby can't." Robin said laughing.

" I know and you know Lois just loves home cooked meals so that means that we are going to have to get more than enough for her to cook her heart out." Brenda said.

" Yeah well as long as you don't get the notion that you want to cook your heart out all will be fine." Robin said.

" Okay little sis, enough. Let's go mingle before people start to think that I forgot I am the guest of honor." She said laughing as they went over to where everyone was drinking and having a good time.

As they made their way back into the center of the party Lucy was the first one to drag Brenda away again.

" Hiya Lucy. What's up?" Brenda said.

" You tell me? What's with the cutie that you let just walk out of here? I mean everyone is dying to know." Lucy said smiling at her.

" Is that right? Well then I'll just have to tell everyone now won't I." Brenda said laughing.

" Everyone can I please have your attention." Brenda said banging a spoon against her champagne glass. " It has been brought to my attention by the lovely Lucy Coe that everyone is dying to know who Michael is. So I thought I would save you all the misery of waiting to hear the story and save myself the torture of having to explain it 10 times over." Brenda paused for a minute when they all started laughing which made her laugh.

" The myth behind the man is that there is absolutely nothing going on between Michael and I. So the story is there isn't a story." Brenda said laughing at everyone's faces as she made her announcement. After everyone's initial shock they all greeted her with uh huh sure Brenda, which made her laugh.

" So Brenda. I need to talk to you, do you think we can go some where private." Lucy said looking serious.

" Well don't look so serious you're starting to worry me. Come on we can go into the kitchen no one is in there." Brenda said pulling Lucy away from the den into the kitchen.

" Okay we're alone now what's the big beef Lucy." Brenda said sitting down at the kitchen table.

" Brenda I want to apologize to you for pressuring you into during that photo shoot when you really weren't ready to do it. I mean I'll understand if you need to take some time off now." Lucy said sincerely.

" Lucy I should be the one apologizing to you. I knew that I wasn't ready to go back to work and instead of forcing the issue I should have just let you get another model in my place. I cost you a lot and I know that. So you don't need to apologize, I do, so I am sorry." Brenda said.

" Brenda you don't have to apologize to me for that it's not your fault, what happened you know." Lucy said patting her hand.

" I think I am starting to understand that better but I know that I can not pan off this responsibility on someone else I allowed myself to get to that point without asking for help and I pushed the buck when I shouldn't have. I'll completely understand if you want to give my job away, I mean I am sure you need someone who is stable all the time and I know you can't tell whether or not I am going to be all the time, so you run a business and I understand that so don't hesitate to fire me if you need to." Brenda said.

" Brenda I am not firing you by any stretch of the imagination. You talk as if you don't want to go back work, I mean do you want me to fire you." Lucy said.

" Lucy no. I love my job, I mean it's one of the few things that I am good at and that I make completely my own. When I am in front of that camera I feel alive and at home, I'm in my element. But all of that doesn't take away all the damage I may have caused Jacks Comestics, not to mention both of our reputations."

" Brenda people in the public eye have had far worse mishaps than yours. Besides Jax and I did a great job of damage control and the only people flapping their jaws right now is Star TV. I wouldn't worry to much about them, they're case is only a ploy to get them on the front page of the papers and in the news. This kind of stuff happens all the time. You can give a few interviews, write a book and all will be forgotten. In the meantime we need to talk about when you can come back to work. You were right about one thing I do run a business and business doesn't run without some advertisement and I need a face for that. If you aren't ready then let me know and I am going to have get another model. The Christmas campaign is over and the ads are running into the new year but Valentine's day is coming up which will lead into the spring line and we need a campaign for that like yesterday so I really need to know what you are going to do." Lucy said.

" Well Lucy if you want me back I am ready. I spoke to Gail and she thinks that work won't be a bad thing. The hard part will be convincing Jax to not worry about me. I want to come back to work. I want my life back and that means modeling too. So whenever you want to do it if you really want me to do it." Brenda said hesitantly.

" Brenda you have just made my year. Now there is one other thing." Lucy said with a smile.

" What am I taking a pay cut for damages rendered?" Brenda asked jokingly.

" No in fact this idea will get you more exposure and much more money." Lucy said.

" Well what is it?" She said excited.

" Well we are bringing out a new fragrance for the line but we want to go ahead with some old plans of using your name on the bottle, I mean the fragrance would really be your very own." Lucy said enthusiastically.

" Lucy you know I want to do that but are you sure that now is the right time to do it. I mean with all the bad press going on right now do you really want to center your whole new line on my name. Have you even done any test runs of this thing yet?" She said skeptically.

" Brenda you know you really ought to know me better by now. Of course I have tested and the name alone is attracting people. We are calling it Barrett's intrigue. What do you think?"

" Well what do the numbers show?"

" Well you know we target the age group between 18 and 49. Now before we get into that for women over 49 the fragrance is doing well about the same percentage as the normal Jacks products around 69% in the market. Now for the targeted group we are getting there. Right now we are at 79% in the 7 out of 10 states we are testing in tight now, which is extremely well. Now the big thing is that overseas in Asia, Europe, and Australia the fragrance is breaking records. Everyone wants to know about Barrett's intrigue. Now all we have to do is come up with a slogan and your approval of course." Lucy said beaming.

" Lucy I am glad that things are going well and I want to do this as much as you do, so let's get the ball rolling. We can actually announce it at the concert we are giving this week." Brenda said amiling.

" Brenda you read my mind. I just know this is going to be the greatest campaign, so when will you be back in PC?" She said.

" Well I am coming back in the morning actually. Lois and I are going to be running L&B from there. She's moving back and we're going to be roomies, so I won't need to travel all the time back and forth. So just call me when you are ready to get started." Brenda said.

" Actually Brenda since I knew you were going to be sold on the idea, I set up a meeting already with Tom. I called him and asked him if he wanted to do the shoot and he said yes. Jake is also going to there as well so you'll have both of your favorite photographers there to make you feel comfortable." Lucy said.

" You mean he actually still wants to work with me after everything that I did at the last shoot?" Brenda said incredulously.

" Brenda come on. You're his favorite and you know he loves working with you but I have to say that he wanted to work with you again. He felt really bad about what happened before, but he wanted me to tell you that he can't wait to get started on this shoot and that he wants you not to worry about anything, and that nothing that happened changes his regard for you, you're still his favorite." Lucy said smiling.

" Well good. I can't wait to see him so when did you set the meeting up for?"

" Day after tomorrow but the test shots are for tomorrow, can you do it?"

" Of course I can make it. I will be back in the morning and I have to get everything in order with buying my present house and then getting a new one, which I plan on leasing when we get back to PC. I need more room now that Lois is coming back and Robin is going to be there as well. So I can be ready whenever you need me to be. I really want to be a better employee to you this time around so consider me at your disposal." Brenda said.

" You were just fine the first time. Sold me millions of my product, that makes me happy. So let's get the dteails together tomorrow when you get back, give me a call. Now I think we should get you back into your party before people start to think you didn't like the gesture. And before we go in there, I want you to know that I fully intend to get the truth out of you about who that Michael guy was." Lucy said laughing.

" I keep telling you, he is nobody. I don't even know his last name. I don't intend to know anymore nor do I want to. Leave it be, he is a handsome lunatic, who I don't ever plan to see again." Brenda said.

" Yeah sure okay. Whatever you say Brenda. Come on let's get in there." Lucy said as they got up and made their way back into the den.

Jax made his way back to his penthouse after taking a drive along the outskirts of Port Charles. He had driven around for hours trying to clear his head of what was going with him. He just couldn't figure anything out and it was driving him crazy, but he had a little while longer before he would see Brenda so he had a little more time to figure everything out. He kept thinking about Brenda and then Ashley and he knew that he was attracted to Ashley but did he really want to screw up his new found happiness with Brenda to figure out what was going on between him and Ashley, he wasn't sure he was willing to risk that. Then he thought about the fact that Ashley would be gone in a few days so he wouldn't have to worry about it but then he kept thinking that even when she was gone he would still know that he had been entertaining the idea of exploring something with her. He finally decided to just talk to Brenda and see what she thought about dating other people for awhile since they weren't supposed to be hot and heavy right now. Dating other people would be good for both of them he thought. Now all he had to do was explain that to Brenda without her hurting her feelings or making her feel like she did something wrong, as was her penchant. Upon making a decision he felt a little better and decided to go home and getting ready for his night out with his friends.

After reaching his penthouse he checked his messages when he noticed that the light on his machine was blinking. He pressed play and there was a few messages but none that were to important. He was about to turn it off when another message came through the machine. This was a call he had been waiting for.

" Mr. Jacks, this Mr. Geiger. I'm sorry I wasn't available when you called. I was busy on a deal that I have been nurturing for a few weeks. I understand that you want to make a deal. I will be in the New York area for about a week or so before I return to Monaco. So if you want to meet I can meet you tomorrow for breakfast at your hotel. Your secretary left the address with my secretary so I will drop by around 8 and if you're not there then I will make other arrangements about another meeting. Good day to you." The message ended.

" Yes I am sure you will." Jax said to himself thinking that this guy was almost as good as he was, almost but not quite. He figured the dinner would be interesting to say the least. After that he got comfortable and went upstairs to take a nap before his night on the town.

Back in Brooklyn Brenda's party was winding down and everyone was on their way home. Julia was still there talking to Brenda. It was the first chance they had alone since the night started. Lois, Robin, Gloria and Carmine were cleaning up the den where the party had taken place and Julia and Brenda were washing up the dishes. Emily had also opted to stay behind seeing that she needed a breather from home a la Quartermaine, since there their stunt with Jason and his baby. She had explained the whole thing to Robin, Brenda, and Lois when she got there when explaining Monica's absence.

Brenda and Lois were appropriately outraged on Robin's behalf and Robin was stunned at the news since she knew that Jason would never cheat on her with Carly. Although she was stunned, she also knew that whatever was going on was a lie and for everyone to be believing it Jason had to be lying too, which was the straw that broke the camel's back in her eyes. She chose not to discuss it and Lois and Brenda abided by her wishes. Although Lois didn't know too much about the new Jason Morgan she did know that his new line of work, taking Sonny's place, was not exactly the safest nor smartest thing to be doing. She also felt bad because she could see Brenda fighting her self over her feelings about Jason. Robin was obviously being the most hurt in all of this. While Brenda was trying to come to terms with what Sonny did and Jason's involvement in it and the fact that they were friends, Robin was struggling with the fact that her lover and her friend was going down the same rugged path that Sonny went down and to stay with him would be going down the same bad path Brenda did and none of them wanted that to happen.

Emily's story about what the Q men tried to do was upsetting and outrageous to Lois, Brenda and Robin. Emily seemed really confused about what to do but Lois made it clear that she could stay in Brooklyn with them as long as she wanted and Brenda gave her the same promise about once they got back to Port Charles. She explained that since they were buying a new house anyway with more space, there would be more than enough room but they all made it clear that she couldn't run from her family forever.

In the kitchen Brenda and Julia were finishing up the dishes.

" So Bren, you seem so much better than you did when I last left. How are you?" Julia said.

" I am working hard to get better. It's not going to be easy but nothing in life is. I am going back to work for both L&B and Jacks Cosmetics. You'll be seeing my new fragrance out soon it's called Barrett's Intrigue. Before you say it, it's not too much too soon. If you came to visit me more often you could see that I am okay for yourself." Brenda said smiling at her.

" Well Brenda I do have a business to run in London. Although I am going to be trying to get back here to see you more often. That's what I wanted to talk to you about, I was thinking of bringing Barrett Industries here that way we can be closer, I mean we are family and we only have so much time together with me living there and you in Port Charles so what do you think about me moving back here?" She said.

" I think it would be great if you're doing because you want you to and not because you think that I am some fragile amazon that can't cross the street by myself." Brenda said seriously.

" Oh I would never be so presumptuous. I really want to do it to be closer to you. If you don't want me around I would completely understand." Julia said.

" No if you really want to do it then I really want you to do it too. I think it would be great to have both of the Barrett women in PC. How long will it take you to make the move?" Brenda said genuinely excited.

" I don't know at least 8 or 9 months maybe even a year. I have to get everything situated with Barrett Industries first before I can even fathom a move but now that I know it's a definite thing I will get started as soon as I get back to London tomorrow." Julia said.

" Cool , so when are you leaving to go back?"

" Ohhh actually my limo should be here any minute now I am back on the last flight out tonight." Julia said.

" Oh well okay. I know you have to go but I will be looking forward to seeing you more often in the future." Brenda said as she helped Julia gather her things.

" Count on it. Hey and tell Jax that I said hi the next time you see him. By the way, speaking of gorgeous men I think Mr. Michael is a keeper." Julia said throwing on her coat.

" Julia we are not dating. There is nothing going on between us at all the man is a lunatic who has an overactive imagination. Besides I am not interested in anyone but Jax, I told you that earlier." Brenda said.

" I know, I was just kidding, I can tell how committed you are to this new thing you have going with Jax. I am happy for you I was wondering when you would wake up for your idiotic haze and realize how great he is." Julia said laughing as they both heard a car horn. Before Brenda could come back with a remark Julai cut her off " Well that's my ride gotta go, see you later." She said giving Brenda a hug and dashing out the door.

" Bye Jules." Brenda called after her.

Brenda went upstairs to call Jax and then go to bed. She called Jax's penthouse but there was no answer, she was really tired from the days events and decided his voice filled message would have to do for tonight. She left a message and then got undressed and into her pajamas and went to bed. Downstairs Lois, Robin and Emily were looking for her.

" Hey Lo, have you seen Brenda we were supposed to go over the details for the house." Robin said.

" Yeah I know she told me. I haven't seen her what about you Em." Lois said looking over at Emily.

" She just went upstairs to her room. I seen her come out of the bathroom wearing her pajamas. Maybe we should check up there." Emily said going upstairs. She went upstairs and checked Brenda's room. She saw she was sleeping and went back downstairs to tell Lois and Robin.

" Guys she's sleeping, so I guess she forgot." Emily said.

" That's Brenda for you, forgetful as the day is long." Lois said with a little laugh.

" I know. I guess that means we can all crash. I am so beat after the party, so I can understand why Brenda went straight to bed and forgot about us talking about the house. She wasn't thinking about the house she was thinking of the bed which is exactly what I am thinking about right now." Robin said heading up with Lis and Emily in front of her.

" Yes well I am sure we'll discuss it in the morning. Goodnight guys." Lois said checking on Brooke one last time before making her way to her own room and then waving as Robin and Emily went into their respective rooms.

Back In Port Charles.

Jax, Thao, the Contessa, and Ashley are at Luke's having a blast. It's going well on midnight and Jax had been dancing with Ashley all night and Thao always the ladies man had hit on every woman in the club. As they got ready to leave Jax got ready to pay the bill and reached into his pocket to get his wallet and pulled out his phone. He was still holding it in his hand when he thought about the fact that he had forgotten to call Brenda. He decided he would make it up to her tomorrow when he went down there to see her. But now he would be leaving later than he had planned because he was meeting Geiger tomorrow in the morning.

As they left Luke's from their night on the town and got into the limo Jax realized it had been far too long since he had just let loose and had some good old fashion fun. Jax thought about how he and Brenda always had so much fun, Malibu and New Orleans……. his reverie was broken by Ashley tapping him on the shoulder.

" Jax are you ready to leave I think they are going to throw us out if we don't leave soon. I think the Contessa is about to keel over with fatigue too, so why don't we get a move on." She said hanging on Jax's arm. Mike watched them with curiosity.

" Sure just let me get my credit card back from Mike here and we can get going." Jax said reaching for his card as he signed the bill. " Okay we can be on our way. Where is Thao and Contessa." Jax said.

" They are already in the limo so come on sweetie, we really need to get going." Ashley said pulling him away from the bar.

" Goodnight Mike." Jax said waving and leaving.

" Goodnight." Mike said back

Ashley and Jax made their way to the car and then upon arriving at the hotel Thao retired to his room and the Contessa was so pooped that Thao carried her to her room joking about how he had the strength of 10 men when Jax offered to help him with her up to her room. Jax and Ashley caught a separate elevator together as they both wanted to check their messages at the front desk. Ashley had a few from New York clients that she needed to check in the morning and Jax had gotten one from Mr. Geiger saying that he was going to be in Port Charles later than he expected so he would have to move their breakfast date, which Jax had called and confirmed with his secretary, to a lunch date about 1 instead. Jax seemed a little agitated because he wanted to be in Brooklyn surprising Brenda by then but then again he wasn't in a rush to tell her he wanted to date other people either and he knew he would have to tell her because if they were going to build anything together it had to have bases of trust, friendship, and honesty. A little faith didn't hurt either. Jax was anxious to get things rolling but the deal he was working on was important as well and Brenda would still be there when he got there she was expecting her computer to arrive sometime in the afternoon but what she wasn't expecting is that he would be part of the package.

Ashley noticed that Jax seemed somewhat agitated when she approached him. She wondered what he was thinking about he had had that look on his face earlier at Luke's too. She figured curiosity killed the cat but then her mom always said that satisfaction brought the cat back so what could be the harm in satiating her curiosities.

" Jax darling what seems to be troubling you? You look a little agitated or preoccupied. Is anything wrong?" She said trying her hardest to sound sincere.

" No not at all. I just have a meeting change for tomorrow that I wasn't expecting and now I have to shift another really important meeting to accommodate things as they stand now. It's nothing to worry about. So are you ready to go up? Did you get all your messages in order." He asked.

" Yes everything is good. We can go up to your room and have nightcap if you'd like." She said smiling.

Noticing the way she was looking at him Jax decided that that wouldn't exactly be a good idea. " Well I am really tired and I have some business that I need to attend to before this meeting tomorrow so I am going to be pretty busy for the rest of the evening before I crash." Jax said as they began to go towards the elevator.

" Well I am sure that I could keep you busy for the rest of the night and that would be much more fun than going over files all night long." Ashley said with a seductive grin.

" I am sure it would but it wouldn't help me at all with this meeting tomorrow, maybe another time when I don't have pressing business to get to. Besides you know that I am involved with someone right now, I would not without being perfectly upfront with her first begin to pursue another relationship with someone else, that's not my way." Jax said as they got onto the elevator and the doors closed.

" Well it seems that it was her way and if I must say so myself she seems very unworthy of another anything with you. But then again that's just my opinion." Ashley said a wee bit pissed that he could override her charms so easily.

" Well your opinion doesn't really count in the matter to be perfectly honest with you. You don't even know Brenda first of all and you have no idea what kind of relationship or lack thereof we had or have now." Jax said.

" Well whatever you say. I am going to be honest with you Jax I want you and I intend to have you one way or the other. Brenda better watch out because I am going to be the most formidable opponent she's ever had." Ashley said looking Jax square in the face.

" Well it is really not up to either one of you it's up to me." Jax said dismissively.

Ashley leaned in and planted a kiss on Jax that was passionate and lust full and hot but then all at once Jax realized it was all of those things that made his body respond but it had nothing to do with his heart. Brenda was the only one who could make him feel that soaring in his heart. He gently pushed Ashley away. When he looked at her she was breathless and had a self-satisfied grin in her face.

" I'd say the game has begun Mr. Jacks." Ashley said as the doors opened for her floor and she stepped off the elevator with a spring in her step. As the doors closed Jax touched his lips and thought about everything going in his head and in his heart. He knew he loved Brenda but something was shouting with doubt in his head and his heart was definitely losing the battle at the moment. No matter what, he still believed that he and Brenda didn't need to be hot and heavy right away, they needed to date other people and he would start with Ashley she could be a lot fun and she would be safe because she wasn't a real threat for his heart no matter how much she believed she was.

Jax took those thoughts to bed. He was too tired to look at the files and he had no concentration anyway. He didn't even bother to check his messages he went straight into his room and went to bed.

The next morning back in Brooklyn.

Brenda was the first one up again and as her routine went she got up and went for a run taking a different route than before so that she wouldn't run into Michael again. She finished her run and workout within the hour and by the time she got back it was going on 9a.m. and everyone was getting up and Gloria was working on breakfast. Brenda came in and greeted everyone goodmorning and went upstairs to take a shower and put on some decent clothes. When she was done she went back down into the kitchen feeling refreshed and relaxed.

" Hello everyone." Brenda said as she sat down next to Emily and Lois.

" Hey Bren. How was your run?" Lois inquired with a smirk and Brenda knew exactly what she was insinuating.

" My run was great Lo, and no I didn't run into Mr. Wonderful and his dog nor his brother." Brenda said smiling back at Lois.

" I didn't imply that you did. So how was your sleep last night, you were out like a light before we could even discuss the house and everything." Lois said as she was feeding Brooke.

" Yeah Bren,` Emily went to check on you to see what you were doing and you were out cold." Robin said.

" Yeah Bren you were almost snoring." Emily said laughing.

" Yes well I was pooped. But we can talk about it now if you want as a matter of fact we need to because I have to be back in Port Charles sooner than I planned to get everything in order and Lucy set up a new photo shoot and I have to be there to do the test shots today later this afternoon so I am leaving today like right after breakfast I packed this morning when I got up." Brenda said.

" Oh Bren, that's too bad but I need to get back as well you know school and all, so I think I am just going to ride back with you." Emily said.

" Yeah me too I have to register for classes at PCU tomorrow so I need to go with you too." Robin said.

" Okay then well after breakfast you guys can pack and then we can leave right after you're done. Lois if you want you can come back too." Brenda said hopefully.

" I don't know. I mean I am not going to move down there until everything is in order. But the concert is this Saturday and I do need to be there. I guess I am game if you are. Besides if you can't finish the week here I'll finish it there in Port Charles. Then once everything with the house is in order me and Brooke will be there to stay." Lois said smiling at Brenda and then over at Brooke.

" Well goody. Everyone is going back with me, I can't wait this is going to be so much fun." Brenda said finishing up her grapefruit and putting the dish in the sink as she did her little Brenda dance.

" Well try to be a little more enthused Bren." Lois said laughing.

" Can I help it if I am happy that my bestest friends in the world are going to be back in Port Charles and we're all going to be living together. So sue me." She said sitting back down and grabbing her grapefruit juice.

" Brenda you should really eat some more. I mean a grapefruit with grapefruit juice is just not enough to put any wait on you at all." Gloria said getting up and preparing to heap some food on her plate.

" Ms. Cerullo I really can't anything more than this because I have a test shoot today and every quarter inch counts." She said smiling at the frown that was on Gloria's face.

" That job of yours is going to make you starve." Gloria said patting Brenda on the shoulder.

" Well that's just entirely not true I eat all the time trust me but I am just trying to eat healthy these days. Don't worry if I am ever feeling starved this is the first place I will come for some good homecooking." Brenda said laughing as she hugged Gloria.

" Okay well Carmine and I have to go to the mall and shop for some more pants and stuff for him and he is procrastinating because he doesn't want to go to Penny's and try on all their lovely pants." Gloria said smiling at everyone.

" Gloria you know I hate trying on pants." Carmine said complaining as she shooed him upstairs so he could get dresses as they all laughed at him.

" That's my Pop for you." Lois said as she got up and put all their dishes in the sink as her Robin proceeded to wash them and dry them as Brenda and Emily took Brooke upstairs so they could change her and get her some clothes to put on. Robin and Lois weren't too long behind them so that they could pack up their stuff to head back to Port Charles. They stopped briefly to say their goodbyes to Carmine and Gloria and then they all headed out Lois' parents went to the mall and they were on their way back to good old Port Charles. In the car they were listening to the CD with the songs Mariah and Celine were going to song at the concert, Lois and Brenda wanted to see what Robin and Emily thought.

" Well guys I think I am certainly going to enjoy the concert. I just hope I can get a date." Robin said laughing.

" Yeah you and the rest of us." Lois said.

" Girls we'll just all sit together. I am sure Jax doesn't mind being surrounded by beautiful women." Brenda said smiling.

" Oh you're going with Jax?" Robin said.

" Yes I am going with Jax. He asked me before I came down to see Lois when I told him about the concert the only thing is that he thinks that it is next week and not this week. I hope he doesn't have something else to do because then I will be dateless as well." Brenda said.

" You called always call that cutie Michael." Emily said laughing.

" That's precisely what I would do." Lois said.

" Well seeing that I don't want to see him again and I wouldn't know how to reach him if I did, he is a definite impossibility." Brenda said.

" Actually I think Lois can reach him, I know she has his brother, Jack's, number. I am sure if you called him that he would let Michael know." Robin laughed at the outraged expression on Brenda's face.

" Lois you didn't." Brenda said.

" Brenda girlfriend he is handsome and charming and just plain old fun. I haven't decided whether or not I plan to see him again but it certainly wouldn't hurt my love life. Besides Michael said that he wouldn't bother you unless you specifically called him and I think he will keep his word." Lois said.

" I guess so. But anyway I don't want to talk about them anymore. Let's talk about something else like the new house and everything going in Port Charles." Brenda said changing the subject.

" Great shift of the subject there Bren." Robin said.

" It was brilliant wasn't it. But about the house this is what I was thinking I talked to my broker this morning, you know the lady who did the work on the cottage for me, and she said that there is a house for sale over on Harborview Road. She said she thinks that I would like it. It's huge from what she told me and we would have plenty of room for all of us. SO what do you guys think?" Brenda asked.

" That's not to far from the the big house." Emily said. " Man this could be great I mean I could stay with you guys and still be close enough to home for no one to worry, and I'd be with you guys and they trust all of you so this could really be a good idea." Emily said smiling.

" Yes well you are welcome to our house anytime but you know you are going to have to reach some type of compromise with the Q's sooner or later." Lois said.

" Yes I know but let's not spoil the happy mood by talking about them now.`Let's talk some more about the house." She said pleading with them to change the subject.

" Okay well there is about 10 bedrooms and I asked her about some place to set up L&B and a study for you Robin so that you could have a place to work out of and another study for me. She said there is another room we could turn into a study for you Lo, but I know that that isn't your thing." Brenda said.

" Got that right. SO tell me about where we can set up the L&B office. That's where my days will be spent." Lois said.

" It's a gatehouse on the grounds she said it's pretty big and we could even set up an entire studio on the second floor with an sound booth and the boards and everything too. We could basically run L&B, recording and management from there. There is also a kitchen in there so we could have a place to cook and what not." Brenda said.

" I think you should definitely leave that room to me." Lois said laughing.

" Yeah well I keep telling you cooking is not all it's cracked up to be no matter what you say. Anyway there is 2 bedrooms there so if someone wanted to crash there and then there is the office which would be on the main floor. I was thinking we could make one of the rooms a nursery just for Brooke because I know you would want to bring her in with you sometimes. Then the other room could just have a futon or something in case someone like you or me wanted to crash after a hard day. So what do you think?" Brenda said looking at Lois.

" I think I am going to love this place especially the new place to run L&B. I think you hit the jackpot on this one girlfriend." Lois said.

" I think so too, tell us more about the main house and grounds." Robin said.

" Well the house is big but not too big from what she said I told her we didn't want some gaudy mansion. SO she said she thinks this place is perfect. All 4 of the main rooms are designed the same. They are all the same size with walk in closets and personal bathrooms and the bathrooms are fully equipped with jacuzzi and whirlpool systems. She said the rooms are pretty spacious and they have beautiful bay windows too. She told me about some of the options you can get like skylights and what not. I was actually thinking of getting some of those in my room so you guys let me know if you want to have them too. There is a main dining room for when we have people over and then there is a smaller one for just when we are eating together. A living room, a kitchen, a sitting room, 3 bathrooms and that's about it for the inside of the house. There is plenty of back yard space for Brooke to play, there is a gazebo out there from the previous owners , an olympic size pool and stables for horses. Oh yeah there is also a gym in the house that was made custom from the last owners too. I specifically asked about that. I think that is about it, I mean the grounds are large enough to ride the horses so I think that could actually be fun I haven't ridden in awhile and it would be great to teach Brooke to ride." Brenda said.

" Sounds like you are already in love with that house." Lois said.

" I am. I always wanted some place to call home you know. But I thought it was going to be once I settled down and decided to start a family of my own, you know with the husband, the dog, and 2.5 kids. I guess I am just realizing that I have a second chance and I am not going to blow it you know. I can have that house that I always wanted and that home without a man or any of that, I am complete on my own and a man won't make me anymore or less complete, you know." She said keeping her eyes on the road but sounding really wistful but at the same time serene and confident something she hadn't sounded in a long time.

" Well I like the way that sounds Bren, I like the way you sound. And I think that I am going to absolutely love this house." Lois said.

" I know I am I can hardly wait to see it. When can we see it?" Robin said.

" Welllll….since I knew you guys would be sold on the house I made arrangements for us to see it this afternoon before my shoot. WE'll be in PC in about an hour, which will be about 12. My shoot isn't until 4:30 and we should stop at the cottage to drop this stuff off and then Emily I know you need to go home and check in with the Q's. I'll drop you off there first, shoot out to my house and then we'll pick you up on the way over to the Grille. We can have lunch there, I can see Jax to let him know that I am back early and get my laptop which I know he has since he was supposed to send it today, and then we can go right over to the house. It's only 15 minutes from the Grille and my shoot is right over there at the Jacks office right off Harborview Road so I can still make it on time with no problem. I'll give you my car Lo and I'll just catch a cab back out to the cottage." Brenda said.

" No I'll come back and pick you up that way we can all have dinner at Luke's or the Outback. I really want to re-explore PC so to speak." Lois said.

" Cool so what do you two think back there?" Brenda said signaling to Robin and Emily.

" Well it works for me. Hey Lois can I take the baby to see Grandmother while you guys go out to the cottage?" Emily said.

" Sure I know she will be just thrilled to see her. As a matter of fact I will leave Brooke at the house with Mrs. Q until we have seen the house. I know Ned will want to see her too and I guess we should have a girls night tonight to celebrate over the new house so I could let him keep her until tomorrow. He's missed so much time with her already I know he'll be glad to see her and she just adores him." Lois said smiling.

" Great so them it's all set. Port Charles better beware we are back in town with a vengeance." Robin said jokingly as they all laughed, turned up the music, and sped down the highway going to Port Charles. They just didn't know that surprises were awaiting them in Port Charles that would change things forever.

At the Port Charles Hotel.

Jax was getting ready for his meeting with Geiger about this new deal as he realized that he had about 2 hours before they were even scheduled to meet. He was still pretty tired from his night out last night and he had gotten up extra early to prepare for the meeting. He had showered but he was no where near dressed yet and decided to take a nap for the remaining two hours that way he would be refreshed and on top of his game for the meeting later.

He had seen Thao earlier that morning and told him that he, Ashley and the Contessa would have to entertain themselves for the night as he had a trip he needed to take but would be back early the next morning. Thao had told him that was more than fine because they had planned to do business all day. Ashley had phone conferences all day and the Contessa was consulting with Paolo on their latest deal. He wanted to go to the Outback again to hit on Felicia so as it seemed he was the only one with the time to party or do anything outside of business.

Before he could lie down and get comfortable there was a knock at his door. He got up and went to answer it. It was V. but as he looked behind her he could see Ashley approaching. V. came in with a cheerful good morning and Ashley followed with a warm kiss on the cheek as her greeting. V. looked at the two of them with curiosity.

" So Jax I hear you won't be entertaining us tonight. What's where are you going? Are you trying to get away from me, are you scared?" She said standing perilously close to him.

" Now Ashley I would think that you know me better than that. Not that it's any of your business where I am going, I happen to have some things that I need to take care of. I will be back in the morning. Now if you would excuse me I want to take a nap before my meeting if you don't mind." Jax said ushering her out the door.

" You are lucky that I have a meeting or there is no way I would be leaving here so easily. Just to let you know." Ashley said as she made her way to the door.

" Yes well persistence will get you places unfortunately for you my resistance level is very high." He said laughing at her lack of subtlety.

" Yes well I will be seeing you though, so hurry back." She said laughing at him and kissing him on the side of the mouth very close to his lips which made Jax laugh.

" Yes well I will be back but it won't be for you. Now please I really want to take a nap and as you can see my assistant is waiting to speak with me." Jax said.

" Okay fine bye." Ashley said as she left.

" Thank God, that woman can go on forever." Jax said turning and looking at V.

" Jax we're friends right? Because I have something to tell you as your friend." She said cautiously.

" Sure V. don't hesitate to tell me anything that you think I am doing wrong or any concerns you have about anything." Jax said as he laid back down.

" Well it is about this Ashley person. I mean I just don't get what you see in her. I thought you and Ms. Barrett were….well you know back on track." She said sitting down across from him.

" Well whatever would give you that impression." Jax said smiling at her.

" Well you know you were making all these plans to go to see her and you get that goofy look on your face when her name is mentioned. Not that you don't always get that look, it's just before you always tried to hide it and now you don't. Even if I'm wrong about you two, I know that you are still not over her and it wouldn't be fair to you or anyone else involved if you got into another relationship before being really done with your last one." V. said.

" Thank you for being concerned. As far as Ashley is concerned we are nothing more than friends and I think she is fun and may enjoy getting to know her better but that is all right now." Jax said.

" Right now? Hmmm well it looks like she is waiting for you to bed her right now if anything. I can't believe you are going to try and say you don't see her obvious and tacky come-ons. I mean she is practically throwing herself at your feet or should say at your bed." V. said shaking her head.

" Well Venus, I don't really want to talk about this but I am telling you that there is nothing to worry about, so I really was serious about taking a nap before this meeting with Geiger" Jax said.

" Okay fine but one more thing before I go." She siad as she stood in front of the door.

" Just get it over with V." Jax said exasperated with the entire situation.

" Well I think you need to think about your relationship with Brenda and decide what it is you want because if you plan to pursue something with Ashley then you better think about what that means. I mean Brenda is a beautiful model and guys are going to be trampling her door down to get a date if she isn't taken and all I am saying is that she may wait but not forever, no woman will wait that long." V. said and without another word walked out of the penthouse shutting the door behind her.

Jax just shook off her statements and laid down for some much needed rest. But her last words kept ringing over and over again 'she may wait but not forever, no woman will wait that long'. The statement was just what he had been thinking but then there was that part of his head that just wasn't as sure as his heart and it was screaming that if she was sincere she would wait for him just like he'd waited for her. He just didn't know anymore he needed to see her and to feel her and then it just came down to being honest. He decided that he would know the words to say when the time came, he was just going to stop trying to rehearse the damn thing and let things happen. He closed his eyes and soon sleep just overtook him.

2 hours later Brenda and the gang were pulling into the Quartermaine driveway to pick Emily back up so that they could go to the Grille for lunch and so that Brenda could meet Jax. She had been driving Lois and Robin and Emily crazy the entire way home talking about him and worrying about if he wasn't there or something. Emily came out of the house and Edward was following her screaming for her to come back in the house and listen to him. Meanwhile in the background you could hear Lila telling him to shut up and come on the house, the baby was trying to sleep. Emily made her way over to the car.

" THEY DRIVE ME CRAZY." She said as she jumped in the car and slammed the door.

" Whoa. What is the problem Em?" Robin said.

" I told them that I had no intention of staying in that house tonight and at least no time in the present future. Grandfather starting raging about how there was no way I was staying in the house with a career criminal and I so told him that I was staying with you guys, not Jason. He had no good reason to object so the only thing he could come up with was that I would be bothering you guys and that I would be too far away from home. So I told him that I had already asked and you guys said it was okay and that the new house was not far from the mansion and at all. All he did was huff and Grandmother told him to put a sock in it because there was no one she trusted more than you guys." Emily said looking totally agitated.

" So now what's really the problem? I mean it looks like you got the okay to stay but you're still angry. So what's up?" Brenda said as they were going down the street to the Grille.

" Well the real problem is that now that they agreed to let me stay with you guys they won't let me continue to help Nikolas anymore. They said Stefan is dangerous and he could sue the family if something happened to Nikolas because he would most assuredly blame me. So now I have to tell my good friend that I am abandoning him because of my stupid parents and his stupid uncle." Emily said running her fingers through her hair.

" Emily why don't we just forget about all of them right now and have a fun day today. And then tonight we will help you figure something out about Nikolas and then once we have we'll help you convince Mr. Q." Lois said. " By the way is my daughter okay in that house of mad people."

" Yes Brooke is wonderful, Grandmother fed her and was playing with her and she was napping when I left. Ned hasn't come home from the office yet and Grandmother wanted to surprise him when he got there and so I didn't call and tell him she was here like you asked. And I suppose I can forget about them for today. Thanks you guys for everything." Emily said.

" Well that's what friends are for right. I know I couldn't survive without any of you." Robin said reaching over and hugging Emily.

" Well on that note let's go we're at the Grille." Brenda said getting out and handing her keys to the bellboy.

" Hi Mrs. Jac….I mean Miss Barrett. It's great to have you this afternoon, you've been sorely mised." HE said smiling at her.

" It's great to be here Adrian." She said tipping him and going into the restaurant at an almost run. Lois, Robin and Emily were following her with grins on their faces. She spotted Jax immediately he had on the blue suit and tie to match that she loved and he seemed to be in a meeting of some kind but as he looked up the smile and wave with which he greeted her told her to just come on over. With Lois and everyone in tow she walked over hardly noticing the two men with which Jax was having lunch.

Jax got ready to introduce Brenda to his associates.

" Hey Geiger squared" Jax said referring to the two brothers before him, " I want you two to meet some people." Jax said as he stood up and gestured for the gentleman to turn around.

As soon as the gentleman turned around Lois broke into a smile, Brenda's mouth dropped and Jax looked confused at their expressions. Geiger squared, as Jax so fondly called them, turned out to be Jack and Michael Geiger the two guys they had met in Brooklyn. Jack was the first to speak.

" Lois I hadn't expected to see you again so soon." He said hugging her and Lois giggled a little. " Brenda it's great to see you as well." He said giving her a hug. " Robin and Emily right. We met at the party if I recall correctly."

" That's right. Hi Jack, it's nice to see you again." Robin said as they shook hands and then he shook hands with Emily. During the entire time Michael and Brenda hadn't said a word they were just staring at each other. Jax was really confused about what was going on and he noticed Brenda and Michael's silence as did Lois.

" So Jack it is obvious you all know each other but the question is how." Jax said as calm as he could manage but seeing the way Michael was staring at Brenda and more important the way she was looking back and the way Lois and Jack were looking at each other and then at them. Robin and Emily seemed to know something too and he wanted in on whatever it was.

" Yes we all met in Brooklyn 2 days ago. These two lovely ladies" gesturing to Lois and Brenda " were having hot dogs over at this stand by the Brooklyn Dodgers ballpark and we had just come from there because we are buying the team. So we ran into them there and I hadn't seen Lois again until the next day when I went to her house to pick up my brother here who seems to have lost his speech capabilities at the moment." He said nudging Michael.

" Yes Jax we all know each other but there are some of us who are afraid to talk about themselves or have any fun." Michael said looking right at Brenda.

" Well there are some of us who are just crazy and believe what they want to believe no matter how much you try to tell them otherwise." Brenda shot back.

" It's called persistence and it always overrides resistance sooner or later. But you are certainly worth the wait Brenda." Michael said smiling at her. She was trying to resist the urge to smile back and so she rolled her eyes in defiance instead. By this time Jax was thoroughly bewildered.

" Okay so what is going on again." He said going on and standing next to Brenda.

" Jax they've been like this since they met. So how do you all know each other." Jack said.

" Yes how do you guys know each other." Michael said looking at Brenda.

Before Jax could answer, Brenda did.

" Well Michael remember that wonderful man I was telling you about. Well this is him, Jax is who I was going on and on about." Brenda said standing closer to him hoping that would get Michael to get off her back.

" Well then Mr. Jacks I would say that you are definitely a very lucky man." Michael said very nonchalant not giving away anything.

" Yes I think so." Jax said putting his arm around Brenda.

" Hey Bren, we better eat if we're going to the house before you have to go to work." Robin said looking at her watch.

" Ohhh yeah I know girlfriend. Hey Jack would you like to come and keep me…..uh….us company." Lois said.

" You betcha. We haven't even eaten yet because we were in a meeting and I am starved so I would be more than delighted to. I can't speak for them though." Jack said.

" Well I'm game." Jax said.

" I wouldn't miss it." Michael said right away.

" Great." Brenda drawled out.

" So Brenda what is it exactly is it that you do?" Michael said.

" Well I am a……." Before she could finish Adrian the bellboy came over and gave her a message and a bottle of champagne and told her it was from a fan of hers who was at the bar.

" Bren what is that?" Lois said as the bellboy left.

" It's a note from someone over at the bar, he sent the champagne with his compliments. He wants me to sign the napkin for him." Brenda said laughing. " This has got to be a joke." She said.

" I don't think so all my friends can't believe that I know you." Emily said.

" Brenda what do you do that so many people know who you are?" Michael inquired again.

" I'm sorry I was in the middle of answering that before I got interrupted by this. I am a model for Jacks Cosmetics, previously for Deception and Lo and I run L&B records." She said.

" Well you have quite the name for yourself. So are you going to oblige the gentleman's request." He said.

" I am not going to sign some napkin if that's what you think but I am going to invite him over to have a drink with us." Brenda said as she got up and went over to the man who had his back facing her as he sat at the bar. She tapped him on the shoulder and before she could say anything her mouth dropped in astonishment at who it was.

" Hey Bren, don't looked so shocked." The man said as he grinned at her.

" JAGGER!!!" She screamed loud enough to wake the dead as he enveloped her in his arms. " Oh God it's so good to see you, what are you doing here?" She said as he put her down.

" Well the police thing wasn't working for me and I needed something to pay the bills and I got into modeling and wound up liking it." He said.

" Well I know I have seen your fabulous Calvin Klein ads." She said.

" Well I have seen yours as well and that is why I am here. Lucy called my agent and she wants me to do the new layouts with you for the new fragrance bearing your name." He said.

" Oh that is soooo wonderful, we are going to have so much fun. I can't wait, you know there's a meeting with her today at 4:30." Brenda said.

" Yeah I plan to be there. I will have a place here and one in Manhattan so I'll be sticking around for awhile." He said.

" Good well come on, you have to see Robin and Lois. I want you to meet Emily, Jax, Jack and Michael too." She said dragging him over to the table. Robin jumped up at the sight of him and gave him a hug, Lois was next in line.

" It's great to see you guys." He said.

" What are you doing here?" Robin said.

" Well I am doing the new layout with Brenda for Jacks Cosmetics. Lucy called and I figured it would be a great opportunity." He said.

" Jagger I want you to meet some people." Brenda said. " Jagger Cates this Jax Jacks, Michael Geiger and his brother Jack Geiger. We're about to have lunch why don't you join us." She said.

" It was nice to meet you guys, all of you." He said shaking all of their hands.

" Same here." Jax said.

" Yes here as well." Jack said.

" That counts triple for me as well." Michael said.

" So are you gonna stay for lunch or not?" Brenda said.

" I think I can squeeze in here if that's okay with everyone." Jagger said flashing his dimples.

" Here sit next to me. I want to talk about Calvin Klein and the specs that Lucy told you about for the new campaign." Brenda said as she put a chair next to her for Jagger to sit down.

" Bren, what new campaign I didn't know you had even spoken to Lucy." Jax said.

" A lot has happened since we last spoke I was going to tell you today when we first got here." She said.

" Okay so tell me now." Jax said.

" Well Lucy wants to do a new campaign for the spring line and she is using her old idea of using my name as the title of the fragrance. She has already tested it in our major markets and the numbers look good. WE're going to do some test shots today. She told me she was getting a male model to work with me but she never told me who it was." Brenda said looking over at Jagger.

" Are you sure ready to go back?" Jax said.

" I am so ready besides Lucy and I already talked about it together at the party that Lois threw me at her house." She said.

" Good then I can drive over with you later. There is some things that we need to discuss." Jax said looking a little stressed. Brenda noticed and unfortunately so did everyone else, especially Michael.

" Okay well why don't we meet after my shoot and then you can drop me off at the Outback that way Lois won't have to come back and get me." She said.

" Well I could just drive over there with you." Jax said.

" Well we wouldn't really be able to talk because Robin, Lois, Em and I are going to the new house that I am buying. With Lois moving back we're going to be staying together and Robin is there too and so is Emily for the time being and then there's Brooke and I just needed more room. SO I had the broker that I used for the cottage look up some houses and I found one that is perfect and I explained it to Lois and Robin and Emily and they like it from what I described so we are going to go over and have a look at it. Right Lo." Brenda said to Lois. But Lois was paying no attention to Brenda or anyone else for that matter all her attention was focused on Jack and their conversation that went ditto for him. Brenda looked at Michael and they just laughed.

" Well I can see where his mind is." Michael said to Brenda.

" Hers too." She said laughing.

" Well why don't we just get up and leave them alone." Jax said pushing his chair out as if to leave.

" No don't they'll snap out of it……….eventually." Brenda said with a smirk.

" I heard that Brenda Veronica Barrett and you just better be careful because you never know about what could happen when you sleep." Lois said never taking her eyes off Jack.

" Okayyyyyyy then." Brenda said laughing which sent everyone else into laughter.

" Well I think we should order before they ruin my appetite." Jagger said distorting his face as they all laughed.

" Oh Jagger I remember a time when you used to be like that." Robin said patting him on the back.

" Oh no I was never like that was I, Bren?" Jagger said.

" Not with me, maybe with Karen, but not me. You were too busy getting me into trouble all the time to be acting in love." Brenda said laughing.

" I was the one getting you in trouble? What a laugh you were the bad one, but in a very good way." He said.

" I know it. Man those were the days, I swear Jagger if it weren't for you I would've never have stayed here that long." She said with a smile.

" Well I am glad to be of some service. Hey do you ever talk to her? Karen I mean." Jagger said.

" I seen her at the Nurse's Ball this year but other than that no. I heard about what happened between you guys and I am really sorry, I know how you felt about her." Brenda said.

" Yeah well sometimes things just don't work out the way you plan you know. I have closure with her though I saw her before I even came here to let her know what was going on and we made our peace with each other. That's all I can really ask for, I want her to be happy and she seems to be happy with Joe and I am definatey happy doing my single guy impression, at least for now." Jagger said looking at Brenda suggestively.

" You are such a flirt." She said laughing as she hit him on the shoulder. " Usually I love it but you are just too late Jagger, I am a very taken woman." She said.

" Well at least you got rid of Corinthos. You know how I felt about that." Jagger said getting a grimace on his face.

" Yes well let's not relive it." Brenda said quickly averting the subject to something else. " So Jax do you want to come see the new house with us?" Brenda said to Jax who was in deep discussion about business with Michael.

" I'm sorry what did you say?" Jax said turning to face her.

" Well I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the new house with us later after we eat?" She said.

" Sure if you want me to" Jax said.

" Well you don't have to. I mean if you have something important to do, then it's really okay. I can tell that you and Michael and Jack were in an meeting before we got back and so if you guys need to finalize the details then I'll understand. I mean I can always have Jagger here fill in, we have some more catching up to do anyway." Brenda said slapping Jagger in the chest.

" Well Jax the lady is right we really do need to finalize those details on the transfer. I need to get that stuff back to the Monaco office immediately." Michael said.

" Well I know but……" Jax said getting ready to tell Michael they could do it another time, but Brenda cut him off.

" Jax I understand that you have business, it's okay. Go do what you need to and then tonight we can talk. I am sure that Lois is going to ditch us to go out with Jack and…….." Brenda was cut off by Robin and Emily who had been talking.

" Yeah and I need to go see my Uncle Mac and let him know that I am here. I want to spend one night with him before I drop the bomb that I am moving out." Robin said.

" Yeah and I really need to talk to my parents about some things. I want this move to be a good thing on all aspects and it won't be unless I make my peace with them., besides I wouldn't leave Brooke in the house too long with Grandfather unsupervised." Emily said jokingly.

" Well then it looks like I have been royally dissed by everyone. So if you want to we can do dinner tonight at the Outback?" Brenda said.

" Uh no how about if we do it at my place. I can order in some chinese food for us. I'll even order extra beans just the way you like." Jax said smiling at her.

" Sounds good. I'll be there around 8." Brenda said.

" No I'll pick you up from the shoot just like we planned. How about 6? Will things be over by then?" Jax said.

" It should be. But depending on Tom, it could go a little longer, he likes to make sure everything, including test shots are perfect." Brenda said.

" Okay well then I'll come at 6:15. Then we can talk." Jax said.

" Okay cool. So Michael are you and Jack going back home once you are done with this business deal?" Brenda asked.

" No we will be staying in Port Charles for awhile since as you can see my brother is enamored with Lois and I need to handle business. I was telling Jax that Ned Ashton called me in on the dock renovation project and Jax seemed to think that it will be a good investment so I complied. Besides I think that I am going to like this town." He said smiling.

" Well it's okay. I am sure you will enjoy your stay. I can see that your brother already is." Brenda said looking over at Lois and Jack who still glued to each other.

" Yes well he has a penchant for pleasure, unfortunately for me someone has to run the business and I am the one that gets stuck with the dirty job." Michael said.

" Well that's too bad you should enjoy life." Jax said.

" I try but as I said someone has to take care of business." Michael said. " Speaking of which do you want to finish the deal now so that way you can be free for the rest of the night." He said.

" Sure. We can go back to my office. I am sure my assistant is there and she can help us move things along quicker." Jax said getting up.

" Well I'll see you tonight." Brenda said as she got up and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

" Okay. I'll see you later. Sorry about lunch." Jax said.

" Don't worry there is always dinner tonight." She said laughing as he left.

" So it looks like you two have a good thing going." Jagger said when Brenda sat back down.

" Yeah we do I love him a lot. He means everything to me." She said.

" Well I'm happy for you Brenda. You deserve to be hapy." Jagger said.

" So do you. And I am sure you will be again." She said. Noting how sad he looked she tried to change the subject. " So you don't mind me volunteering you to go to the house with me do you?" She said.

" Not at all. You know how much fun we had last time we lived together." Jagger laughed.

" Now that was a joke." She said.

" Brenda we've been sitting here talking for almost an hour if we don't go now we are going to be late." Robin said.

" Okay let me tell Lo." She said turning around to face Lois.

" Lo, we need to get out of here to go to the house." Brenda said.

" Okay." Lois said.

" Hey where is my brother and Jax." Jack said looking up from his gaze on Lois.

" Uh they left about 10 minutes ago to go finalize the deal you guys were working on. They went to Jax's office if you want to go over there." Brenda said.

" Yeah I better do that." Jack said getting up.

" Hey are we on tonight for dinner at Luke's?" Lois said.

I wouldn't miss it." Jack said throwing his coat on bending to kiss her on the cheek, waving goodbye to everyone and dashing out the door.

" Well, well, well. It looks like Lois is completely enamored with one Mr. Jack Geiger." Brenda said laughing.

" Well he's nice and he is fun to talk to." Lois said.

" Right so interesting to talk to that you didn't say one word to anyone but him the entire time we've been here." Robin said laughing as they started laughing.

" Well whatever, we have to go. Come on I can't wait to see the new house." Lois said getting up out of her chair.

" Yes you ladies have managed to get me all syched up to see this house. So let's go." Jagger said dragging Brenda off her chair as they all got up and left the restaurant to make their way over to Harborview Road to the new house. They went to the house and the broker was waiting for them, she showed them around the main house, the gatehouse, and all of the grounds. Jagger was more than impressed and after talking it over, Robin, Lois, and Brenda decided to go for it. All they had to do was get the renovations done on the house and then they could move in whenever they wanted to. They all agreed on the terms of the house, signed on the dotted line and it was a done deal. Lois, Emily and Robin decided to stay for awhile longer and look around the place. Brenda left the keys with Lois, and told them she would be back at the cottage later that night when she finished her dinner with Jax. Her and Jagger took off for their shoot together and left Emily, Lois, and Robin there to check out the house.

2 hours later it was 6:30 and Jagger and Brenda had just finished their test shoot for the new line. Lucy was ecstatic and Tom was happy with the shots he got and Jagger and Brenda were exhausted but they were having fun. They collapsed on the floor in laughter as Tom was trying to get them to pose for a few more shots to take up the last of the film on his 20th role that day. HE was talking to them about something stupid and making what was to them funny imagery. Just as they collapsed on the floor he started snapping more shots. Jax walked in at that moment, he had never seen Brenda so full of life. He knew she enjoyed what she did but somehow she seemed different, there was a sparkle in her eyes that he'd never seen before. It was great to see it and her so alive but he wondered what was the cause of it, he never imagined that it was him, just him that was causing her to sparkle like that. When they were done she looked up and noticed Jax standing there waiting for her and ran over to him.

" Hey how long have you been here? I know we ran a little over but Tom said he got some great shots." She said.

" I haven't been here long, but I see that you and Jagger work well together. Better than you and any other model I have ever seen." Jax said.

" Well Jagger is great at being a model. But we go way back, he was something else when I knew him that was for sure." Brenda said just as he was coming out of the dressing room.

" Hey Jax." Jagger said shaking his hand.

" Hello again." Jax said.

" Well Brenda looks like we still got it." Jagger said.

" You know it. We'll always have it, some things never change." She said.

" Yeah. Well I'll see you later. I am staying at the Cosmopolitan in the penthouse. So I gave you my number and everything so gimma a call and we can go over those pictures when they come back tomorrow." Jagger said.

" Okay. I'll call you tomorrow. Get some sleep and some food." Brenda said kissing him on the cheek as he left.

" Bye Jax." Jagger said.

" Goodbye." Jax said.

" So are you ready?" Brenda said.

" Yeah come on we need to talk about some things. It's important." Jax said.

" I can tell. So come on, let's get some food before we get into anything heavy." Brenda said as they walked out of the studio.

On the way to the penthouse they talked about everything from Thao and the Contessa being in town, to how they all like the new house. Brenda was grateful that Jax hadn't brought up Michael and whatever it was that was going on between them but she wanted to talk about it once they got to his house. When they got there dinner was waiting and they had an amiable dinner but Brenda could tell something was off and finally she couldn't take it anymore.

" Jax?"

" Hmmm?"

" What is going on? I fell like you are avoiding something, it feels like you are walking on eggshells around me. What is it/? I know you want to tell me something, so just say it." She said sitting back on the couch as Jax walked over to her and sat down right in front of her.

" I am not going to like this am I?" She said as he took her hands in his.

" I don't know, at first I thought no but now I'm not so sure." Jax said running his fingers through his hair.

" Well just tell me I'm listening." She said.

" Well I told you that the Contessa and Thao were here…." Jax started.

" Yeah and I can't wait to see them again." Brenda said.

" Well what I didn't tell you was that the Contessa brought a friend with her, Ashley. WE've known each other for a long time or rather we met a long time ago and we were friends." Jax said continuing.

" Okay so…." Brenda said not seeing what the big deal was.

" Well she had a crush on me then and it seems that she still does." Jax said.

" Okay and so I am supposed to be worried or on guard? I don't understand." She said looking confused.

" She was young when I saw her last and now she's grown up I guess, she's different……..and well I kinda like her, I mean I am attracted to her. So I was thinking that because we weren't supposed to be serious or anything and I figured that we could just take some time and see other people." Jax said almost gushing the words out of his mouth.

" What? Are you serious?" Brenda said standing up but then sitting down again once she was away from him and over by the landing. Jax could just tell she was upset, maybe this was a bad idea he thought but he had to know for sure.

" Yes Brenda. I really think that this could be a good thing. For both of us, maybe what we need after everything that happened is some space and some time to really sort things out. I mean I see the way you and Michael are, did you think that I didn't notice it, he wants you…….and….and…." Jax was cut off by Brenda's calm voice, he was really worried this wasn't like her to be so calm.

" Jax. Do you think I care what Michael wants, it doesn't matter that he wants me because I am in love with you. I don't want to be with anyone but you, can't you understand that or do you just still not believe me." She said as her voice began to rise.

Brenda how can I believe you when I really don't trust you still." The moment the words left his mouth he regretted them. He was scared and he was scared to say that he was scared so instead he used his trust crutch, but then again it really wasn't a crutch, it was the truth.

" What? I thought…….I mean…I thought…..I don't know what I thought." Brenda said as she tried to mask the hurt she was feeling.

" Well Brenda the truth is I still don't trust you. When you left to go back to him it was like you were a ghost haunting my house and my heart and my every thought. I mean I want to go back and be able to trust but……but I just….I just" He said.

" You just can't. I left you and I choose someone else, it was my fault and I own it, but I can't punish myself forever over it and I won't allow anyone else to. I'm not saying that you are on purpose but I just can't do this. I know myself Jax and if keep pushing I'll go back to being something I don't want to be. I'll turn into that same brat that will do anything to get you back, even beg and I won't do that anymore for anyone. I swore to myself and on everything I believe in that I would never lose my self-worth, self-esteem, my dignity, and my pride. As much as I love you………God I love you so much……..I can't do that, I won't." Brenda said.

" Brenda it is not that I will never trust you. With work and time I will again but right now….it is just too soon." Jax said.

" I understand and I thought that when I left here that we were on the same page and that we were going to work through this together." Brenda said.

" We are, I just think that we need to see other people for a little while that maybe the space will do us good. That's it, that's all I am saying. I don't want to walk away from us I want to get a hold on things and get some space." He said getting frustrated.

At first Brenda didn't say anything she just looked into his eyes. She spoke calm and in a low tone. " Are you scared? Is that it? Are you pushing me away because you're scared?" She said. Before he could answer she spoke again " I won't hurt you again, I promise. But I understand why you could doubt me because I know how it feels to be left and feel like your whole world is in shambles, it happened to me, but this isn't about me I think I am finally starting to realize that. I understand that the way I felt when Sonny left must've been the way you felt when I just cheated on you and walked out on us with no other explanation than that I thought I was going to die and a sorry apology over something that I didn't even know what I was apologizing for. I have to tell you that if Sonny walked back into my life right now I would spit in his face and tell him to go straight to hell and that would be getting off easy so I guess that is what you must want to do to me right now and I understand that. I don't like it but I understand it." Brenda said as she stood right in front of him.

" So here we are. What next?" He said not quite looking at her. Before she reached up to him and kissed so tenderly that he just felt her heart breaking and in respect his too.

" What was that?" He said as he looked at her when she pulled away.

" That was to say I love you. I want to make you happy and I want to make you feel all the things you've made me feel." She said.

" I so adore you. I love you. God I love you but……." He started when she cut him off again. She figured she better go for it now while she still had the courage.

" Do you know what today is?" She said.

" No. What?" Jax said confused by the sudden tranquillity he seen in her eyes.

" It is 1 year and 9 months exactly from the day that you gave me the ultimatum that I am about to give you. I need to do this now while I still can so……Marry me now….today…….or everything between us beyond friendship is over." She said.

" Brenda you can't be serious. Please don't do this." He said raking his fingers through his tresses.

" I am serious and I really want an answer." She said.

" Okay then. The answer is no, I can't marry you as much as I want to. It wouldn't be right because I'm not ready. I just need some time. Come on let's talk about this some more." He said taking her hands in his and basically calling her bluff. He got the unexpected. She withdrew her hands from his brought them to his face kissed him one last time and that was it.

" Goodbye Jax." She said as she picked up her purse willing herself not to cry until she got downstairs. She was hurt and disappointed but she took her gamble and lost and as much as it hurt life would go on. Jax on the other hand was shocked into silence, he couldn't believe she was serious. He couldn't even find the words to say anything it was as if everything was happening in slow motion like a dream or something but his dream turned into reality as he felt her hand leave his face and then slide out of his hand as she walked out and the door closed behind her. He just collapsed on the couch.

Outside Brenda was looking around for her car keys as she got on the elevator and willed herself to just hold in the tears until she got home or at least out of the building. She was getting off the elevator when she bumped into someone.

" Oh I'm sorry, I just wasn't looking where I was going." She mumbled as she reached down to pick up her house keys and her phone which had fallen to the floor.

" Brenda it's me. Are you okay?" Jagger said helping her up and helping her collect her things.

" I'm fine. I just need to get out of here." She said really quickly trying to cover.

" This is me Bren. You're not okay, so let me take you home I know you don't have your car since Jax picked you up. As a matter of fact why don't you let me call him and then you guys can talk about i. I'm sure he can fix whatever is wrong." Jagger said as Brenda began nodding furiously.

" No, no, no, no. I don't want to see him he can't fix this. I need to get out of here. Please just let me go." She said trying her hardest not to break down.

" Come on Brenda I'm taking you home. Come on you can tell me about it while you tell me how to get to your house." Jagger said taking her outside to his car.

On the ride home Jagger couldn't really get Brenda to open up at first but soon he knew her if he didn't push she would tell him when she was ready, which turned out to be sooner than he thought. They were sitting at a light when she just broke down and told him everything that happened. He pulled over to the side of the road and tried to calm her down and by the time she stopped crying his sleeve was soaked with tears and she had fallen asleep on his shoulder. The rest of the way home he drove at a slow pace so that he wouldn't wake her, occasionally she moaned and said Jax's name in almost a whisper, it was so soft that Jagger thought she was praying, maybe she was. By the time he got her home, grateful he remembered the directions she gave him before she fell asleep, it was going on 10 p.m. and he used her key which she had in her hand the entire time they drove. He opened the door and Robin, Emily and Lois were all sitting there on the floor trying to get the hang of the Sega Genesis CD-Rom that they had rented form blockbuster. Emily was the only one who knew how to play and she was kicking Lois and Robin's butt. When Jagger and a sleeping walked in everyone turned around ready to greet Brenda when Jagger put his fingers to his sleep silently letting them know she was sleeping.

He took her upstairs as a confused Robin, Lois, and Jagger looked on. Emily went to get the phone as it rang and Robin and Lois went upstairs to see what was going on. When they got up Jagger had already tucked Brenda after he had taken off her shoes. He was sitting on the bed watching her as she curled up into a ball. He stroked her face, kissed on the forehead and bid her goodnight, he didn't even notice that Lois and Robin had been watching him the entire time. He closed her door and once they were out in the hallway he finally spoke.

" She had kinda a rough night." Jagger said as they started back downstairs.

" What happened? Is Brenda okay?" Emily said as they came back into the living room.

" Yeah I thought she was with Jax. How did she end up with you?" Lois said.

" Is she okay?" Robin said looking really worried.

" I don't know. When I found her she wasn't but I think that maybe she might be after she just calms down a little bit. She got most of it out in the car before we got here. I guess it tired her out because she fell asleep after she told me what happened." Jagger said sitting down.

" Well WHAT happened?" Lois practically screamed.

" Calm down you don't want to wake her up. Her and Jax broke up, from what she told me it's over for good. She was trying to be strong but she finally broke down on the way here. I pulled onto the side of the road and we talked for a little bit, and then she just cried herself to sleep on my shoulder and I brought her here." Jagger said.

" Oh my God she must be so devastated, after everything I don't think she can go through this right now." Lois said.

" Well I don't know but things got pretty heavy in the car. Also we scheduled an appointment tomorrow with Gail and she talked to her sponsor in the car too." Jagger said.

" She didn't have any pills did she?" Emily said.

" No. I didn't really know what was going on but she said that she was having a craving and I did what I could to calm her. I didn't get it until she told me about the whole addiction thing and that was when I suggested that she call her sponsor and she did and then they set up something with Gail for tomorrow before we go over the test shots we did today. She was adamant about doing that so I figured I'd pick her up and then we could do lunch or something. I think she is trying to just be strong and get over it but I think she'll be fine. Bren's a fighter a she seemed really sure that she was going to stick to her decision." Jagger said.

" You still haven't told us exactly what happened?" Lois said.

" I don't think it's my place. I think maybe she should tell you herself because I……" Jagger was cut off by Brenda's footsteps coming down the stairs.

" Hey guys." She said quietly as she walked into the living room.

" Hey Bren." Lois said as Jagger stood up when she walked more fully into the room.

" Are you okay?" Robin said.

" Yes I had a brief moment of weakness, it won't happen again, I am in this for the long haul." She siad as she stood next to Jagger. " Thank you for everything tonight. You don't need to stay here on the account of me." She said.

" No I want to. Just to make sure everything is fine." Jagger said.

" It is. Thanks to you anyway. I think maybe I need to explain to them what is going on and it is getting late but if you want to stay then you're welcome to." She said as she sat down on her landing.

" Okay. So why don't you tell us what's going on?" Lois said.

" Well I went to dinner with Jax and we had a talk and it's over. I mean we're still friends but nothing else." She said.

" Well what happened exactly?" Robin said with caution.

" He went into this whole thing about how he wanted to date other people because he needed time and I understood about needing time but I didn't understand how he could want to see other people. He doesn't trust me still and I understand how that feels because after everything I did I don't know how I would trust me still. But I just knew he was doing this because he was scared and so I told him that I couldn't punish myself for the mistakes I made and I wasn't going to let anyone do that to me because then I would be going down the same bad road that I just worked so hard to get off of. So I upped the stakes and I proposed to him. I gave him the same ultimatum he gave me the first time. I said either marry me or anything beyond friendship is over. He said no, I don't think he thought I would go through with it but I did. I am." She said.

" Brenda are you crazy?" Lois said.

" No. I can't keep jumping through loops to try to prove to him that I am over Sonny and that I love him and only him and that he can trust me. I want to be with him more than I want to breathe and that is where the problem is, I know myself, and I know that I if I want something bad enough all I have to do is stay focused and I'll do whatever it takes to get what I want. But all the time that I spend with Gail and with my sponsor Michele, it shows me that I don't need to do that stuff that I used to do with Sonny to get what I want. It would be really empty of me to be so full of someone else, I should be able to be complete myself without a man. I for one wouldn't ruin or cheapen the love that I have for Jax by resorting to stalker tactics to get him back and nor will I give those precious items of self-worth, dignity, and pride, that I just got back after giving them away like an idiot for Sonny. So I made the choice to move on with my life, I don't need a man to complete me, look around I have so much right here in this living room alone. I love Jax, I don't know if I'll ever love anyone the way that I love him but life has to go on and it has to start here and now. I'll be fine, what happened earlier was just a release that I needed to have after the reality hit me." She said.

" Brenda I understand how you feel but maybe you and Jax need to talk some more about this. God knows I would give anything to turn back the clocks and actually talk about things with Karen but I can't. SO maybe you should so that you don't regret anything later, if you're going to make a break then it needs to be a clean one." Jagger said.

" It was. I'm sorry if I scared you in the car. I just……once in addict always an addict. The craving to have one was so huge that I just needed for you to let me get everything out." Brenda said.

" Hey Bren, I know how you feel, when the pressure gets to be too much you just really want to go back to that feeling that makes you not have to decide or feel anything right." Emily said.

" Yeah. I really wanted one and it was totally a slip that I can only pray will never happen again. But I intend to see Gail and Alice tomorrow before I see my sponsor, so everything will be fine." She said.

" How about you? Are you going to be fine?" Robin said.

" Yes, this is one thing that I am not quitting once it gets rough. I am in this for the long haul, there is no turning back. I spent all this time trying to become the better stronger Brenda and I never realized that perfection is an illusion and everything is about evolving and maturing in your right and for yourself not for someone else. It's like realizing the thing that makes you strong and free is just out of your reach and it seems like all my life it's been out of my reach and now for the first time I am realizing that what I was reaching for was inside of me the entire time. Jax is the best part of whatever it is I've found and I want to share it with him but maybe that's just not possible." She said.

" So are you giving up?" Jagger said.

" Yes and no. Yes I am keeping my distance and if something happens between us then it happens and if it doesn't then it doesn't. I am not going to wait around for a miracle to happen so that he can forgive me the sins of the world, when Jax is ready if he ever is, then he'll tell me and we'll go from there and if not then I'll live." Brenda said.

" I am so confused. This doesn't sound anything like you Bren, you always fight for everything." Lois said.

" I know and I, for once, am tired of fighting. Sometimes fighting just isn't going to get it and I am finally realizing it. If it's one thing that I learned from Jax it is that you have to let people choose their own way. If it's meant to be then we'll find each other again, maybe our timing is just wrong. I can't pretend that I don't love him and I can't stop the hurt that I feel but I will say goodbye before I do something that I shouldn't be doing, before I go back to being the same old Brenda that I have always been. I have to let go for both of us before we can be together maybe he needs to spread his wings and let loose…….without me." She said as she almost broke into tears but held them back.

" Okay well maybe we should drop this for tonight." Jagger said. " I have to get going anyway, it's getting late." Jagger said getting up and putting his jacket on.

" I'll see you tomorrow." Brenda said.

" Bye Jagger." Lois said.

" Bye." Emily and Lois said.

" Goodnight guys. Hey Bren you want to walk me out I think I have your jacket and cell phone in the car I couldn't bring them in earlier." He said smiling at her.

" Okay just let me throw on my sneakers." She said opening her closet and pulling out her cross trainers to put them on.

" Come on. I'll be in, in a minute guys." She said as she walked out with Jagger.

" So what's up? I know you didn't call me out here to just get my coat and phone." She said as they walked over by the car.

" You know me. Are you sure everything is okay, I mean I saw you guys together and I don't think you really want to do this." He said.

" I really don't but it's gonna be good for everyone, this way he can date other people and figure out what he needs to do and I can work and….. work some more and then solve some of my own issues. I really need to know that I can live with out him if I have to, because in all honesty I've never had to, he's always been there whether I realized it or not it's the truth. Thank you for worrying though." She said.

" Well somethings never change." He said as he pulled her into a hug. Robin, Lois, and Emily were all looking out the window at the scene unfolding before them. Jagger released her and then kissed her on the forehead before leaving. Brenda turned around after waving until his car was out of site. She walked back in the house to Lois, Emily and Robin who were sitting on the couch looking very much like the cats who'd eaten the canaries.

" What is going on you guys? You were watching out the window weren't you? You guys are so transparent." She said as she plopped down and laughed a little.

" Well you two seem chummy considering everything." Lois said.

" Yes well Jagger is special to me and you guys know that, especially you Robin." She said as she threw her shoes off and then sat back down on the couch between the three of them.

" Actually you've never told me the story." Emily said raising her hand.

" Well basically I met Jagger the first night I got here in PC. My sister brought me to the Q mansion so that I could hang out with kids my own age, when I was in boarding school I was a bit of a wild child and my latest fling was with a race car driver named Jean-Paul. Julia found out and flipped, she dragged me home from Paris and made me stay in PC. I hated it until I laid my eyes on Jagger Cates, PC went from being the worst place in the world to being the place I wanted to spend the rest of my life." She said laughing at the memory.

" That sounds like things between you were pretty serious." Emily said intrigued. " He's pretty cute you know."

" I know but he was always in love with Karen the entire time we were together. I mean he cared about me but it was about fun and being wild it was nothing more to him than that even though I was hopelessly in love with him. Besides I was so different then, so young, so stupid." She said sighing at the memory.

" Well he seems different." Robin said.

" Yeah he's not on some big crusade anymore trying to avenge the sins of the world and his anger over what happened to Stone and everything. And he seems to really be over Karen we talked about it for a long time and he seems so sure. I wish I could be."

" Brenda give it time you just made the decision tonight. Keep your cool and do what you think is right, listen to your heart and your head, using both of them can never steer you in the wrong direction." Lois said patting heron the leg.

" Hey why don't I go make some popcorn and hot chocolate and we can stay up and watch the late night movies together." Emily said.

" You read my mind." Brenda said.

" Mine too. Listen why don't I help you." Lois said getting up and going with Emily into the kitchen.

" So Brenda how are you really?" Robin said when they both gone into the kitchen.

" I am a wreck. I can't stop thinking about him Robin. I know he has to be in so much pain, just like I am. I want to go over there and say I'm sorry I didn't mean it and I want to do whatever he wants and just beg him to take me back but I can't do that. I can't do that to myself again, it's just too much, I have to stick with this for once I need to do this as much, if not more for him, than for me." She said.

" I understand, so what are you going to do? I mean are you going to date or are you going to sit around like a recluse and hide out." Robin said.

" It's too soon to be taking about dating anyone when I am still hung up on Jax. I think I am going to concentrate on work for right now and just let things happen as they happen. Maybe I will date again eventually but for now I am flying solo. I can't think about anything but Jax, all the things we had, all the things we could have and then all things that we can never have and don't have. It's killing me and I know that it's got to be hurting him too." Brenda said as her mind wandered to Jax.

At the Penthouse.

Jax had been sitting there on the couch with the lights out for over 2 hours. He finally managed to call Thao and tell him that he needed to see him right away. Thao had rushed up there and what he saw amazed him. Jax looked like he had seen a ghost and then got run over by a truck. The door was open and Thao just walked over to his friend who seemed to be entranced, in another world. All he did was walk over and touch him and Jax broke down right there. There was no holding back , or any trace of the savvy and confident unbreakable corporate raider, there was just Jax sitting there with his heart on his sleeve and tears in his eyes, threatening to spill over.

" My friend are you alright?" Thao said.

" Yes……no. Brenda left me. I just don't know what to do." Jax said wiping the tears away.

" What do you mean? I thought things were going good between the two of you? What happened?" Thao said sitting down next to his friend.

" We came back here for dinner and she could tell something was off, I mean we're best friends, she just knew." He said.

" Knew what?" Thao said confused.

" I had decided that maybe Bren and I should see other people, you know to get some space from each other for a little bit. I wanted to see what exactly was going between Ashley and I and I was…..I was scared of what could happen if Brenda and I got back together." Jax said pausing for a breath.

" Jax you're not wrong for being scared. After everything I think that you are entitled." Thao said trying to understand what was going on.

" Well she understood I think and I think she wanted to give me some time but she wanted us to do it together and I wanted more space, but I was scared and I just didn't say that. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me." He said running his hands through his hair.

" So happened exactly? I don't really understand what happened here." Thao said.

" Neither do I. But one minute we were talking and the next minute she was kissing me and then proposing to me and then another kiss and she was gone……….just like that." Jax said snapping his fingers.

" Proposing to you? As in marriage?" Thao said. Jax just nodded in confirmation.

" Well where the hell did that come from?" Thao said.

" It was exactly a year and 9 months from the day I proposed to her. She gave me a dose of my own medicine." Jax said shaking his head.

" She what?" Thao said looking completely confused.

" Well when I proposed to Brenda it was more of an ultimatum than a proposal. She did the same thing tonight. She said it was either marry her today, now or anything beyond friendship was over for us. I didn't think she would go through with it without us talking some more, but she did, I turned her down out of my own caution and fear and she called my bluff or maybe I called hers…….I don't really know………it doesn't really matter , the point is she is gone." Jax said.

" Jax did you tell her you were afraid?" Thao said.

" No I said I still didn't trust her and that was somewhat true but my fear was overriding my trust problem and we were working on that when she left. My excuse was bad and she knew it. She even asked me if I was afraid and I didn't say anything so she called me on it with the proposal." Jax said looking out the window.

" Well maybe friendship is what you need. I mean you said space and now you have it. So maybe you should just let the pieces fall where they may." Thao said.

" Thao this is Brenda we are talking about here. I love her, I am in love with her." Jax said looking at Thao like he was crazy.

" Jax, she obviously doesn't want to lose you either or she would've cut off all contact but she didn't so maybe that's a start. You guys might have done each other a favor, maybe this will be what you both need." Thao said.

" I don't know. I just don't know anymore. What a laugh." Jax said.

" Well how are you?" Thao said.

" I will live. I just……I wish things could be different. I wish I could be the person I was before but I had to protect myself when she left and I guess I am still in the protective shell I put around myself and my heart." Jax said looking thoughtful.

" So what now?" Thao said. " What are you going to do?"

" Well I am not going to go anywhere, so don't get the notion in your head. I have a home here and business to finish. I guess I am just going to try and let things happen, and see where they go from there." Jax said with resolve.

" Well what about Ashley?" Thao said.

" I suppose I will go out with her maybe. But it is too soon to tell. But then again maybe not. I mean this is what I wanted right?" Jax said.

" I don't know. Is it?" Thao said.

" No. I want to be with her but I still need some time. I am not going to dwell on this stuff though, so let's just drop it for tonight. I am kinda tired, do you mind?" Jax said.

" Not at all. It has been a long day for me as well so I think I am just going to get out of here and into my own bed." Thao said as he got up and headed for the door.

" Thank you for being here for me." Jax said just before he left.

" Anytime my friend. Anytime." Thao said leaving and closing the door behind him.

" Yeah anytime." He said as the door closed.

As Jax thought about Brenda she was thinking about him too. Brenda was at the cottage with her friends and they were watching movies and it was just like old times…..old times she thought, the best old times had been with Jax, she thought just as Celine Dion's song When I Need You began to play in the background.

When I need you

Just close my eyes and I'm with you

And all that I so want to give you

It's only a heartbeat away

When I need Love

I hold out my hand and touch love

I never knew there was so much love

Keeping me warm night and day

Then it went back to Jax. HE was sitting in the big chair in front of the picture window thinking and thinking. But all he could think about was Brenda. He remembered when they were sitting on the very chair and she said to him ' I need Jax for me right now.' and he could remember telling her and laughing ' you have him.' Boy did she ever, she was consuming his every thought. If it wasn;t bad enough he had her entire body and face etched into his memory and he could almost feel her if he closed his eyes tight enough.

Miles and miles of empty space in between us

A telephone can't take the place of your smile

But you know I won't be traveling forever

It's cold out but hold out and do like I do

When I need you

Just close my eyes and I'm with you

And all that I so want to give you

It's only a heartbeat away

As Brenda got up to go look out her own picture window she thought about Jax and everything they've been through, all the good times and all the bad. Her most vivid memory was New Orleans and the night before and then when she told him she loved him for the first time. The memory was still perfect in her mind as was every part of Jax, his body, his lips, his hair everything right down to the perfect cleft in his chin and especially her favorite spot behind his left ear. Maybe if she went upstairs and got the charm and his sweater that she always wore when she was missing him or needing him it would make her feel closer to him. But she remembered her room still had his scent from when they had been there last, she couldn't go up just yet. She wanted to make sure that she remembered everything about him just in case something happened that kept them apart for good ( hah I am writing this story so that will never happen,LOL, it's all in good drama).

It's not easy when the road is your driver

Honey, that's a heavy load that we bear

But you know I won't be traveling a lifetime

It's cold out but hold out and do like I do

Oh I need you

When I need Love

I hold out my hand and touch love

I never knew there was so much love

Keeping me warm night and day

When I need you

Just close my eyes and I'm with you

And all that I so want to give you

It's only a heartbeat away

Even though they were miles apart physically, they would never be that far apart. No matter what happened they would always be together, forever, in their hearts and in their souls. Deep down they both knew it.

" Jax I love you so much….but I have to set you free. Here my words with faith and passion for what I say to you is true, for when you find the one that you become, remember part of me is you." She said as she looked out the window and saw a shooting star.

" It's not over yet Brenda. Once we were one, drifting in one time and ever true we were friends. We will have that again someday." Jax said as he looked out the window and saw the shooting star too. He then looked down at his hand and the wedding ring band he had taken out of the box that held his wedding vows.

At the same time they put the chains with their symbols of love and commitment on them around their necks. It was going to be a long journey, steps forward and steps backward but in the end they would both be better and stronger, which would allow them to build a stronger foundation with lasting cement this time instead of shifting sands.


J&B angel/reuniter




J&B—It's Destiny

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