I will not play Tug O' War,
      I'd rather play Hug O' War;
      Where everyone hugs, instead of tugs,
      And everyone giggles and rolls on the rug.
      Where everyone kisses,
      and everyone grins;
      everyone cuddles,
      and everyone wins.

   *Hug*      *Hug*    *Hug*       *Hug*       *Hug*    *Hug*
   *Hug*      *Hug*    *Hug*       *Hug*       *Hug*    *Hug*
   *Hug*      *Hug*    *Hug*       *Hug*       *Hug*    *Hug*
   *Hug*      *Hug*    *Hug*       *Hug*       *Hug*    *Hug*
   *Hug*      *Hug*    *Hug*       *Hug*       *Hug*    *Hug*
   *Hug*      *Hug*    *Hug*       *Hug*       *Hug*    *Hug*
   *Hug*      *Hug*    *Hug*       *Hug*       *Hug*    *Hug*
   *Hug*      *Hug*    *Hug*       *Hug*       *Hug*    *Hug*

 You have just been hugged!!
 That's right, there's no getting out of it this time!!
 This is the start of a full-scale Hug O' War!
 So hug everyone you know!!!
 Hug your friends, your enemies, everyone!!
 With all the other forwards out there, I thought this would be a
 good one to start.
 The hug is my favorite sign of affection.
 It can mean so much, and many things at the same time.
 It can be a sign of love, friendship, comfort or anything!
 So here you go.
 All I can say it will do is brighten someone's day.
 I mean, we all need a hug once in awhile.
 So send this on if you'd like,
 to anyone who may need a hug,
 send it back to whoever sent it to you, (optional)
 send it back to me!!
 Goodness knows, we could all REALLY use a hug sometimes.
 So send this on and show someone you care!!  

                  ( ^ )_( ^) ( ^)_( ^ )
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             <____,---,___|     |___,---,____>

(c) *Little Mermaid*, rjg259@garden.net

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/8232

               ( geocities.com/televisioncity)