Liza's Sins Against Tad

I would never attempt to call Liza Colby Chandler an angel. Hell, I think she's actually closer to the devil. Since the time Liza showed up on the scene in 1981, she's been a baaaaad girl. Here's just a few of the things she's done to Tad...

1. Seduced Tad while he was happily married to Dixie.

2. Planted an earring in Tad's bed so that Dixie would find it and assume she and Tad were sleeping together.

3. Stole the station manager's job at WRCW away from Tad.

4. At the senior prom, told Jenny that Ray Gardner, her father, was not dead, but in jail for raping Ruth Martin.

Liza Colby Chandler

5. Liza attempted to sue Tad for sexual harassment.

6. Planted the original seed into Tad's mind that Dimitri wanted Gloria.

7. Wiped Jamie's kiss from her cheek as if it was poison.

8. Belittled Dixie at every chance she had.

9. Allowed Dimitri to treat Tad horribly at WRCW.

10. Most recently, she interrupted Tad and Dixie's time together with her inane baby plan.

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