The Imperial Forces On



Emperor Palpatine

The leader of the Empire and a dark side side Jedi that almost kills Luke. There were many clones of him made that appeared in the books but luke defeated them all he fought.

Darth Vader Lord of the Sith a.k.a. Anakin Skywalker

He is Luke and Leia's father and the Emperor's right hand man.

Admiral Ozzel

Was killed by Darth Vader using his "Force Choke" for losing the Millenium Falcon in the asteroid field.

Jer Jerrod

I don't know much about him but he was the first one to speak in ROTJ and was suprised and somewhat frightened that the Emperor was coming to the Deathstar to check up on progress.

Grand Moff Tarkin

Leader of the first Deathstar project. He was killed when it exploded.

Scout Trooper

The Imperial troops that patrolled the forest moon of Endor

Snow Troopers

The Imperial troops that stormed Echo Base on Hoth

TIE Pilot

Imerial troops that flew TIE Fighters and other types of TIE craft

Storm Trooper

The main type of Imperial troops that are used for just about anything