Jabba The Hutt's Palace On

Bib Fortuna

Jabba's majordomo, right hand man that brought him the rancor


One of Jabba's skiff guards


Leia dressed as him to fool Jabba and get into his palace so she could free Han

Salacious Crumb

He is a Kowakian Monkey-Lizard that stays in Jabba's Palace almost like Jabba's pet

Jabba's Dancers

Rystall (left), Greeta (center), and Lyn Me (right)


He is one of jabba's 12, scratch that 11 Gammorrean guards, the Rancor ate one

Jabba The Hutt

A notorious gangster that lives in the desert of Tatooine

Lando Calrissian

Helps leia get into Jabba's Palace to save Han

Princess Leia Organa

Comes to Jabba's Palace to save Han but ends up in that... uh... outfit up above

The Max Rebo Band

Droopy McCool (center), Max Rebo (top center), Sy Snootles (bottom Center), Barquin D'an (right) I don't know who the guy on the left is but i found a picture of him, anyway they played the song you are hearing now called Jedi Rock and Lapti Nek in Return of the Jedi, Jedi Rock was only played in Special Edition and only part of Lapti Nek was played


She was the dancer jabba had on a chain and fell into the Rancor pit

The Rancor

A fierce animal Jabba keeps in the lower level of his palace, he feeds it his unsuspecting enemies and even some of his allies


An Aqualish that comes to Jabba's Palace to hang out and watch the entertainment