Some of these are easy they are marked in difficulty from 1 to 5. That is how you get points.  I'll e-mail you to tell you what your score is.


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1. What is the name of Kramer's company??? 1

2. What was his companies only employee named??? 2

3. What was his company's first idea??? 2

4. What was his company's second idea??? 3

5. What is George's ATM code word??? 2

6. What is George's favorite fabric??? 1

7. How many computers did Lloyd Braun sell??? 3

8. What color is Jerry's bike??? 1

9. What is "The Drake's" first name??? 5

10.Who did George pretend to get "traded to" when he was working for the Yankees???(Hint: it's not Vandelay Industries) 4

11. What is the key to Elaine's "vault"??? 2

12. What was the name of the movie Jerry bootlegged??? 3

13. What is the name of the coffee shop they are always in??? 3

14. What are the names of the 3 bizzaro world characters??? 5

15. What do they think makes soup a meal??? 3

16. What is the name of Elaine's "on and off" boyfriend??? 1

17. Who kicked Kramer in the head??? 2

18. What did Jerry say Vandelay Industries imported??? 4

19. What did George say Vandelay Industries imported??? 4

20. What did Jerry say Vandelay Industries exported??? 4

21. What did George say Vandelay Industries exported??? 4

22. Where did George work when he was faking handicapped??? 2

23. Name 2 ways they tried to get him to leave. 3

24. What food did Jerry stuff in his couch cushions??? 3

25. What was bizzaro Jerry's apartment number??? 3

26. Who was "back on the wagon"??? 5

27.  What are Jerry's parent's names??? 3

29. What are George's parent's names??? 2

30. What is Kramer's mom's name??? 4


Who does Jerry Seinfeld play on the show??? -84



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