The Unofficial Carrot-Bird
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"Where you hear the word
about the carrot-bird."

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    "There comes a time in every man's life when he wants certain questions answered. It just comes off as natural that people have come up with ways by which to answer them. In ancient times, if a king wanted something answered, he would order his court seer to slaughter an animal of some sort and divine the answer from the animal's entrails. Soon thereafter, man realized that much clearer answers could be gained through the examination of feces, bones, blood and other such icky substances. It seemed that the ickier the substance, the clearer the answers. Tomato paste out of the can, for instance, would not only tell a king who his enemies were, but what they were wearing, how much money they had, how much they had eaten in the past few days, and whether or not they had seen any good movies lately. This information proved invaluable to a good king, as they placed entertaining guests at a higher priority than personal hygiene.
    "It wasn't until the Industrial Age that man realized that he could exploit animals and machines for answers. Scientists, as these new court seers were called, would round up rodents, lagomorphs and primates for their new divination rituals. They would inject these animals with molten lipstick to see if the cosmetics were safe. They would send monkeys into space to see if space was safe for monkeys. And they would run models of the Titanic into models of an iceberg, proving that the Titanic did indeed sink real far into the ocean. Tests have shown that had the Titanic been an 20"x5"x8" balsa-wood model it could have survived the impact.
    The methods are different, but the results are the same. Man's questions are being answered, and more and more he is realizing that he is asking the wrong questions."
    --Dr. Wesley Plinkett, A Taste of Your Own Medicine

  • FAQ v.1.27

  • So, just what, exactly, is all this Carrot-Bird nonsense about?
  • What the heck is a Carrot-Bird anyway?
  • And just what, may I ask, is a "Gracies"?
  • What are those letters...FAQ...what does that mean?
  • Is Carrot-Bird a plain-old noun as in, "I have a Carrot-Bird. Its name is Bob." or a proper-noun such as "I have a Bob. Its name is Carrot-Bird"?
  • So how do you pronounce that? Do you say F-A-Q? Or is it "faqua" or something?
  • So what good does "kickin' it" do?
  • Is it true that MC Shaggity-Shag produced a song about "Carrot-Bird"?
  • May I?
  • How can I get my corn to yield twice the crop of last year?
  • Have Tony and Jay produced any films besides "Carrot-Bird?"
  • Is there ANY way I can get rid of these unsightly wrinkles and lines?
  • Please?
  • Who exactly created "Carrot Bird," and why can't I get them out of my mind?
  • Six of one, or half-a-dozen of another?
  • Is "Carrot Bird" a true story?
  • Is all of this somehow connected to the Masons?
  • Can I have a snack?

    So, just what, exactly, is all this Carrot-Bird nonsense about?

    Um...well...y'see there was this tree. And it taught them to count.

    What the heck is a Carrot-Bird anyway?

    The Carrot-Bird is a mythical creature made of wood. It often teaches young college-age men to fly into extended fits of improvisational comedy, which they find appropriate to videotape. These creatures are often found behind Gracies.

    And just what, may I ask, is a "Gracies"?

    No, you may not. Thanks for asking.

    What are those letters...FAQ...what does that mean?

    "FAQ" is an acronym for Frequently Asked Questions. The purpose of this list is to address the usual questions that people usually have about "Carrot-Bird." That way we can devote more of the content of these pages to deep critical analysis of the film.

    So how do you pronounce that? Do you say F-A-Q? Or is it "faqua" or something?, actually, its pronounced /fack/. It rhymes with wack. Or yak. Or miggedy-miggedy-miggedy mack. Come've been browsing the net long enough to know what a FAQ is. For goo'ness sake...

    Is Carrot-Bird a plain-old noun as in, "I have a Carrot-Bird. Its name is Bob." or a proper-noun such as "I have a Bob. Its name is Carrot-Bird"?

    That's an interesting question, and one which is difficult to answer. The general feeling is that the Carrot-Bird is a phenomenon in nature, and therefore would not be a proper noun. It would be refered to as "The Carrot-Bird," and not "Carrot-Bird." However, there may be a Carrot-Bird named Carrot-Bird, as this is a particularly large and random universe. We can truthfully say, however, that there are no Carrot-Birds named "Bob."

    So what good does "kickin' it" do?

    Well, that depends, whether you're kickin' it freestyle, kickin' it Old School, or just plain kickin' it. The kickin' it method was used in "Carrot Bird" to varying degrees of effectiveness for the purpose of getting the Carrot Bird to... well, to do something.

    Is it true that MC Shaggity-Shag produced a song about "Carrot Bird"?

    Yeah. It's called "Carrot Bird (It's Where the Mall Is)" and is as yet unreleased, despite Shag's best efforts. The Unofficial Carrot-Bird Fan Page hopes to obtain the rights to a clip from the song so that our fellow MC Shaggity-Shag fans can enjoy it as much as we do.

    May I?

    You most certainly may NOT.

    How can I get my corn to yield twice the crop of last year?

    You'd be surprised how often we get that question. Unfortunately, that's copyrighted information. We suggest asking someone here.

    Have Tony and Jay produced any other films besides "Carrot-Bird?"

    Oh, yes. In addition to the many, many films produced by "Carrot-Bird" co-creators Jay Turner and Tony Paglia seperately, the duo have worked together a number of times in the past. Their collaboration is most known for "Carrot-Bird," but they are also the writers/directors/producers of an earlier film, "Bowling Fun," which has enjoyed little of "Carrot-Bird"'s success. They were planning to produce a stop-motion animated short called "Captain Courageous in 'Numchuk Turmoil'," but the project was canned due to budget and time restraints. Rumors abound about their future collaboration, so please check the UCBN page periodically for updates.

    Is there ANY way I can get rid of these unsightly wrinkles and lines?

    Well, there are skin cremes on the market that attempt to address those issues, but we are not at liberty to discuss them here. Your best bet might just be to visit your family dermatologist and ask him that question. And if all else fails, take some spackle to them bad boys.


    Absolutely not. Cut the begging, for crying out loud. You're embarrassing yourself.

    Who exactly created "Carrot Bird," and why can't I get them out of my mind?

    "Carrot Bird" was made by Tony Paglia and Jay Turner in 1994. It reached cult status soon thereafter. The filmmakers gave us permission to create a website when we pointed out that it was tragic that this film not have a place where it can be appreciated. As for the last part of the question, we believe that that problem stems from some sort of liver infection. You should really get that looked at.

    Six of one, or half-a-dozen of another?

    Six of one.
    (The opinion expressed above does not necessarily represent that of the creators of this site.)

    Is "Carrot Bird" a true story?

    Yes, "Carrot Bird" is a true story in that it has a beginning, middle and end and that it presents the viewer with a conflict that is resolved somewhere (you have to look closely) within the narrative. Did it really happen? Well, if it didn't, then how'd it get on tape, smart-alecky?

    Is all of this somehow connected to the Masons?

    Ummmmm...we'd like to be able to say "no," but the fact of the matter is that it very well could be. Nobody's really saying. What do you expect, asking a question like that?

    Can I have a snack?

    Sure. There's some Triscuits in the cupboard.

    These here questions are making me paranoid. Let's go
    Last updated 4/18/97.
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