Keegan and Momma

This page contains information about me and my momma. Here are a couple of pictures to get things started.

keegan small

Here is a picture of me!

Click on it for a bigger picture.

keegan momma small

Here is a picture of me giving my momma a big wet kiss. Isn't she great. I love my momma!!!

Click on it to see it bigger.

I am in the process of adding to this site. Stay tuned.

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I am a mixture of German Shepherd and Shetland Sheepdog. I was born on December 31, 1991. I am now 6 years old at the end of this year. My momma is great 'cause she always gives me some real steak and lots of treats on my birthday. My life is pretty good. I spend my time chasing the rabbits in my yard and barking at the kids as they pass by my fence. And of course, I tend to this web site. When my momma is home we watch movies and TV together and play with my stuffed animals - Puppy, Bear, and Doggy. Unfortunately some times we play a little rough and my little friends get hurt. Momma says I can't play with Baby any more 'cause I might choke on Baby's stuffing. I don't mind 'cause momma always brings me new friends when she comes home. --News Flash - I now have a new playmate. I have been so good lately that my momma lets me in the house and I get to play with Bootsie. She is a cat but I don't mind. She is fun. I like to make her meow at me. But my momma says she is old and should not be teased too much. I will get a picture of her on this site soon.

powGUESS WHAT!??!?!?!? My Momma finally graduated from MTSU. She now has a BS in Mass Communication as a Recording Industry Major. She is home now for a while but is tying to get a job in her field. She is applying at Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida right now. So until we get things squared away things at this page will be a little slow to be updated. But once we settle in somewhere my momma says we will be able to do a lot of things on this page. Take a look at these links to the school and program that taught my momma so much.

Middle Tennessee State University Home Page

Last semester my momma was an intern at Emerald Sound Studios in Nashville TN. They have a very cool web page. Check it out - -

Emerald Sound Studios

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More than just about anything in this world, momma and I love music. Here are some of our favorite music orientated web sites. Happy surfing.

Check these links Out BMI Searchable song/songwriter database.
List of Songwriting Organizations (General) Roughstock - Hot Country and Western Links
Nashville Songwriter Association International Billboard - Online Everything you need to know about today's music.
Columbia House Hot music, great prices. BR5-49 The best country band around.

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My momma and I are big supporters of the Environmental movement. Here are a few cool links on the web that help make this planet a better place to live.

Check these Links out Greenpeace International - Support this great group.
The White House - make your voice heard. The House of Representatives - Find your congressman.
The Senate - Talk to your Senators and make a difference. The Library of Congress - Check out there great Database.

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Drop me a line if you wish. If you know of similar links that I have listed above, send them to me. I'll check them out and add them soon. Thanks for stopping by. Keegan.

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Copyright 1997/1998/1999 Keegan Inc.--- Credits page will be updated soon. If you feel your site should be on this list email me.

This site is in no way associated with Don Johnson, Nash Bridges, or Miami Vice. This site is only for my personal enjoyment and the entertainment of others. Any copyright infringements is unintentional, please email the above address and any illegal presentation within this site will be removed.

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