BTVS MadLibs!

Before you go any further, open this help page!! It opens in another browser and will help you with the madlibs!

Episode Related:
(The following MadLib stories were taken from the episode guide at the official site. Some changes have
been made of coarse. These madlibs do not intend to offend anyone or anything related to BTVS in any way.)

Submit A MadLib

If you would like to send in a BTVS madlib that you've created to be added to this page, just e-mail it to me! It's takes a lot of time to put the madlibs together with html so I ask that you provide the blank spaces and what type of word(s) to fill them with. I'll do the rest when I add it to the page. For example, you could write a Buffy/Angel romance madlib! As long as it's related to Buffy the Vampire Slayer in some way, and follows all of the rules stated on the main page, it should make it to this page.

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