John Banner

John Banner won America's heart as the world's most lovable Nazi on the long running show Hogan's Heroes.  His famous phrase "I know nothing!" is still a part of culture and has even sparked a small movement. Check out John Banner Knows the Truth for more details.

John Banner was born on January 28, 1910 in Vienna, Austria and died there exactly 63 years later to the day. Although he was Jewish, his accent landed him many roles as Nazis.

He began his acting career in 1942 with the propaganda film Seven Miles From Alcatraz. He later played Rudolf Hess in Operation Eichmann.

He did several TV guest shots and later played Dean Jones' wacky Uncle Latzi in the short-lived sitcom The Chicago Teddy Bears.

John will always be loved and remembered as the lovable Sgt. Schultz. Thanks to TV Land, he is gaining new fans all the time.

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