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It took some time, but I've done it, I've finally done it. I've updated my site. Don't expect anything too new though ;) Anywho, welcome to my website. If you haven't noticed by now I love Marvin the Martian. He's my favorite Looney Tunes character. I've loved him ever since my 7th birthday. That was when I realized that I was sort of alienated from the outside world like Marvin is. He is the only Looney Tunes character I can relate with. Bugs gets on my last nerve! They give him too much publicity, How many people do you know that actually like Bugs. I think they should show more Marvin cartoons on Cartoon Network. And instead of "Bugs & Daffy" have "Marvin & Friends"! Don't you? Daffy is just a tad bit too egotistical for my tastes. He's far too interested with material possesions. Taz is okay. He's my second favorite. I don't like Sylvester and Tweety all that much. But I dislike Sylvester more than I do Tweety. Porky is too hard to understand for my slow-witted mind. Elmer hunts, which I am overall against. Unless it's the ugly animals like cows, pigs and chikens. But I don't mean to say that cows, chickens, and pigs deserve to die, I mean I like "Cow and Chicken", but they're nesscesary for food. But that's just one man's opinion.

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Current Name: Marvin the Martian
Accomplice: Commander K-9
Former Name: Commander X-2
Birthday: June 24, 1948
Home Planet: Mars (of course)
Primary Motive: Blow up Earth (It blocks his view of Venus)
Former Occupation: Door-to-Door salesmartian for Time-Space Books
Commanding Officer: General E=McSquared
Pets: Hugo and Gossamer
Close Combat: ACME Disentigrating Pitsol
Interplanetary Combat: Illudium PU-32 Explosive Space Modulator
Transportation: The Martian Maggot
Dress: Red bodysuit, Green helmet and skirt, Large tennis shoes


< center>Smiley's Insane Poll!

< font face="Comic Sans MS" color="000000"> Do you like Marvin better than Bugs?

YES!!! Insanely so!
He's Okay
Don't Care.
Not Much.
Not Really.
Not at All! I Shouldn't be HERE!

< font face="Comic Sans MS">
Current Results
Now, here is your chance to vote on Marvin. I want your honest to God, 100%, complete truth on this poll (If there's one thing I detest, it's a liar). I have already voted, so I ask you to please do the same. Thanx, once again, for visiting me at my secret home on the web. I hope to see you again soon. Don't be afraid to e-mail me.

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