Sarah Michelle Gellar

Welcome to The Sarah Source! You are the person to arrive at the Sarah Source. This site is plainly dedicated to Sarah's many accomplishments (featuring Buffy The Vampire Slayer of course). So browse around and get to know this (vampire) slayer.


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4.27.99 - Hi. I got a domain! (TWO OF THEM) You can go check them out: The Sarah Source's New Domain, JCCHASEZ.ORG (Dedicated to JC from `N SYNC). Note these sites aren't uploaded yet, but I know you'll enjoy them all. Look through the site before we create version 4.0! (And it's going to be my best, believe me) If you want to be a staff member, (Help out with pictures and news) please e-mail me at and tell me what you want to be. The Sarah Source will get bigger since we will have unlimited space! _
4.15.99 - fixed the awards page a bit. Anyway, we're going to make the pictures section much more neater and easy to browse through, so keep on visiting! Sarah's birthday's coming up, and The Sarah Source is planning a site surprise (no, not a remodel. Everyone LOVES this layout! :). And remember to answer the poll or sign the guestbook so I know what you think about this site. If you have any suggestions or pictures, please put that in the guestbook. But if you bookmarked this page because you loved it (Awww, we're touched), then answer the poll. Remember, your comments count! (A bit on the corny side, but I'm feeling very awake which is strange because it's 11:17 P.M over here)
Sarah's movie, Simply Irrestible will be out in the summertime!*
* means we got the news 1st!